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Can they do that?!?

Started by ground control, February 23, 2011, 11:34:56 PM

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ground control

I was talking with an individual today, discussing the worlds problems, even solved a few when the subject of turkeys came up. Poor guy didn't know. So, after a lengthy conversation he proceeds to tell me that he has several hundred acres that is mainly cattle pasture and incidentally a turkey factory! I asked if he ever hunted it and he said no, he never really got into hunting but had entertained the idea of slipping back there one spring and seeing if he could bust one. I was about to offer some assistance when he mentioned there weren't any birds left. A bit dumbfounded, I inquired as to why. He said that a few years ago the TWRA(Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency) went back there and cannon netted "all" of them to ship them to, he thought, Texas. While I am aware of this practice, I was not aware that they could just go on your property and remove game at their discretion. I asked several questions to clarify what I thought I was hearing. I heard him right, but it seems to me there is something missing. Can they really do that?!?! By the way, I assured him(even bet my life on it) that they didn't get every one and that if he needed future assistance I was more than willing to help. He said he hasn't seen a bird since, and he's out there often with the cattle and cutting hay in the summer. Any thoughts?
"Ground Control to Major Tom: Your circuit's dead, there's something wrong. Can you hear me Major Tom?"


I know they have trapped birds before but I don't see them doing it without permission from the land owner and I don't think they would take birds from TN to TX due to diseases and other factors.
"We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect."
~ Aldo Leopold



why would texas need our birds? and no they will not do that without asking

ground control

Kinda what I thought. He said they told him they were going to an area of Texas that didn't have many of "our" birds. I don't know. All I got to go on is what he told me, keeping in mind that he is more of a farmer and not a hunter.
"Ground Control to Major Tom: Your circuit's dead, there's something wrong. Can you hear me Major Tom?"


The TWRA thinks they are gods or something sometimes.
My question is this, if TWRA thinks they "own" those birds, or deer, then if you hit one of those birds or deer with your car, why dosen't the TWRA pay to have it fixed?


give them a call and see what you can find out.


The dang TWRA can do what ever the heck they want I reckon..
Before all else fails,talk to Jesus


I would believe out of respect for the land owner that they would ask for permission even though the birds are considered the state's (people's)birds.I wanted to offer to let FWC trap my property in Madison county to restock Holmes county,but they had gotten enough birds by the time it occurred to me.


I'm like many of you, i don't think that they would take birds from one state to another....but i do know if like here in Ms. they trap and relocate birds from one area to another. The county i live in does not have a open season because of low turkey population....maybe one day.
Respect the land as well as the game you hunt.


Quote from: Sherrell on February 24, 2011, 08:08:37 AM
I would believe out of respect for the land owner that they would ask for permission even though the birds are considered the state's (people's)birds.

I believe you are correct in that statement.  Wildlife is considered State or The People property and if the DNR wanted to then they could come and trap on your property with or without your permission.  But like Sherrell said, out of respect and consideration towards the landowner I am sure they will ask first before doing so even though they don't have to.

The Iowa DNR use to trap turkeys for years and either sell them to other states or trade them for other wildlife.  Iowa traded for a bunch of River Otters and bobcats to relocate back to the state a few years back and now I wonder if they may of made of mistake in doing so.


trust me they will not do that,they do not think the game is theirs[twra] they know it is the peoples game they just try to manage the resource the best they can for the people. the same people that own the twra by license purchase. you cant judge the twra buy a blanket statement like some have posted here,dont let one bad experience with one bad apple ruin the whole bushell  because in general the twra is a great bunch of fine folks here to helps us, not take away from us.


Wow! Someone traded turkeys for otters and bobcats? Yall got ripped!! LoL I'd send someone new to the bartering table!


Quote from: Covehnter on February 24, 2011, 08:53:38 AM
Wow! Someone traded turkeys for otters and bobcats? Yall got ripped!! LoL I'd send someone new to the bartering table!

That's right... Believe it or not but that would be the Iowa DNR.  Now they are finding that the River Otter is destroying the small stream fish population and the bobcats are playing hell on the turkey population.  We do have some bright individuals working for our State.... NOT!!!

M Sharpe

They can and do ship turkeys to other states and even countries. I had even wondered about Ft. Stewart, here in GA. One year you see turkeys everywhere and then for the next two, you can't even find a track. I know they had something going on with nwtf and planting trees. Of course this is purely speculation on my part.

I'm not a Christian because I'm strong and have it all together. I'm a Christian because I'm weak and admit I need a Saviour!