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The Power Of A Praying Husband.

Started by redarrow, February 25, 2012, 09:48:47 AM

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My wife asked me almost daily to pray for her to find a job.She sent resumes to a bunch of people.Had numerous interviews but no job.She really wanted one particular job but was willing to work anywhere.The job she really wanted was at the Washtenaw Community College.We prayed that God would put her where he wanted her to be.She had the college interview and hadn't been home an hour when she got the call. Unanimous decision 'The job is yours" She is the Administration Assistant To The Head Of Labor Relations And Human Resources.
This morning she sent me this E mail. Hope you enjoy it.

Praying Husband

"Isaac prayed to the LORD on behalf of his wife, because she was barren. The LORD answered his prayer, and his wife Rebekah became pregnant." Genesis 25:21

A praying husband appeals to the Lord for the sake of his wife. He bombards heaven on behalf of his bride with big things, like having babies, and he is consistent in praying for his wife everyday for important matters such as peace and security. Prayer is one of God's select weapons that a husband can wield in defense of his woman. God has called you to be the spiritual warrior of your home, and prayer is your first line of defense. If prayer is compromised, then you have no air support from your heavenly Father. Without prayer covering your home and wife, you and your family are open to blistering assaults from the devil and his demons.

So pray for God's hedge of protection (Job 1:10). The strategy of the stealth enemy is to keep you busy with only a token of prayer on your breath. An overly active man is probably a prayerless man; a man consumed with his own deal is probably a prayerless man; a man absorbed by pride is probably a prayerless man; a man who serves a small God is probably a prayerless man; a man angry at his wife is probably a prayerless man. A husband whose prayers are hindered is a man who knows he needs to pray for his wife, but doesn't. He is a man powerless as a spiritual leader (1 Peter 3:7).
Prayer for your wife leads you to forgive your wife; prayer for your wife leads you to love your wife; and prayer for your wife leads to the abundant life. You cannot pray for your wife and stay mad at her. You cannot pray for your wife and not want to hang out with her, for prayer facilitates intimacy. Prayer changes your heart and hers. Therefore, agree together to schedule a time just to pray (1 Corinthians 7:5), for prayer unleashes the resources and the blessings of God. Satan shudders at the thought of a praying husband. A husband will win the battle for his family if he fights the enemy on his knees. It is a posture of desperation for God that brings victory and reconciliation. Husbands, prayer is your most potent marriage resource.
Therefore, get on your knees and do not get up until you have persevered in prayer for your helpmate. Courageously cry out to God on her behalf. Pray for her inner beauty to be reflected in her gorgeous countenance. Pray for her to feel God's love and security. Pray for her to feel your love, support, and respect. Pray for her to be at peace with God, herself, and you. Pray for her to forgive herself and to love herself. Pray for her to have wisdom and discernment as a wife and a mom. Pray for her to love God and hate sin.

As you pray, see her as God sees her. She is a child of God, and, in Christ, she is holy and acceptable. Thank God for your wife and thank Him for her love for you. Thank Him for her unselfish service. Thank Him that she puts up with your idiosyncrasies. Pray for your wife that she will receive spiritual nourishment from God's Word and spiritual leadership from you. Pray for her daily and deliberately. Pray for her when you are happy, and pray for her when you are sad. However, hang on, because as you pray, neither of you will ever be the same. Prayer for your wife is profitable; it solicits heaven on her behalf.

Taken from the February 25th reading in the 365-day devotional book, "Seeking Daily the Heart of God"... http://bit.ly/bQHNIE


Completely awesome man!

I just read the passage on wives starting with Proverbs 31:10 this am, and it sounds like that is your wife too.

Keep up the good work!
If you must smoke, please use BLACKPOWDER!


For Gibson and Mincey crow calls visit CrowMart at www.crowmart.com  Turkey Guide - Maryland


Awesome post Red. Thanks for sharing this with us. The love of turkey hunting is not the only reason I keep coming back to OG. It's people like you that posts things like this that inspire me just as much.  :cross2:


Congrats to both of you, that's awesome. Thanks for sharing.



Great post! Very happy for your wife! I needed that reminder too.



Very happy for you both,prayers do work!
Give Thanks Unto The Lord,For He Is Good,His Love Endures Forever!

turkey slayer


Congrats on the new job Deb, Happy for you!!! :happy0064:

When I'm not in the woods, I'm honkin on a Blues Harp


Congrats to both of you and glad things worked out. Asking for a little help never hurts and I do it myself on occasion. :bible:


congrats on the job and thanks for the post :bible:


Very nice , Red. That puts in all in perspective. I thank the Lord, daily, for my wife. It is something that needs to be done.. :cross2:
May I assume you're not here to inquire about the alcohol or the tobacco?
If attacked by a mob of clowns, go for the juggler.


Red that is awesome!!!  Tell her congratulations from all of us at OG.  Now tell her that you need some new turkey calls !!!!!   :funnyturkey:
Blessed are the peacemakers for they are the children of God.


That is awesome.  The ultimate command for a man to love his wife is seen in Ephesians 5:25

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.

I am new to the forum and it is awesome to see posts like this.