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Another What Would You Do?

Started by guesswho, January 04, 2012, 08:12:08 PM

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We did the Jake on the last day scenario, now lets do an opening day. 

Your hunting in Georgia on opening day.  In Georgia you get three birds and if you choose to do so you can legally kill all three the same day.  You have three longbeards heads lined up at 25 yards.  Do you pull the trigger and kill all three ending your hunt?  Would it make a difference if it was the last day of your hunt?   
If I'm not back in five minutes, wait longer!
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I personally wouldn't.
I would prefer to extend my season if possible. It might burn me in the end, but I would rather have the one on opening day.
Now last day of the season, I would roll all three if they were that tight together.


i would never have than chance again. however not on opening day. last of season let the flopping start


Dixie Whistler

Opening day, I would probably shoot, especially if I had the opportunity to hunt out of state.  I've never had a chance at multiple birds with one shot before.  If it was getting close to the end of the season, I would shoot for sure. 


Yes. After driving all the way from Mi.


Quote from: chatterbox on January 04, 2012, 08:16:55 PM
I personally wouldn't.
I would prefer to extend my season if possible. It might burn me in the end, but I would rather have the one on opening day.
Now last day of the season, I would roll all three if they were that tight together.

X 2
Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord
:gobble: :gobble:


Deffiantly not on the first day, but if I made it the whole season without killing a turkey they better not line their heads up on the last day. 


For me it is 7 hours to my hunting area one way and usually I only hunt for two days at a time (cost and distance). So yes then I would enjoy a day with the camera and take pictures.


I'd pull the trigger, how often will you get the chance for a triple with one shot.  Although that is a story you probably will never tell because few people will believe it.


If it was there I would take two at least
Thunder Chicken Mafia
This Ain't Hollywood


Every single one of them would be flopping, that would be a once in a lifetime type hunt and opportunity......and I have plenty of friends to help fill their tags and hunt along with to get my spring fix fill through the season. Great ?'s, I like the scenarios.


BAM!!! Would ring out!  Then I would pack up and come to SC to fill my 5 tags here. Grinnin like a mule chewin briars.  A goal to mark off the list that was never written on it. :)
"A turkey hen speaks when she needs to speak, and says what she needs to say, when she needs to say it. So every word a turkey speaks is for a reason." - Rev Zach Farmer


my first thought was no but if it was in Georgia I would probably be on a limited time table and on a few day hunt so Yes I would probably do it.

If I was in state and hunting all season then no
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As an out of state hunter... I just might be Bass fishin' the rest om my trip  ;D
"If You Call Them,They Will Come."


I've only had the opportunity to (legally) take multiple birds with one shot one time, in Kansas a few years ago, and did so. Would I normally, at the first of the season, no, but it was my second trip to Kansas, and I had been hunting hard for several days. I caught 3 gobblers crossing an open field heading toward a roost area. I got ahead of them, and called them toward me. I focused on the lead bird, and yelped to stop them. The first and third birds did stop, but the second walked right beside the lead bird, which I was aiming at. I hesitated perhaps a second, then thought, "why not?", and dropped them both.

As for your scenario, if it was the first day of a several day hunt, no, I wouldn't. If it were the last day of my hunt, or the season, yes. If I had someone along to help me carry them out of the woods. Dang, carrying those 2 birds a half a mile got heavy!  :) Neill