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Your Butterball turkey is Halal certified - MUST READ!!!

Started by lightsoutcalls, November 22, 2011, 03:48:35 PM

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Quote from: aristico on November 23, 2011, 06:45:45 PM
Everyone has a right to believe and live how they wish though.
This is true to a point, but not to a muslim islamic point though, Wes is right that their religion is also their goverment, financing and laws. Sure we have the right to believe and live as we please, just look at whats going on in the world today but in the muslim faith you have no right to believe anything but islam, believe or die is their motto, women have no rights at all, a muslim womans vote is worth a 1/4 of a mans and the husband/father has the right by law to go as far as stoneing their wife/daughter to death for what ever reason they see fit. An American co. like Butterball paying fees to a "certifying organization" to become politicaily correct and cattering to them is just wrong and we should not have anything to do with them, what would happen if Butterball came out and said "We process every bird after preying in the name of Jesus" ( I for one would think it was cool), just think of the backlash from that.
Before all else fails,talk to Jesus


Quote from: aristico on November 23, 2011, 08:03:23 PM
Again let me clarify....My point is not to defend Islam or that I believe in the Koran or what it stands for. My point is that there is no need to offend someone just because they don't believe in what you do. Should I refuse service to any Muslim that walks into my business because I don't believe in their religion? That sounds very 1950's and 60's Deep South to me.......Plus I would soon be looking for a nice bridge to live under.....
are you passive aggressively calling me racist don't try to drag what happened in the 50's and 60's into this because the is no similarties i assure you
we all need to understand whats really at stake here our very way of life and our life it's not just another religion they want to rule the world weather it is by force or population the end result is the same look at whats happening in Europe with the countries over their allowing shariah law do you want your daughter to marry a Muslim and get stoned to death for going outside without her face covered or your grandchild getting his hand cutoff for stealing a piece of gum the constitution and shariah law can not coexist they are polar opposites


TO say that the scum bags at the top are the problem is the problem is not accurate, just look at regions bank.  They started charging fees for their accounts and had some back lash.  When the consumers (like my self) fled the company to another bank not charging fees, they recended the fees and refunded them.  The bank I went to said they were getting a flood of regions customers due to the fees.  I chose not to continue the use of regions bank.  That is capitalism at work.  I had the choice to bank with whomever I wanted based on what I felt in my best intrerist.  They tried to regain my business, but I chose another bank who did not charge me fees.  Try doing that with all these liberal policies and agendas.  Not going to happen.
Certified Wildlife Biologist


These things tend to work themselves out.  The statement..."They receive a constant stream of funds to support Islamic projects which contribute to the advancement of sharia (Islamic law) here and around the world." needs to be backed up with a verifiable source.  I don't buy it.

More info...



I lived in the Middle East for two years.  Sharia law blows, so does Islam.  If that offends you, whatever.
A man fires a rifle for many years, and he goes to war. And afterward he turns the rifle in at the armory, and he believes he's finished with the rifle. But no matter what else he might do with his hands, love a woman, build a house, change his son's diaper; his hands remember the rifle.


Quote from: CASH on November 24, 2011, 08:53:40 AM
I lived in the Middle East for two years.  Sharia law blows, so does Islam.  If that offends you, whatever.

well said man happy thanks giving


Quote from: gob09 on November 24, 2011, 11:48:17 AM
Quote from: CASH on November 24, 2011, 08:53:40 AM
I lived in the Middle East for two years.  Sharia law blows, so does Islam.  If that offends you, whatever.

well said man happy thanks giving


Quote from: aristico on November 23, 2011, 08:03:23 PM
Again let me clarify....My point is not to defend Islam or that I believe in the Koran or what it stands for. My point is that there is no need to offend someone just because they don't believe in what you do. Should I refuse service to any Muslim that walks into my business because I don't believe in their religion? That sounds very 1950's and 60's Deep South to me.......Plus I would soon be looking for a nice bridge to live under.....
do you share your gift for being offended with everyone or just muslims or librals causes
sounds very libral and progresive to me
and ya know what they say bout librals


If you must smoke, please use BLACKPOWDER!



Quote from: Flydown on November 24, 2011, 01:14:50 PM
Quote from: flintlock on November 24, 2011, 12:44:11 PM
No more butterballs for us.

I agree. Never again.
i had ham for thanksgiving and it was very good. i hope everyone enjoyed this day of thanks with family and friends


Hmm... If I owned Butterball I'd hire an Iman to sell to Muslims, a Jewish Rabbi to make it kosher and whatever else I needed to do to sell turkeys. If I wanted to convert them to Christianity I'd live a life of love, mercy and grace, like Jesus said to do.


your right i should not have wrote that, but also like you said earlier i call it like i see it and i have to say what was writen earlier looks like librelism to me. if im wrong or offended you i dont really care .but if you are libral dont worry its not your fault libralism is a mental disorder there is help.
with all the politcal correctness going around and worrying about hurting someones feelings is whats wrong with a lot of folks today.
i dont care what anyone else says or thinks about me or my life i've had a hard one and it wont change how i live or believe
i may be some back woods redneck hillbilly or whatever you want to call it. i do know this much paying a muslim to cut the throat of a turkey while facing meca is a sacrificial killing to a false god. and it's wrong in my eyes for an american company to do that . you think a muslim company would pay a priest to bless the turkeys? heck no they would'nt. they would cut the priests head off and send it to his family.
there is not a hateful bone in my body and tolerence is over rated i have many black and mexican friends some even hunt with me but i cant get any muslims to go not sure why.

all kidding aside there koran tells them to cut yours and my  head off . when my friends and family are over there fighting the so called extremist and the rest of the so called peace loving religon stands by and says nothing. i have a huge problem with that and you should to
i guess we will have to agree to disa gree on this one


Quote from: gob09 on November 24, 2011, 07:30:09 PM
your right i should not have wrote that, but also like you said earlier i call it like i see it and i have to say what was writen earlier looks like librelism to me. if im wrong or offended you i dont really care .but if you are libral dont worry its not your fault libralism is a mental disorder there is help.
with all the politcal correctness going around and worrying about hurting someones feelings is whats wrong with a lot of folks today.
i dont care what anyone else says or thinks about me or my life i've had a hard one and it wont change how i live or believe
i may be some back woods redneck hillbilly or whatever you want to call it. i do know this much paying a muslim to cut the throat of a turkey while facing meca is a sacrificial killing to a false god. and it's wrong in my eyes for an american company to do that . you think a muslim company would pay a priest to bless the turkeys? heck no they would'nt. they would cut the priests head off and send it to his family.
there is not a hateful bone in my body and tolerence is over rated i have many black and mexican friends some even hunt with me but i cant get any muslims to go not sure why.

all kidding aside there koran tells them to cut yours and my  head off . when my friends and family are over there fighting the so called extremist and the rest of the so called peace loving religon stands by and says nothing. i have a huge problem with that and you should to
i guess we will have to agree to disa gree on this one
And the dynamite goes boom,,,,,Well said Wes....
Before all else fails,talk to Jesus


Quote from: aristico on November 24, 2011, 04:33:31 PM
I get offended by people who preach hatred and intolerance.

Then why are you quick to defend islam.  They are quite a bit more intolerant than 95% of most americans.
Certified Wildlife Biologist