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Son has been dealt another set back

Started by wildturkey6, September 26, 2011, 03:30:59 PM

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Some of you fine friends may remember last year that my step son Frank was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma. He had 4 tumors in his brain and the cancer had gotten into all his lymp nods as well as his blood. Well he made it through all the chemo and radiation with the help of yours and many others prayers. The doctors gave him a clean bill of health in March of this year.
Sad to say it did not last for long, on Sept 23 which just so happened to be his 40the birthday the doctors told him the cancer has returned. He now has 2 moretumors on his brain and several lesions about his body that need to be removed.
  He is going under the cyber knife again tommorrow for the brain tumors and we are hoping all goes well. They are rightly concerned about the dose of radiation he is to receive because it has been such a short time since the last radiation was administered.

Please if you will say a prayer for him as you all did last time when he needed it so badly.

Thank you and God Bless Terry Thompson  aka wildturkey6


Prayers said and sent. May the Lord be with Frank this time, as he was last time. I pray that the surgeon's hand be guided by the Lord's hands, and that the radiation is not overpowering, and cures Frank once and for all. Believe in miracles. They happen everyday. God bless Frank and the family....Mike :bible: :cross2:
May I assume you're not here to inquire about the alcohol or the tobacco?
If attacked by a mob of clowns, go for the juggler.


Absolutely, prayers will be said.
He has been given a clean bill of health one time, and I will pray for a permanently clean one.
God will hear our prayers.


Prayers for your son, you and your family coming from my wife Carolyn and myself.

Gobble Nole

turkey slayer


Praying for your son and the whole family. :jesus-cross:





So sorry to hear that my friend--may daily prayers will be for God's healing hands to be on him.


K nee mail sent. Medical science can only go so far, then there's God. :jesus-cross:
Take Care and be blessed,

College Students


May the Lord guide the Dr's , care for your son ,and give comfort to your family . God Bless.  :cross2:
2016-2017-2018-2019-2020- 2021
Six time Old Gobbler Contest Champions


Prayers sent from the Ferguson household. :bible:
David Ferguson
Eminence, MO
573 226 5939


Prayers sent and God bless your family. :cross2: