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Started by 4nwtf, February 15, 2011, 11:34:11 PM

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Fox Fire

I tried the low carb diet last year and it made me a mental train wreck, after I done some read'n I found out your brain opperates on carbs so if you cut way back on teh carbs your nueron transmitters/recepters dont have fuel to run on and it slows brain funtions, thought process, emotions, and ?? uh ?? OH YEAH! memory. 
   I quit the low carb bit and now eat liek a cave man, if it aint fresh meat, fruits and vegies I (try to) stay away from it (but I love my biscuts in the mornin), nothin thats processed, no colas (ok, one in the mornin) very little bread, try to take in only natural sugar(whats in fruits and the like, liek sme one said STAY AWAT FROM HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP...ITS BAD STUFF) nothin out of a box or wrapper.
  When I go to the store what I buy for me is found on the outside edges, walk the sides and you'll find meats(the less legs it has the better it is for you), vegies, and fruits,  Ive learned to pick thru labels, even if it sez 100% fruit juice it aint, so water and home brewed green tea is what I drink mostly.
  My last D.O.T. physical I was at 345, I just got off the scales and was 326, some improvements have been made and this is done with only just some changes in eat'n habits, I have tried do'n some aerobics with my wife (dont ya'll be spread'n that rumor around) but only a little but enuff I can tell its get'n easier, I bought the P90X and rite now I cant touch it, but will later on.

I know I aint done much but its  a start, anyone want to start a therad, a challenge or what ever to see what can be accomplished here since were on the subject, maybe post a weigh in and set a goal for what improvements, mile stones or weight loss we'd like to acheive ?


Quote from: Fox Fire on February 16, 2011, 09:15:01 PM
I tried the low carb diet last year and it made me a mental train wreck, after I done some read'n I found out your brain opperates on carbs so if you cut way back on teh carbs your nueron transmitters/recepters dont have fuel to run on and it slows brain funtions, thought process, emotions, and ?? uh ?? OH YEAH! memory. 
   I quit the low carb bit and now eat liek a cave man, if it aint fresh meat, fruits and vegies I (try to) stay away from it (but I love my biscuts in the mornin), nothin thats processed, no colas (ok, one in the mornin) very little bread, try to take in only natural sugar(whats in fruits and the like, liek sme one said STAY AWAT FROM HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP...ITS BAD STUFF) nothin out of a box or wrapper.
  When I go to the store what I buy for me is found on the outside edges, walk the sides and you'll find meats(the less legs it has the better it is for you), vegies, and fruits,  Ive learned to pick thru labels, even if it sez 100% fruit juice it aint, so water and home brewed green tea is what I drink mostly.
  My last D.O.T. physical I was at 345, I just got off the scales and was 326, some improvements have been made and this is done with only just some changes in eat'n habits, I have tried do'n some aerobics with my wife (dont ya'll be spread'n that rumor around) but only a little but enuff I can tell its get'n easier, I bought the P90X and rite now I cant touch it, but will later on.

I know I aint done much but its  a start, anyone want to start a therad, a challenge or what ever to see what can be accomplished here since were on the subject, maybe post a weigh in and set a goal for what improvements, mile stones or weight loss we'd like to acheive ?

I think it is great what you are doing......... :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright:


I am on the defensive tackle plan so I am 6 foot 1 and weight 290 lbs. 2 years ago I was perfect linebacker size at 220 lbs. I got burnt out between the gym and work so I aint been back in 2 years. I was running 4 miles a day and weight training but to heck with that!!  Got to get fat sooner or later.

Fox Fire

At this point I aint do'n nothin but changed my eat'n habits, and even eat somethings I dont need but have cut way back on the fast food,colas, fried anything, only taters I eat are sweet taters.  Most of the time I try to eat breakfast at home, eggs or steel cut oats with some honey, take my lunch( meat, lots a vegies, always a apple, banana, grape fruit or what ever you like and some organic yogurt for a sweet) to work so I dont stop for the cheeze burger (and I love a cheeze burger), dont founder at supper time.  I try to eat enuff to cover the palm of my hand about every 3 hours, this takes get'n used to but your stomach will shrink some, your metabolic rate dont fluctuate so much, and you get a even energy burn all day.

I've dabbled in some exersize to see how it goes, word of warning...if you have some serious size like me dont get carried away with the aerobics, its easy to hurt yourself (personal expereince) so I'm gonna go easy and just start walk'n and maybe some aerobics with wifey till more weight comes off, my motor skills stink so the moves :jackson: are akward for me, but get;n better at it tho.


Since I started this guess I should add a little more.  In October 2010 I weighed 311.  Currently I'm weighing in at 258.  I would like to get back to about 220.  I get 20-30 minutes of cardio and about an hour to an hour and a half on the weights 4-5 days a week.  Of course I am fairly strict on my diet and drink 120+ ounces of water a day and no soft drinks. 

Fox Fire

Good progress man, keep up the good work.


I'm not out of shape...round is a shape :happy0064:

Seriously, I just started a couch to 5K program after taking a three year break from working out/running...during those three years I put on about 50 pounds...now I have to lose 'em....  It finally reached the point where my size and lack of cardio vascular conditioning is having a negative impact on things I love to do, and that is scary, not to mention the health concerns....My goal weight is 225 ( I have a thick frame, and a lot of muscle mass naturally) by the start of next turkey season (gonna go after a Gould's when I hit the goal) :anim_65:
In God we trust; all others pay cash.


One thing we all need to remember is that it didn't happen over night and won't go away fast.  Set realistic goals and stay the course!!


yeah, by start of NEXT turkey season I am hoping to lose 50 pounds by March 2012, roughly 13 months...may not happen though.
In God we trust; all others pay cash.


Do 12 oz curls count as working out?  :z-paddy-smiley113:


I'm with you guys.  I'm 6'8" 260lbs. Played Division I baseball at The University of Maryland and was in the best shape of my life at that point at about 225lbs. After I graduated I cursed even the thought of working out. Being forced to do it for so long really made me hate it. Now 7 years later at 29 years old I feel, and look like crap. I actually started P90X just last night and I must say it is comparable intensity wise to some workouts I did while in college. I have alot going on the next week so, so my plan is to do each of the first week about every other day, to help work out alot of the soreness. Then on the 28th I'm going to start the program from day 1 and never look back. I'm also going all out on the diet as well. IMO, they both go hand in hand. GOOD LUCK to everyone!!!


I started p90X about 4 weeks ago.  No doubt I will be in good shape after this brutal 90 days.  I could stand to lose about 10-15 lbs.  If it really works, I will take some shirtless pics with my turkeys this year...... not really, this is a kid friendly site
People who don't get it, don't get that they don't get it.


This time last year I weighed in at a mere 365 pounds!! I weighed this morning and i'm down to 294, I've lost all of mine doing low carb for the most part. I found that for me it was the only way I could stay on a diet, I dont do very good with portion control. And Praise God for Carb Smart Ice Cream Bars!!!! I'm trying to get to 240 before the end of summer, just kinda take it one day at a time.
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.(John 10:10)


I think one key that really helps is to get somebody to work out with. 

Romans 8:37

Fox Fire

 :you_rock: Ice cream bars ??...wher ??  I love me some ice cream bars.

Any of you guys into bicycles, I've debated on hunt'n off of one this year, its good exercise, ther quiet, go anywher, plus if your as big as I am you get to practice fix'n flats. :happy0064: