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Started by 4nwtf, February 15, 2011, 11:34:11 PM

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Quote from: Peck1524 on February 17, 2011, 01:16:45 PM
I'm with you guys.  I'm 6'8" 260lbs. Played Division I baseball at The University of Maryland and was in the best shape of my life at that point at about 225lbs. After I graduated I cursed even the thought of working out. Being forced to do it for so long really made me hate it. Now 7 years later at 29 years old I feel, and look like crap. I actually started P90X just last night and I must say it is comparable intensity wise to some workouts I did while in college. I have alot going on the next week so, so my plan is to do each of the first week about every other day, to help work out alot of the soreness. Then on the 28th I'm going to start the program from day 1 and never look back. I'm also going all out on the diet as well. IMO, they both go hand in hand. GOOD LUCK to everyone!!!

Glad to her you are on the P90X..........Good luck bud!!!!  I think it is the only thing I have ever truly believed in, that was advertised on TV.


I've been able to lose 42lbs since last Sept.  I got a bad report on chlosterol and triglycerides from the Doc.  I stopped eating anything fried, switched to diet soda, no sweets, and no fast food.  I went from 212 to 170 and I am 5'9.  At one time I weighed 225 so I'm actually 55lbs less than I was 3 years ago.  I mostly eat baked chicken and fish(both baked on a rack so the fat drips out), along with steamed veggies.  I highly reccommend the once a week splurges.  I have done that the entire time and it helps tremendously with burnout.  Hopefully everything is back to normal when I go to the Doc March 2nd or he will want to put me on a pill and I really don't want that.


I am just starting my routine to get into shape to run and gun. Mine is pretty simple although it works for me.
Cut down on portion sizes for my meals, jog every other night 1-3 miles. If your burning more calories than you taking in you lose weight. Running gets me in shape to climb the hills.

Good luck to all.

Fox Fire

The fried foods was kind of a hang up for me, I'm from Tenessee for cry'n out loud, everything we eat is fried,  think'n its a federal law but I aint sure.

It take some effort to clean up the eat'n, it did for me anyway, after a while its all I can do to choke down a piece of fish, not be'n a big fan of it anyway makes it even harder, I cram it in and the more I chew the bigger it gets.

Steamed vegies aint so bad but I have to find ways to add some flavor, its rather bland to say the least.

The cheat meal is mandatory, my motto...sometimes a mans just gotta have a cheese burger.


 :begging: Dang!! You boys are some bigguns. I feel anemic at 200#s.

Fox Fire


Checkin in to see how you guys doing p90x are making out? I started full bore on Monday and am feelilng pretty good so far. I did the week one workouts over a two week period and am surprised how much more I am able to do this week. Pretty darn sore today, but it feels good. Started my nutrition plan on Monday as well and I've been eating excellent. Sticking to a 50/30/20 (protein/carbs/fats) approach. While I love the workouts and how good I feel after completing them, I promise you if I ever run into Tony Horton on the street I'm getting at least one good upercut in........


Quote from: Fox Fire on February 17, 2011, 10:10:33 PM
Any of you guys into bicycles, I've debated on hunt'n off of one this year, its good exercise, ther quiet, go anywher, plus if your as big as I am you get to practice fix'n flats. :happy0064:

Me and my buddy use mountain bikes to get back into to the land we hunt. Cuts a good 30 minutes of the trip in there.



SO FAR I'VE GAINED 10 LBS  !! :newmascot:


I haven't been on the scales in a while, so I'm not sure how much weight I've lost but I do know that I have lost 9" in my waist and my strength is returning.  Any updates from anyone else?


I've been trying to walk myself back into shape for about a month. Got heart problems and know I've got more blockages now. Have been able to push through the chest pains, but not working now. I've had two open heart surgeries and have 6 stints and suppose to have about 7 more as need. The open heart does not work for me. The bypasses close right back up. Last time I had 5 and they closed up withing a month. That's why the stints. Anyway went and listened yesterday morning and was all I could do to get back out. Had to lean against a tree about every 10steps. Going to call the cardiologist  Monday and pray for the best. If things go right I'll be back in the woods in about 4days and going strong by April. 4th opener. I was trying to put it off till after turkey season, but I can't hunt if I can't walk these hills.


Down to 185 now.  Been hitting the gym hard and still am doing a good bit of cardio.  Having a good diet is #1 imo.  You can have do all the workouts under the sun, but if your still eating like crap your not helping yourself. 
"Champions don't make excuses, they make plays." - Richard Seymour.


Also for the folks that say the low carb diet made you feel like crap, it will, but should only be for a while. 

When your on a "low carb" diet, you need to be eating more fats.  Also every 7-10 days I will have a carb day to recycle the carbs so my body isn't getting used to running on low carb which could cause it to slow my metabolism down. 

I consider a low carb intake of anything under 100 grams of carbs a day.  On the days I weight lift I try to get over 100 grams of carbs, days Im not weight lifting I eat under 100 grams, usually around 70grams. 
"Champions don't make excuses, they make plays." - Richard Seymour.


I liked stinkpinkle's post.  It had a lot of good info in it - avoidance of high fructose corn syrup, whole grains when able, etc.  I'm not a big believer in the low carb diet.  I burn too many calories with my exercise program and need to replace glycogen regularly.  I do tend to eat natural sugars and complex carbs rather than more refined types (raw vegetables, certain fruits, etc).  I think it's also important to target daily caloric intake above basal energy expenditures (resting metabolic rate) to avoid the starvation adaptation (storage of calories as fat and use of protein for calories) which decreases lean body mass and increases % of body fat.  Basal energy expenditures can be calculated or measured.  Many of the calorie counters on the internet use the calculated number to give you your target.  I recommend www.livestrong.com for my patients since it's non-proprietary and can be purchased as an app for your phone.  There are some health clubs and other sources that offer a measured value which gives you a better determination of the actual target. 

I think it's important you find an exercise program that is fun and keeps you coming back.  I'm a biker.  More so road than mountain these days.  This past year I trained for and road what's promoted as the longest UCF sanctioned one day road race in the US from Logan, UT to Jackson, WY (LOTOJA).  206 miles.  It's a long day of riding.  I haven't yet decided if I'm committing another summer to that kind of training.  I tend to do less resistance training during the summer and increase the high intensity riding.  During the winter I base train primarily and lift more.  I'm sort of in the transition right now trying to drop both some muscle mass and body fat. 


i was finally able to bench 315 lbs yesterday.  That puts me back to where I was at about 3 years ago before i fattened up and became lazy again.  I have also lost another inch in my waist (10" so far).  I would like to lose another 30 or so lbs so I am on a 1870 calorie diet.