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Started by CASH, September 09, 2011, 10:45:33 PM

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I was into bow hunting that year and had slipped off to scout some National forest ,,, while on my way back I heard it on the radio,   all I knew to do was to go to the Church and open it up , ( I think it was a Monday) (what ever the day it was not a time to normally open the Church).   After a little while people just started showing up and praying ,  most I knew , some where strangers.   
Romans 8:37


I was in Germany working on my tank in the motorpool when a friend of mine got a call on his cell phone.  The next thing I remember, we where signing for weapons and ammo to pull guard duty for the next 30 days.  Then, well its been a rollercoaster ever since....that day definitely changed my life forever.

:smiley-patriotic-flagwaver-an  FREEDOM IS NOT FREE   :smiley-patriotic-flagwaver-an


Malachi 3:12
"And all nations will call you blessed, for you will be a delightful land," says the LORD of hosts.


hauling eggs in a juncky truck with no radio. Got to the hatchery and they were telling me about it when another guy came running in saying the other tower had been hit. Haven't cried today until I started typing this. I'm hurt just as much when I see that flop eared bastard talking about it as I was then. "GOD BLESS AMERICA"!!!!!! :smiley-patriotic-flagwaver-an :smiley-patriotic-flagwaver-an. I never served in the military and I don't see how anybody that has can take it. Thanks to all that has

Old Gobbler

I was doing my UPS route and happend to pass by the front window of Radio Shack , Ill never forget the crowd of shocked folks gathering around and looking at the TVs in the front of the store - At first it reminded me of  the event that happened back during WW2 when a bomber plane flew into the Empire state building by accident , right then and there the second plane crashed right into the second tower - and there everyone then realized this was a terrorist attack but who?  

:wave:  OG .....DRAMA FREE .....



I was in training with the PSP mounted unit, we were prepairing for the WTO that was going to be held in Washington D.C. My unit was activated for security for the crash site of United flight #93. I arrived at the crash site at 1400, my first shift was 29 hours long. What I saw in the next two weeks changed my life forever. I have pic's of the crash scene that the world will never see. Pic's of the weapons the hijackers used and more.

It is hard for me to believe that ten years have passed, to me it is like yesterday.
Don't gobble at me...

Snoody Bastid

It seems like yesterday that I was in the meal room of the 4_ pct Detective Squad office in the South Bronx enjoying my first cup of coffee before I got to my cases when I saw the first plane hit on the TV. I thought it was an accident until I saw the second plane in the air. I wanted to grab a vehicle and go downtown because my brother worked in one of the towers, but they wouldn't let any of us go(we wound up going later on that night). They wanted us at the local hospitals debriefing any victims who might have walked in (like we could get any valuable intell from them). I spent the next 7-8 months sifting through the wreckage & debris of the WTC at the Staten Island landfill  using a rake & garden hoe looking for evidence and body parts (which I found much of). Even though I worked in one of the most downtrodden, crime-ridden ghettos for my whole 20 years with the NYPD, the WTC evidence recovery, and the things I saw and lifted out of the debris still haunt me. I still remember that smell. One day when I was at the entrance I saw a Falconeer with a bird of his arm. He told me they hired him to chase the seagulls away from the idling dump trucks filled with the debris lined up waiting to enter. Seems the gulls were attracted to the human remains which were mixed in with the wreckage in the back of those trucks. Bad day..


I had just gotten home from a 48 hour shift at the firehouse. I was exhausted and took a nap. My girlfriend called me after the first plane hit. I turned on the TV to watch the coverage. Then the second plane hit. I was wide awake, and watched the disaster unfold.
Today, on the 10 year anniversary of 9-11, I am on duty at my firehouse. My thoughts are of the 343 brothers who made the ultimate sacrifice while saving lives, and of all of our brave soldiers who have given their lives for our country since that day. NEVER forget!!!


I am a local 1 plumber NYC and I was working on 72nd st and york avenue that day. One of the carpenters was the first to hear it on his radio and said a plane just hit the trade center. I remember saying they will give anybody a pilots license. Then shortly after we hear that the second tower was hit. At that moment I called Friend of mine another forman for my company who I new was working in a hospital in Staten Island that day he had access to the roof with a direct view of down town manhatten. I was on the phone with him when the first tower fell, I could believe what he had just told me. At that point obviosly we are thinking of who we know that would be there ( In the towers and obviosly it was many) Now i new it was time for me and my guys to get out of dodge, so a few of jumped into my truck and actually headed north figuring that south was out of the question as everything was shut down. i managed to get out of the city and into NJ witch was to me a safer place to be. At that time I lived on Staten Island and I figured if i slip all the way around through NJ I could get back Home. mind you at this time cell phones are out and nobody knows where I went or were I am. i managed to get all the way to the outer bridge witch leads to SI and is ten minutes from my home. And that is where i stayed for the next 15 hours on the overpass, all bridges and tunnels into NY were closed. We managed to get some calls out to some people to let them know we were out. But calls were limited. The next day emergency services were allowing a few vehicles at a time to go in and i managed to be one off them. At that point we made it home only to hear of how many people we know who nobody had heard from yet. Then the waiting games began waiting to hear from friend and family. I think If your from here all have friends and family lost that day. I guess its something that none of us will ever forget no matter were we live. Kinda like that Alan Jackson song where were you when the world stopped turning.  My story is not much compared to some of my friends and family stories as i do have many NYPD and FDNY family memers and friends.   Thanks for listening guys. Hard to believe its been a decade already.