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Wal-Mart...yeah they suck...

Started by tiggere, August 20, 2011, 10:28:34 AM

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Guys this is from one of the local fishing forums I am on...its enough to make you sick really...if they will do this to fishermen then they will do it to hunters...they have already pulled guns out of every Wal-Mart around us...time to support your local tackle/hunting shops...they sell the same license for the same price and their selection of products is going to be better for not that much more money...


I thought everybody knew. I posted a couple of times before. Walmart uses the money they make on fishing gear, ammo and guns where they still sell them to support just about every anti they are. Please be aware of the dog food companies also. there's only two or three that don't support all the anties. Purina is a major contributor. Besides that there products are not good for your animals. If you see the word SOY in the ingredients its a rip off. If we are going to ever turn this thing around we must get educated and educate others. Thanks for sharing that

Old Gobbler

Not knocking the folks that work there , but the corporate agenda of walmart is to make as much money selling products regardless of where the products originate from - You can bet the farm if they don't care that American economy is hurting , they sure dont care about hunters /fishermen - half the junk in that department is from china anyway 

Many of the economic issues we face today are in part due to the unfair trade agreements made years ago, and Walmart is one of the worst culprits -
:wave:  OG .....DRAMA FREE .....



I agree with both the above Posts Wal mart and other large retailers will sell America out.,but what will happen when the dollar falls farther you may not be able to afford walmart or any of the others.

turkey slayer

sad but true! As long as they make money the big companies dont give a rip!


they don't have to abide by our patents eather. they can make anything we make and sell it to us,


One of the better posts as it shows how China and others are doing what they said they would do in my youth. The statement was made that they would take over this nation and never fire a shot! Walmart prices are not that much better than any other big box store but I dislike their take over in communities and they put the stores in even if they are not wanted. They have helped ruin and move many American manufacturing companies to China to make more from your wallet while shutting down the hard working mom and pop stores that have made this nation. We need to stop the supporting of foreign nations through the stores that sell their wares. Only "WE" can stop this insane take over!


I make it my life long work to NEVER buy anything from walmart.

They are by far the worst company in the United States.......aside from the junk they sell they treat the employees with utter disrespect.

Support your local hunting and fishing outfit.....a little more for a good product is a small price to pay.
Sometimes...all a man has left is his dog.....


Still my favorite place to shop.  They still have a good return policy and some of the best prices storewide on all their merchanise vs a lot of the other stores that sucker you in their stores with the good buys in hopes of getting you to buy the other items that they have overpriced.


I would rather take a butt whooping than step foot in a Wal-Mart!


Quote from: Flydown on August 23, 2011, 03:21:55 PM
I would rather take a butt whooping than step foot in a Wal-Mart!

That's where all the hot ladies hang out...sometimes literally.  It's like the state fair every day. 

Dylan T

Quote from: bad0351 on August 22, 2011, 06:41:21 PM
I make it my life long work to NEVER buy anything from walmart.

They are by far the worst company in the United States.......aside from the junk they sell they treat the employees with utter disrespect.

Support your local hunting and fishing outfit.....a little more for a good product is a small price to pay.

Agree 100%. Even if the place has good prices and everything you need. I'm always embarrased when I shop there.



Places like WalMart and shopping malls have made "downtown USA" look like ghost towns.
  I'm willing to pay more and drive farther to a mom and pop business than to a block away WalMart.
Take Care and be blessed,

College Students


That company has basically performed a takeover of America. Next to petroleum and utility companies they are huge. A lot of stores were put out of business and are still falling but the consumers share the blame along with nafta. I buy no guns from Walmart and avoid it as much as possible.
"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail"


It's just like college football.  When your ranked #1, a lot of folks are gonna hate you.   :lol: