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Pinhoti calls

Started by slave601, February 02, 2024, 06:26:47 AM

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Ross R

Ive Hardly seen him use a pot call in his videos.   


Quote from: slave601 on February 09, 2024, 09:31:46 AM
I just thought the pot calls on his website looked high quality and if he were to put his name on it they had to at least be capable of sounding good. Never woulda thought that it would have gotten this much attention lol. The man definitely has a hate club I wasn't aware of
There is a soundfile of the walnut glass call on - you guessed it - YouTube.  Type in "pinhoti pot call" in the search bar.  It sounds to me like it will call turkeys as well as most other calls.  Hope this helps.




From 7 to 11 huh Bedge7767 lol

Howie g

11 pages and still not a fair offer on my pinhoti underwear .




I dont consider a forum like this to be mainstream social media. Forums of this genre, truly focused on campfire style convo and education, arent focused on photos and chest beating. That goes for any sport or hobby forums, i.e.bodybuilding or fishing, etc.

Its the "look at me" narcissism drug that is killing turkey hunting and the pinhoti types are the dealers and brand reps of this drug making money and fame off the addicts.

I will not support social media influencers but im sure that call is just as good as a tom teaser or any other mass produced pot call.


Quote from: white0ak on February 10, 2024, 06:06:18 AM
I dont consider a forum like this to be mainstream social media. Forums of this genre, truly focused on campfire style convo and education, arent focused on photos and chest beating. That goes for any sport or hobby forums, i.e.bodybuilding or fishing, etc.

Its the "look at me" narcissism drug that is killing turkey hunting and the pinhoti types are the dealers and brand reps of this drug making money and fame off the addicts.

I will not support social media influencers but im sure that call is just as good as a tom teaser or any other mass produced pot call.



Quote from: mookyj on February 04, 2024, 12:48:33 PM
Wow, such a long thread full of envy, and self-orbits. According to some replying here, anyone who promotes turkey hunting in any fashion is pimping turkeys.  A rather lame exercise of "my turkeys, my spots." Very much in keeping with the tree-hugger preservationist folks, wanting it all to themselves, no changes, no newcomers, ever on public grounds no less... 

If the self-serving amongst us had it their way, final say. over a hundred years ago, there never would have been enough interest or critical mass of hunters, of community to ever witness the success of trap and transfer, wildlife management/research initiatives, and a grand era of increasing carrying capacities that resulted in a peak we once saw in the 1990s and early 2000s. The antis and birders refuse to pay for wildlife management as we all know, unless it excludes hunting. Seriously, in this thread, there is a full stop short of thinking it all the way through.   Growth and interest in the resource and turkey hunting is what brought turkeys back from near extinction and it took folks promoting the resource and conservation practices to make it happen. Blame it on the magazines, book authors of the day. Maybe a sitting president.

In CNY where I live, there is a ton of state land, where I seldom see another hunter, and very few trucks parked. I encountered far more hunters two decades ago. If we have it your way, the interest and the money will wither away on the vine, and we can revisit the 1930s-1950s all over again.  Where exactly do you think the funding is coming from to pay for the research in untangling and mitigating the declines from a perfect storm of all causes?  From hunters that want nobody else  hunting "their birds" on "their public lands?"

The video personality that some of you upset folks single out, is one of the few that publishes the good, and the not-so-much in a defeated gobbler. Far from the 100% kill fests and never-ending infomercial offerings. Gets his butt handed to him in many of the episodes I've seen, just like we all do, and not wall-to-wall hawking products.  Truth be told if the nay-sayers here had the opportunity to hunt that many states each season, and make some kind of living with it, they would..  Since when is he the first to have calls made on contract?  Would any call makers here be upset with him calling you up for an order? It can be said he promotes turkey hunting in a positive light even if he is killing "YOUR turkeys..."  Pinhoti Apocalypse, Dave behind every tree...? Envy much?    I remember silly drama like this in grade school. I digress.

"My turkeys" way of thinking deters future generations and does little to nothing to encourage them.  I might label that as selfish, self-interest.  I'll continue to be "selfish" in my writings, and books in the hope I might encourage others to enjoy the turkey woods as I do, God forbid, even the very public turkey woods I so enjoy...

Beings as I read through this whole thing and there is a sincere interest in getting this to 12 pages, I couldn't help but join in. The above comment is the comment of the year for me. That basically says everything I wanted to say.

I too have seen a couple of my public land spots hunted while enjoying the latest YouTube video. The next year I wasn't within 100 miles of that place and then you hear what a zoo it was. No kidding...Meanwhile, I didn't see a Hunter where I was. Use the laziness of other hunters to your advantage and like has been said "adapt."

Also, give me another vote for laughing at the bashing of social media while using social media. Just because you don't "consider" it social media doesn't mean it's not. It's literally in the name. This is media, and as a group we all partake in it making it "social".

One last note...where does the anger on "pimping out turkeys for profit" end? It appears it's only confined to YouTube? Anyone who makes calls (which is what this post was about in case anyone forgot) should also be stoned to death? Hey they're making profit from turkeys and turkey hunters! How dare they!!! That is completely unacceptable! Is Shannon, the site owner, also in trouble here? Hey he's making money from turkeys and turkey hunters. GASP!!! Camouflage makers? Man they've been raking us over the coals for years for profit and we don't even need it most of the time! Again...unacceptable!!!

I like public land turkey hunting so I watch public land turkey hunting. I don't know what some of you watch? Desperate housewives maybe??? More reruns of the office??

I wish like hell I could quit my job and hunt for a living. People are hateful, hypocritical and jealous in nature. None of that becomes more obvious than when one of these posts show up.

I just said this in a previous comment but life is too short to worry about what someone on the internet is going to say. Some of you need to find a way to deal with your hate, jealousy and discontent.


This is hilarious! There's some serious Bootlickin' going on in this thread! Wonder if Super Dave's read all of this......Worship ON!!!

Sent from my SM-S908U using Tapatalk

Blessed are the peacemakers for they are the children of God.


Guaranteed knelling gobbler on leg bottomland hero pics for many here.  Learn to hunt for yourself. Hunt because you love it. Not because you need confirmation from strangers. It's now a competition these days between men when it should only be a competition between you and The gobbler. Kill one and dont tell anyone.....then see if it's still fun


I ordered two Pinoti calls last week.  Hope that aggravates this forum's elite. Since I've chased the big birds since before any of the THP group (and many others here) were born I'll get over it.  Repeatedly hear about recruiting new hunters but I guess that must now be qualified with "unless they're hunting turkeys on MY public land".  These threads always enter the cartoon stage at some point.  Bingo -  this is now in the cartoon category.  Congrats.




Laugh until you frustrate yourself into a mental breakdown.  ADAPT.  Things aren't going to change.  A good chance at a bird is the goal.  The day's of three bird limits and no quotas are coming to an end .  Live with it or take up golf .


Quote from: POk3s on February 13, 2024, 11:20:32 AM
Beings as I read through this whole thing and there is a sincere interest in getting this to 12 pages

Not if you took the under :smiley-char092:
Stand still, and consider the wonderous works of God  Job:37:14