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casey anthony found NOT GUILTY!

Started by busta biggun, July 05, 2011, 02:30:16 PM

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Quote from: guesswho on July 05, 2011, 05:22:29 PM
Quote from: sugarray on July 05, 2011, 02:53:56 PM
Remember it is not whether or not she truly did it, it is whether the state can PROVE it.
The last Judge she will have to face has a different set of rules.

Unfricking believable! ???

You got that right brother.  :bible:


Her actions lying all thru this was enough to get her found guilty, but I guess not. Unbelievable.


The wife and I watched it on Nacey Grace when it first happened, you could just tell as the story unfolded that she had something to with it. I told the wife it would go to trial and they would screw it up! Well, Its a shame she got by so easy!! Whats wrong with the system?


There is nothing wrong with the system folks and it is working exactly the way it is suppose to.  The prosecution has to prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that she killed her own daughter.  The prosecution failed to do that plain and simple.  I firmly believe that she is guilty as sin for killing her daughter but you can't find a person guilty on speculation and beliefs.  You have to have proof and so until then a person is presumed innocent.

I surely hope that Caylee is resting in Peace, God Bless Her Soul.

Old Gobbler

She is living on borrowed time, and borrowed money

She will end up back in jail , insane asylum , or found dead in some hotel room a couple years from now  from drugs or some other ill gotten manner - 

Likely she will have mental problems from all the stress , and hounding from the press- these news guys are going to hound her till the gates of hell - we are talking night and day phone calls  , around the clock surveillance , the will keep on her until she cracks  - Not to mention the folks that would like to take a 600 yard shot at her

She will have to change her name and move to Mars to keep away from them - other than that I don't see any employment opportunities other than "working the street"

:wave:  OG .....DRAMA FREE .....


busta biggun

I agree with you Shannon. I also agree with Bird. It is really hard for the jury. They have to have evidence she killed her kid and apparently that wasn't there. Just a lot of circumstantial stuff. They can't put her in jail for being a heartless liar. But regardless, she will face justice one way or the other. She may be glad today that she was found not guilty, but she may soon wish she was back in jail.


We got OJ'd again ! When the juice gets out they can look for Zanni together,oh,I forgot she was make believe.Maybe she can help the juice look for the drug heads that killed Ms .OJ and Ron Goldman. The horror !
"Well, the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but that they know so much that isn't so." – Ronald Reagan


Quote from: Old Gobbler on July 05, 2011, 08:47:06 PM
She is living on borrowed time, and borrowed money

She will end up back in jail , insane asylum , or found dead in some hotel room a couple years from now  from drugs or some other ill gotten manner - 

Likely she will have mental problems from all the stress , and hounding from the press- these news guys are going to hound her till the gates of hell - we are talking night and day phone calls  , around the clock surveillance , the will keep on her until she cracks  - Not to mention the folks that would like to take a 600 yard shot at her

She will have to change her name and move to Mars to keep away from them - other than that I don't see any employment opportunities other than "working the street"

I agree, to the victor go the spoils .
"Well, the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but that they know so much that isn't so." – Ronald Reagan


Quote from: bird on July 05, 2011, 07:57:27 PM
There is nothing wrong with the system folks and it is working exactly the way it is suppose to.  The prosecution has to prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that she killed her own daughter.  The prosecution failed to do that plain and simple.  I firmly believe that she is guilty as sin for killing her daughter but you can't find a person guilty on speculation and beliefs.  You have to have proof and so until then a person is presumed innocent.

I surely hope that Caylee is resting in Peace, God Bless Her Soul.

A very BIG difference between "reasonable doubt" and a "shadow of a doubt".  The jury obviously didn't understand this either.  Another joke verdict from a generation that watches to much TV.


I heard some of the Jurors have children.....I know of a individual in Orlando Florida who may be free Thursday and can assist in any BABY SITTING.I think that is the least they could do for her is offer a personal job.


this case and OJ's case have nothing in common. There was plenty of hard evidence aganst him and also a race issue. He was high profile before the crime and there were jury issues. They had 3 years to find some evidence to tie this woman to a crime. They could not do it. Being a pathetic lier and a heartless mom don't connect you to a crime. She didn't seem to me to be smart enough to erase all the evidence of a crime. I believe she did it but I didn't watch the case so the media is what makes me believe it. Why so much attention on this case anyway? Children are murdered every day. Maybe to divert our attention away from the real problems. My question is will they keep working on it to try and see if maybe someone else was involved or just close it.


Quote from: bird on July 05, 2011, 07:57:27 PM
There is nothing wrong with the system folks and it is working exactly the way it is suppose to.  The prosecution has to prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that she killed her own daughter.  The prosecution failed to do that plain and simple.  I firmly believe that she is guilty as sin for killing her daughter but you can't find a person guilty on speculation and beliefs.  You have to have proof and so until then a person is presumed innocent.

I surely hope that Caylee is resting in Peace, God Bless Her Soul.

I second this 2 fold.

We have a constitution and a bill of rights we govern by don't we? We use it for the 2nd ammendment along with other rights and freedoms. I believe somewhere it states we are intitled to a jury of our piers along with innocent until proven guilty. I don't remember her being charged for ignorance or being a horrible and terrible person?

What if? She is actually guilty of covering up an accidental drowning and her dad even was involved? What if? She was sentenced to death? Is being a bad person, terrible mother, unloving so on and so on. Is all that justifiable for a death penalty?
I think the "WHAT IF" answers all the above.
A jury of her piers has passed judgement. Who are we to second guess?
David Ferguson
Eminence, MO
573 226 5939


Rest in peace little Caylee ! May you fly with the Angels !

                   :angel9: :jesus-cross:


Our founding fathers must be spinning in their graves.  A mental competency test should be included during the jury selection phase in these high profile cases.  At very least they should be asked to explain their concept of the difference between "reasonable doubt" and "shadow of a doubt" before being considered.  This should have applied to the 12 dimwits on the OJ jury as well.  There is no reasonable reason to stuff a dead 2 year old into a trash bag and then lie about it for months unless you participated in her death.       

Old Gobbler

Quote from: joey46 on July 07, 2011, 06:59:24 PM
Our founding fathers must be spinning in their graves.  A mental competency test should be included during the jury selection phase in these high profile cases.  At very least they should be asked to explain their concept of the difference between "reasonable doubt" and "shadow of a doubt" before being considered.  This should have applied to the 12 dimwits on the OJ jury as well.  There is no reasonable reason to stuff a dead 2 year old into a trash bag and then lie about it for months unless you participated in her death.      
I served for a Federal Jury Duty one time , and you should have seen the rest of the jury pool - it looked like they found them down at the bus stop , or the stage off a Jerry Springer episode - most get weeded out , but some idiots slip through the cracks -

I showed up in a suit and tie ,and many of them were wearing the latest in urban ghetto wear , complete with wife beaters and flop flops - scary - You know its a court of law and a privilege  to serve for your country in this way ---and what do they do , show up in flip flops .... someone has likely been a victim or been accused of a of a serious crime and you must show up to pay respect to them when the state or Federal Government deems it fit for them, to have a fair trail by a jury of their peers, show respect-

Same goes if you show up for traffic court, put on your Sunday best to impress the judge , and treat him with the respect he deserves -

It pisses me off that the rest of us have go about our daily lives everyday and there amongst us , is these felons that have played out the system and are right back into society -

-  I am so tired of hearing about these people with multiple DUI's killing someones kid or wife, tired of watching the news to find out that some freak with a long history of mental illness has shot up some busy public place , tired of hearing about some ones dear child comes up missing and it turns out a repeat sex offender has had them - the failure on these types of situations  lays squarely in the hands of politicians that are way to soft on these people - cram their azzes in a jail cell and keep them in there -

I just did a quick search on the FDLE website -  typed in my zipcode and addy and there is 105 sex offenders within a 5 mile radius of my home in Florida   take a look in that site and see why I carry a magnum powered pistol everywhere I go  http://offender.fdle.state.fl.us/offender/Search.jsp  take a look in your home states system for a real eye opener - that's just the sex offenders , wait till you see the figures on the thieving drug addicts also - It disgusts me -
:wave:  OG .....DRAMA FREE .....
