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Started by joey46, July 10, 2023, 02:03:05 AM

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I think PamettoRon nailed the crux of the question, debate or dialogue is good if you approach the issue with an open mind and ear. If we are all saying the same thing them the pool of knowledge does not expand. If there is a different point of view entered into the discussion then knowledge is expanded. It may be an angle you had not thought of or a requirement that you did not know existed. You may not agree with the new point but it give you something to think about and prepare an argument for future discussion. My Dad used to say " no matter how smart you are or how tough you are there is always someone who is a little smarter or a little tougher".


You can always learn something new, and teach something new to someone. A forum is where you give your opinion and listen to others opinion. We don't always have to agree with what is said. This is one of the best forums I've been a part of! Thanks to those running the show. Sometimes we all need to start using the acronym ATD. Agree To Disagree


I suppose I am one of "those" on the fringe so to speak. I accept it. I remain civil and try to not make it personal. If someone takes my belief personally then the best I can do is say that everyone is entitled to their opinion. Truthfully, mine is just that- an opinion. It doesn't mean I'm right -yours doesn't make you right either. I would offer that most everyone on here has an issue of some sort with something somehow releated to Turkey hunting. If you set back passively and maintain " I sure hate to see hunters disagree" or " the antis sure love it when we fight" then the more aggressive will get their way despite a potential majority that oppose. Your presence on here indicates a passion for hunting the wild Turkey and for that hats off and much respect. Discussion leads to thought, thought to education, education to implementation. I want to hear differing opinions. I may not agree. It may make me think and change how I feel. Mines not the only side...
In life and Turkey hunting: Give it a whirl. Everything works once and Nothing works everytime!


Quote from: Prospector on July 13, 2023, 07:48:44 PM
I suppose I am one of "those" on the fringe so to speak. I accept it. I remain civil and try to not make it personal. If someone takes my belief personally then the best I can do is say that everyone is entitled to their opinion. Truthfully, mine is just that- an opinion. It doesn't mean I'm right -yours doesn't make you right either. I would offer that most everyone on here has an issue of some sort with something somehow releated to Turkey hunting. If you set back passively and maintain " I sure hate to see hunters disagree" or " the antis sure love it when we fight" then the more aggressive will get their way despite a potential majority that oppose. Your presence on here indicates a passion for hunting the wild Turkey and for that hats off and much respect. Discussion leads to thought, thought to education, education to implementation. I want to hear differing opinions. I may not agree. It may make me think and change how I feel. Mines not the only side...

Especially well stated.  Words to live by.   :icon_thumright:  :icon_thumright:


Some people are about looking cool to others and some people care about the bird. It should be fairly obvious to see where the two groups you mentioned fall.


I am one who use to visit this site quite often. I learned a lot and throughly enjoyed reading about places and techniques. Got a lot of good useful info. OG got me to try mouth calls again and try types of calls. Also purchase some very nice calls as well. Had a lot of good discussions of different topics.......that all seems to be a very long time ago.

Its seems to have distended to constant complaining about:
YouTubers destroy everything (see above)
Non-residents, loose lips sink ships
Reaping - oh the horror (see above)
We hate NWTF

Look through the general forum see anything that catches your attention? Maybe.

I'll continue to check in but less and less frequently because if I want hear constant complaining and bad news I'll turn on the TV.

Someone mentioned Florida Sportsman magazine dropping their forum section. I use to visit that site regularly. But a few belittled others when information was given freely or people asked questions. Slowly over time only a handful of people still posted........to complain and fuss about what ever they perceived to be destroying their hunting. And now it's no more.

For you all who think YouTube, DNR recruiting or too many loose lips are ruining your hunting. Have any of you used Artificial intelligence apps? OpenAI, ChatGPT or Google Bard? Pop a turkey hunting question, or any question, in there see what you get.

I'm LMAO just thinking about it.

Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend. ...


Quote from: g8rvet on July 10, 2023, 01:17:39 PM
I like coming on here and talking turkey. 

I cannot fathom giving the slightest da** about what anyone else thinks about the way I hunt or the need to defend it to anyone.  The only thing I care less about than that is the way others hunt that don't affect me. 

People whining on a random board have exactly ZERO effect on a State's biological plan for wildlife. Let me restate-ZERO EFFECT.  Unless the person lecturing and whining actually serves on a governing body, their opinions are completely disconnected from the reality of what happens in their state with the sole ability each of us have to go to meetings and have our voice heard.

I usually just stay off the reaping/decoy/TSS threads, except with an occasional smart alec drive-by for humor.  It has all been said before.  Also, the block feature is really effective and easy.

I'm too old to give a dam about what other's think except for keep your business in your own blind.
Vet man how you doing? Hope all is well with you. I've had a very very tough 2 years. But still kicking. Bubba


Sorry to hear that Chief.  Hope you are doing better.  I have all but quit duck hunting in Florida - too many people and not enough birds and not enough energy to get up at 2 in the morning for 2 ringers.  I pretty much enjoy my Canada trip and turkey hunting now.  I know the old forums are down and everything is on Facebook, but I don't look at that much except to see babies and grandbabies. 
Psalms 118v24: This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

El Pavo Grande

I guess I still struggle to understand why discussions or debates on what many consider critical subjects are such a horrible thing within the turkey hunting community.  In today's world, I guess we just "take our ball and go home" when it doesn't suit us.  Until I hear solid arguments that support the POSITIVES with such things as.....posting specific On-X marks to specific turkeys on a FB page with thousands of members, states paying YouTube influencers to promote public land and then reducing opportunity the next year, sharing pictures at WMA signs, etc. to name a few examples.  If we can't discuss these, then apparently we don't have limits.  Convince me of the positives for turkey populations (localized and broad scale) and the future of turkey hunting (opportunities and sustainability), then I'll just go with the flow.  Yet, not one person in many discussions or debates have provided a single positive.  Labeling me or others as jealous or elitists is not a good, sound argument to support any of it.  I struggle with the apathy of "it's just a sign of the times.  Adapt or quit."   That's not acceptable for me personally. 


I don't see any discussions just complaining. Constant complaining.

So what has the complaining accomplish? Nothing. Has all the complaining changed any of this

posting specific On-X marks to specific turkeys on a FB page with thousands of members, states paying YouTube influencers to promote public land and then reducing opportunity the next year, sharing pictures at WMA signs, etc. to name a few examples

The only thing the constant complaining has accomplish is shut down topics like, where I'd like to hunt next, What are good states to travel too, etc. etc.

Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend. ...


Quote from: Crghss on July 17, 2023, 04:23:45 PM

The only thing the constant complaining has accomplish is shut down topics like, where I'd like to hunt next, What are good states to travel too, etc. etc.

Just file me under complainer and Grumpy old SOB. I had one location blown up by Social media types and in two years it got hammered and over killed. The birds left and haven't been back and I think the hoards literally killed every gobbler in the valley, I'm not kidding. They were camping in the roost sites. If you want  to test it just post the GPS of your favorite spot and see what happens.


Quote from: eggshell on July 17, 2023, 04:42:00 PM
Quote from: Crghss on July 17, 2023, 04:23:45 PM

The only thing the constant complaining has accomplish is shut down topics like, where I'd like to hunt next, What are good states to travel too, etc. etc.

Just file me under complainer and Grumpy old SOB. I had one location blown up by Social media types and in two years it got hammered and over killed. The birds left and haven't been back and I think the hoards literally killed every gobbler in the valley, I'm not kidding. They were camping in the roost sites. If you want  to test it just post the GPS of your favorite spot and see what happens.
Feel free to encroach on my spot guys!  (-43.9218052, 171.2380493)


Obvious solution - ban social media.  Won't happen for about a dozen reasons.  Next obvious solutions - shorter seasons and reduced limits - or maybe quota hunts. Don't want to hear any solution that doesn't include the word BAN your heads in the sand. Look at the writing on the wall. You've been dealt a losing hand.


bwhana, I believe that is against forum rules posting other members personal information without permmission. I am reporting it.

El Pavo Grande

Quote from: Crghss on July 17, 2023, 04:23:45 PM
I don't see any discussions just complaining. Constant complaining.

So what has the complaining accomplish? Nothing. Has all the complaining changed any of this

posting specific On-X marks to specific turkeys on a FB page with thousands of members, states paying YouTube influencers to promote public land and then reducing opportunity the next year, sharing pictures at WMA signs, etc. to name a few examples

The only thing the constant complaining has accomplish is shut down topics like, where I'd like to hunt next, What are good states to travel too, etc. etc.

Critiques and opposite opinions of one's own steps on toes.  Feelings get hurt.  That's what I see.  So will change come if it's not discussed?  Absolutely not.  The "oh, shucks" attitude and holding hands around the campfire so as not to offend someone will only lead us farther down a road to the point of no return. 
I think to claim it's nothing but complaining, states that you just don't want to hear those opinions or you find them offensive, because there have been some well presented comments that are far and above complaining.