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Started by joey46, July 10, 2023, 02:03:05 AM

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Wait ,,, so , when my grandpa called me a " nitwit " it wasn't a complement...
Dang it man !!!

Greg Massey

This open forum is a way for people to interact with each other. It's about holding open discussions and sharing knowledge and experiences with our forum members. We all have concerns about the wild turkey and what's going to happen in the future as far as numbers and limits in our home states and counties. Nothing wrong whatsoever with good debate about all the problems we see and face in providing and protecting these resources. I do think people can over react to some of the controversial posts that are made on this forum, sometimes we may have way too much time on our hands for making these type posts. You take for instance a controversial post on this forum will get 5 / 6 pages of replies, while a post about something on how would you hunt this gobbler or what would you do in this situation will be lucky to get 6 / 10 replies from most all of use . As members of this forum, it's up to all of us to take this forum in the right direction. Running away from this forum or saying i just don't post a lot because a few bad apples isn't helping anyone on this forum. AS Shannon has said i have given you a platform now it's up to all of us to keep it DRAMA free with good discussions about all our concerns in hunting these turkeys. Name calling doesn't help anything or anyone on this forum, especially the wild turkeys. Sometimes we all need to look in the mirror and decide if this is the person i want to be today or if I want to do better including myself.. As Tom007 said it's still this best forum with a great bunch of people and i appreciate Shannon for giving us this forum.  So whatever direction this forum takes, just remember your the one taking it in that direction with your post. IMO


So everyone has an opinion on everything, just a fact. Opinions are just that, your view of a certain topic. We dont hate each other because we disagree. If we all agreed 100% of the time we wouldnt need this or learn anything. Post your thoughts, ask your questions, but remember to be civil. Good humans are everywhere and in all places and different areas, just try to be one. I once had one of the most unuseful human beings tell me, " You not liking me and me not caring is like you drinking acid to spite me", lol. True words and I learned a valuable lesson from someone I never valued. See the irony. Just dont lose sight of what this is here and what we are all trying to do. Its our place to celebrate and discuss our turkey hunting ideas and triumphs. Better days are ahead. Z


We are lucky to be our own Stewards in control of our own destiny. Shannon and his wife set the stage for us, and for that we are we grateful. It's now up to us to continue the show....I sure look forward to this long lasting partnership.......
"Solo hunter"


I always think it's funny when when a person complains about another person whom they think is complaining.


Lot of wisdom in this thread. We should all take the high road and police ourselves.

But I have to ask, what is a reaper?
"I remember the gobblers that eluded my best efforts far better than those that I bagged, and I am sure I learned more from them." Earl Groves (from the book TOM FOOLERY 2000)


Gee, I never looked at it that way.
"[T]he changing environment will someday be totally and irrevocably unsuitable for the wild turkey.  Unless mankind precedes the birds in extinction, we probably will not be hunting turkeys for too much longer."  Ken Morgan, "Turkey Hunting, A One Man Game


Many good, constructive comments made above.  I've hung around here for many years (too many, according to some  :D ) and this place has been pretty constant throughout.  To suggest that the "vigorous debates" we have had recently are out of the ordinary, and especially during the off-season...or should I say, right after the end of turkey season when our attitudes might be described as less-than-stellar...would, in itself, be debatable. 

Participation on these forums starts with understanding that we all bring our own personalities to the mix and that a certain level of acceptance, tolerance, and patience is needed to make it work.  Combining all those personalities, as well as recognizing that we all come from different situations and circumstances, and with widely varying histories and outlooks in this turkey hunting passion, and it is easy to see why there are times when any of us can get cranky about something. 

The best advice I can come up with is to keep an attitude of good humor and adhere to the assumption that no one is trying to be offensive in their commentary,...even when it appears that perhaps they are.  In short, we should all be like ducks and just let the water roll off of our backs.  After all, we are all paddling around in the same pond.   :D


If I don't like something, i don't respond, I have only saw one person shut down a few fourms, LFC!!


Quote from: GobbleNut on July 10, 2023, 10:55:26 PM
Many good, constructive comments made above.  I've hung around here for many years (too many, according to some  :D ) and this place has been pretty constant throughout.  To suggest that the "vigorous debates" we have had recently are out of the ordinary, and especially during the off-season...or should I say, right after the end of turkey season when our attitudes might be described as less-than-stellar...would, in itself, be debatable. 

Participation on these forums starts with understanding that we all bring our own personalities to the mix and that a certain level of acceptance, tolerance, and patience is needed to make it work.  Combining all those personalities, as well as recognizing that we all come from different situations and circumstances, and with widely varying histories and outlooks in this turkey hunting passion, and it is easy to see why there are times when any of us can get cranky about something. 

The best advice I can come up with is to keep an attitude of good humor and adhere to the assumption that no one is trying to be offensive in their commentary,...even when it appears that perhaps they are.  In short, we should all be like ducks and just let the water roll off of our backs.  After all, we are all paddling around in the same pond.   :D

This sums it up perfectly.....well done
"Solo hunter"


Quote from: 3bailey3 on July 10, 2023, 11:11:58 PM
.........I have only saw one person shut down a few fourms, LFC!!

The better forums shut HIM down and go on about their merry ways.   This one included.   ;D

Now, THERE..........would be a topic for lively debate !!!    :TooFunny:  :TooFunny:  :TooFunny:

PA elitist since 1979

The good Lord ain't made a gobbler I can't kill.  I just gotta be there at the right time.....  on the day he wants to die.


If your a duck and your swimming in the same pond with other ducks then it's a fair assumption one of the other ducks just pooped in your pond, quack and get over it. It's what ducks do (or in this case turkey hunters), or fly off and look for your own little pond. As an old duck, I have decided it's more fun to swim around with other ducks, and poop in the water too.

Did I interpret that correctly gobblenut?


Civility is the key. So often today, we often discount even listening to another person's opinion. It would behoove us all to acknowledge that none of us is as smart as we might think we are or that someone else is as dense as we might think.

The simplest person you may meet knows things that neither you nor I know.

The status quo is sometimes best left alone, but sometimes challenging something that is legal or even illegal is beneficial even when it's not popular.

I think we need more dialogue and less debate. If you don't want to participate fine. However, adults should be able to have a reasoned dialogue without resorting to childlike name calling.

I'm pretty conservative in my political, religious and hunting views, but I have turkey hunting friends, yes friends, that have very different views. I've actually enjoyed discussing our differences and trying to get them to understand why I think the way that I do. Likewise, I learn a lot about why they think the way they think even though neither of us has shifted much at all. We agree to disagree.

Certainly, we should be able to discuss proposed changes to game laws without losing our minds. I plan on being at a SCDNR public meeting later this month to discuss just that. Hopefully the temperature in the room doesn't mirror the outside.


Quote from: PalmettoRon on July 11, 2023, 08:34:59 AM
Civility is the key. So often today, we often discount even listening to another person's opinion. It would behoove us all to acknowledge that none of us is as smart as we might think we are or that someone else is as dense as we might think.

The simplest person you may meet knows things that neither you nor I know.

The status quo is sometimes best left alone, but sometimes challenging something that is legal or even illegal is beneficial even when it's not popular.

I think we need more dialogue and less debate. If you don't want to participate fine. However, adults should be able to have a reasoned dialogue without resorting to childlike name calling.

I'm pretty conservative in my political, religious and hunting views, but I have turkey hunting friends, yes friends, that have very different views. I've actually enjoyed discussing our differences and trying to get them to understand why I think the way that I do. Likewise, I learn a lot about why they think the way they think even though neither of us has shifted much at all. We agree to disagree.

Certainly, we should be able to discuss proposed changes to game laws without losing our minds. I plan on being at a SCDNR public meeting later this month to discuss just that. Hopefully the temperature in the room doesn't mirror the outside.
Well said, I agree and plan on attending one of the SCDNR upcoming meetings as well and I too hope the temperature in the room doesn't get as hot as it's been outside this week.


Reads like a big time belly aching post belly aching about belly achers. Reaping should be banned by the way. It is a shortcut to a cheap kill and is extremely unsafe.