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Tagged Out in NY

Started by CAPTJJ, May 31, 2023, 11:11:21 AM

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 Managed to fill both of my turkey tags in NY this spring before I headed to Alaska for 5 months of work. Only had 6 days to hunt last year and had several close but they wouldn't commit to the decoys. Had 12 days this year and they were more cooperative.

Opening morning it was pouring rain to start so I had breakfast and started watching the radar, looked to be clearing up by 8am. Headed out and set up near where they had been roosting by 7:45, one gobbled below to the east. He gobbled again but that was it.

Around 8:30 I started hearing faint gobbles off to the west, kept calling and they were getting louder. He then gobbled back at a pilleated woodpecker 2 times, he was fired up. Eventually he is on the flat above gobbling and I shut up, soon I see the red head coming down. He struts about 50 yards away, made a couple clucks, he then spots the decoys and comes down the hill fast.

He was staring right at me in the blind, I  froze and eventually he turned back to the jake and strutted so I  could draw. Shot was good, he ran by the blind and was quickly down in 40 yards, 9:20. 21.75 lbs, 1" spurs and a nub for a beard.

Dead right there 30 yards away...

45# Omega Native, 150 grain Snuffer on CX Maxima Hunter


 So, the birds had been in their usual lull for a few days after gobbling pretty good for a while. Hadn't been able to roost anything and when I did there was nothing talking the next morning, or I would get one to gobble, set up and nothing. Except for late Sunday morning when I left my hide to scout and stretch my legs... and a nice tom came in gobbling like crazy as I was just up the hill. Got back to my spot as he moved off but couldn't get him to come back in, did see him. Thought I missed my chance with only a few more days to hunt before heading to Alaska.

May 9th, my birthday  I was up with the plan to set up before first light right where I shot the tom on the opener, was taking practice shots at 4:30am. Had been seeing lone hens there in the morning and had had some gobbles to owl hoots so knew toms had been roosting nearby. Heard a gobble as I was setting up the blind at 5:08, made a barred owl hoot to see exactly where and he wasn't too far to the west, over the ridge and downhill. The gobbling continued and I tried a few tree yelps and clucks from a glass pot, got an answer. Then I waited until they were on the ground, too far to hear any wing flaps but I could tell when their gobbles sounded further off... and soon I realized there were at least 2.

Sounded like they were getting further away so I cranked it up a bit with some aggressive yelps and cutting, they answered and soon the gobbles were much closer, they were coming. Then I heard them on the hill just above me and spotted them on a small flat, the second tom was strutting with a full fan and I heard spitting. I clucked and purred as they were eyeing the decoys and next they slowly worked their way down. They were pretty hesitant at first, holding up at 20 yards, then the lead tom started toward the jake.

He had a thin and crooked beard and might be a little heavier but the second tom, still holding at the tree line, had a nice long beard and I wanted him. The first tom bumped up against the decoy as the second one started over, first tom is pecking at the deke and the jumps on top and knocks it over. That's when the longer beard comes around behind in strut, quartering to me at 6 yards, I was able to raise to bow undetected with all the commotion, drew and held as he turned and I nailed him right where the 3 lines in the feathers meet, great penetration. The tom ran right by the blind like the opening day tom had, but this one circled right behind the blind, back around out front and face planted right there where he had just walked by, it was crazy, 5:47am. The first tom is still there bewildered, goes over to check his buddy, then keeps strutting and spit/drumming for the next 20 minutes, I enjoyed the show.

The aftermath:

Light tom at 17 1/2 pounds, 10" beard and broken spurs: 3/4 & 1/2":

Perfect shot:

Greg Massey

Congrats, on nice gobblers


Impressive .. with traditional Archery.. you should feel good about those hunts.. I have a hard enough time killing them with a shotgun :)

Would have liked to seen some video ..

RB .. Take me Home Country Roads


Congrats on the stick bow kills, truly impressive. 
Print by Madison Cline, on Flickr


Congratulations on tagging out in NY!
With a stick bow no less! Good for you.


Congrats. Great job especially with traditional.




Congrats on tagging out with a stick bow. Safe sailing when you get to Alaska.

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk


Thanks all. That makes 18 with traditional bows in 10 years since I switched from compounds.

Been in Alaska for 2 weeks and the job is going well, work for Fish and Game at a remote field camp helping study Sockeye and Coho salmon returning to spawn. Fishing for Dolly Varden has been great, the salmon will be here soon enough.


Great report.  Good luck and be safe.



Very impressive, congratulations.

MISSISSIPPI Double beard

They call him...Kenny..Kenny