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Man Killed While Turkey Hunting

Started by Dr Juice, May 10, 2022, 04:37:29 AM

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Quote from: eggshell on May 12, 2022, 06:40:04 AM
There is no doubt in all God's creation what this old boy would do. I would not move an inch except for my lips which would have been yelling, "hey hunter over here!" Then if he didn't acknowledge that I'd yell again and say tell me you see me, then I'd get up and leave". Believe me beyong all doubt I would do this and say the hell with any turkey. I have learned my lessons the hard way and most of you know what that means. Please never assume the other guy will be safe or not do domething stupid.
Nothin' wrong with this approach...

But, I would hope that someone would not mistake a red light for a turkey...  And I have hunted properties with multiple entrances, and would "like" to assume that the other hunter did not know I was there.  (I like to consider myself "stealthy...  that consideration is probably more than reality, but I will assume he does not know I am there until proven otherwise).

I will always start off cordial, and assume a mistake...  If the other hunter is a jackass at that point, I might yell over to my own partner (or my pretend partner if I am hunting alone) "HEY...  WE GOTTA' MOVE, THIS GUY IS NOT MOVING!"
Did I do that?

Fly fishermen are born honest, but they get over it.


Let me tell ya something boys.  Rifle has nothing to do with it.  Toot your fancy man bun 410 shotgun only ever on a turkey all you want.  Fact is., it's legal to use rifles in WV and always has been.   It's what we know, what we were raised on, what has always been normal for us.  A way of life in the world of hunting.  Let me call an example to the table:  in Texas they shoot deer and turkeys from a vehicle or over a feeder with rifles and that's the way it has been forever and is common.  Don't be so quick to jump on the bandwagon against rifles because it's not the way it's done in YOUR state.  This poor kid was shot at very close range, if I had to pick my poison between a rifle and over 300 pellets of TSS coming at me from a 3 1/2  mag, I'm not sure one would be better than the other.  The situation is about a mistake period!  One that resulted in a very unfortunate ending and that's probably what should be focused on the most.

Beards and Hooks

That is tragic, how the heck could someone  mistake a man for a turkey? RIP fellow hunter.

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Quote from: Wvdanimal on May 13, 2022, 10:39:01 PM
Let me tell ya something boys.  Rifle has nothing to do with it.  Toot your fancy man bun 410 shotgun only ever on a turkey all you want.  Fact is., it's legal to use rifles in WV and always has been.   It's what we know, what we were raised on, what has always been normal for us.  A way of life in the world of hunting.  Let me call an example to the table:  in Texas they shoot deer and turkeys from a vehicle or over a feeder with rifles and that's the way it has been forever and is common.  Don't be so quick to jump on the bandwagon against rifles because it's not the way it's done in YOUR state.  This poor kid was shot at very close range, if I had to pick my poison between a rifle and over 300 pellets of TSS coming at me from a 3 1/2  mag, I'm not sure one would be better than the other.  The situation is about a mistake period!  One that resulted in a very unfortunate ending and that's probably what should be focused on the most.

First and foremost we should send prayers to both parties involved.
Let me tell you something.... Just because it's legal doesn't make it right.
I live in VA and it's legal here too but that doesn't mean I have to like it!
Toot on that!!!


Quote from: eggshell on May 12, 2022, 06:40:04 AM
There is no doubt in all God's creation what this old boy would do. I would not move an inch except for my lips which would have been yelling, "hey hunter over here!" Then if he didn't acknowledge that I'd yell again and say tell me you see me, then I'd get up and leave". Believe me beyong all doubt I would do this and say the hell with any turkey. I have learned my lessons the hard way and most of you know what that means. Please never assume the other guy will be safe or not do domething stupid.

Absolutely x2, no movements, just verbal
Stand still, and consider the wonderous works of God  Job:37:14


Quote from: eggshell on May 12, 2022, 06:40:04 AM
There is no doubt in all God's creation what this old boy would do. I would not move an inch except for my lips which would have been yelling, "hey hunter over here!" Then if he didn't acknowledge that I'd yell again and say tell me you see me, then I'd get up and leave". Believe me beyong all doubt I would do this and say the hell with any turkey. I have learned my lessons the hard way and most of you know what that means. Please never assume the other guy will be safe or not do domething stupid.
A good example of why you're right, [mention]eggshell [/mention], last year I was set up under a bird on the roost. Just getting light, bird's on the limb, I'm expecting him to pitch at any minute. I hear noise behind me and turn and look and it's two young boys laughing and cutting up at the bird gobbling; they're obviously super excited. So I start making noises at them and they just keep coming. I don't say anything because I don't want to spook the bird. I just keep making noises and they keep coming. Finally they're on top of me. I literally slap my hand down on the one boy's foot. He comes out of his skin and jumps back and I'll never forget that second boy behind him raised his gun. He didn't have a clue what had happened just that something was on them. I know why I didn't want to scream something out loud (didn't want to spook that bird). But looking back honestly that's my fault. We were within a safety click of something horrible happening and that's my fault. My fault. I'm the older one. I'm the more experienced one in the woods. I've killed a pile and wouldn't matter if I never killed another. I should've started yelling and talking as soon as they came in on me and said screw the bird. Your approach is the right one. I learned it that day and you've reiterated it here. I'll do that every time from here out and won't think twice.

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Quote from: barry on May 14, 2022, 03:52:40 PM
Quote from: Wvdanimal on May 13, 2022, 10:39:01 PM
Let me tell ya something boys.  Rifle has nothing to do with it.  Toot your fancy man bun 410 shotgun only ever on a turkey all you want.  Fact is., it's legal to use rifles in WV and always has been.   It's what we know, what we were raised on, what has always been normal for us.  A way of life in the world of hunting.  Let me call an example to the table:  in Texas they shoot deer and turkeys from a vehicle or over a feeder with rifles and that's the way it has been forever and is common.  Don't be so quick to jump on the bandwagon against rifles because it's not the way it's done in YOUR state.  This poor kid was shot at very close range, if I had to pick my poison between a rifle and over 300 pellets of TSS coming at me from a 3 1/2  mag, I'm not sure one would be better than the other.  The situation is about a mistake period!  One that resulted in a very unfortunate ending and that's probably what should be focused on the most.

First and foremost we should send prayers to both parties involved.
Let me tell you something.... Just because it's legal doesn't make it right.
I live in VA and it's legal here too but that doesn't mean I have to like it!
Toot on that!!!
The, "That's the way it's always been!," might be the dumbest argument ever made. In a world of hyper-realistic decoys where people are running full blown set ups with two or three hens and jakes and a strutter, in a world where people are literally crawling through open pasture with decoys and fans strapped to their heads, there's no way anyone ought to be using tools that extend ranges potentially out to 200yds. I can guarantee you I could smoke a strutter from that distance with the gun used in the case above. No one, no one, should be using tools with those potential ranges in this day and age in a sport that's exceedingly crowded and requires one not wear hunter orange. Again, it's a miracle this doesn't happen more than it does.

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Everybody is a hero in their own world aren't they... internet experts. Rock on


Quote from: ChesterCopperpot on May 14, 2022, 09:46:17 PM
Quote from: barry on May 14, 2022, 03:52:40 PM
Quote from: Wvdanimal on May 13, 2022, 10:39:01 PM
Let me tell ya something boys.  Rifle has nothing to do with it.  Toot your fancy man bun 410 shotgun only ever on a turkey all you want.  Fact is., it's legal to use rifles in WV and always has been.   It's what we know, what we were raised on, what has always been normal for us.  A way of life in the world of hunting.  Let me call an example to the table:  in Texas they shoot deer and turkeys from a vehicle or over a feeder with rifles and that's the way it has been forever and is common.  Don't be so quick to jump on the bandwagon against rifles because it's not the way it's done in YOUR state.  This poor kid was shot at very close range, if I had to pick my poison between a rifle and over 300 pellets of TSS coming at me from a 3 1/2  mag, I'm not sure one would be better than the other.  The situation is about a mistake period!  One that resulted in a very unfortunate ending and that's probably what should be focused on the most.

First and foremost we should send prayers to both parties involved.
Let me tell you something.... Just because it's legal doesn't make it right.
I live in VA and it's legal here too but that doesn't mean I have to like it!
Toot on that!!!
The, "That's the way it's always been!," might be the dumbest argument ever made. In a world of hyper-realistic decoys where people are running full blown set ups with two or three hens and jakes and a strutter, in a world where people are literally crawling through open pasture with decoys and fans strapped to their heads, there's no way anyone ought to be using tools that extend ranges potentially out to 200yds. I can guarantee you I could smoke a strutter from that distance with the gun used in the case above. No one, no one, should be using tools with those potential ranges in this day and age in a sport that's exceedingly crowded and requires one not wear hunter orange. Again, it's a miracle this doesn't happen more than it does.
What part of "shot at close range " are ya not gettin here????  Kinda the point in post genius, nobody said anything about " shot at 200yds " stay w me or get back to watching Opra.

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Quote from: barry on May 14, 2022, 03:52:40 PM
Quote from: Wvdanimal on May 13, 2022, 10:39:01 PM
Let me tell ya something boys.  Rifle has nothing to do with it.  Toot your fancy man bun 410 shotgun only ever on a turkey all you want.  Fact is., it's legal to use rifles in WV and always has been.   It's what we know, what we were raised on, what has always been normal for us.  A way of life in the world of hunting.  Let me call an example to the table:  in Texas they shoot deer and turkeys from a vehicle or over a feeder with rifles and that's the way it has been forever and is common.  Don't be so quick to jump on the bandwagon against rifles because it's not the way it's done in YOUR state.  This poor kid was shot at very close range, if I had to pick my poison between a rifle and over 300 pellets of TSS coming at me from a 3 1/2  mag, I'm not sure one would be better than the other.  The situation is about a mistake period!  One that resulted in a very unfortunate ending and that's probably what should be focused on the most.

First and foremost we should send prayers to both parties involved.
Let me tell you something.... Just because it's legal doesn't make it right.
I live in VA and it's legal here too but that doesn't mean I have to like it!
Toot on that!!!
ok internet warrior if you're that damn special why you using a "shotgun" for turkeys??????  You do know they can kill a man right?????  I've killed many many with a bow and arrow. Oh wait you probably haven't because that "doesn't make it right" huh?  Toot back atcha....


I want to get this one straight.  Because some entrepreneur thought that creating a turkey decoy and was successful in making a ton of money as well as convincing newbies that they could not be successful as turkey hunters without staking a flock of decoys out in front of him, then a hunter from  a state that allows rifles must give up his chosen firearm because he may shoot the decoyer.  I have another take.  Just outlaw decoys and hunt the bird with all of his senses in play.  Just remember that we are talking about girls and what the sight of the right girl would do to our senses.   After all, Turkey hunting is about sex from the turkey's point of view.  Learn how to call.  The simple fact of possessing a caller doesn't make the possessor a proficient turkey caller or turkey hunter.  Be realistic in your calling and you won't need a crutch.
"[T]he changing environment will someday be totally and irrevocably unsuitable for the wild turkey.  Unless mankind precedes the birds in extinction, we probably will not be hunting turkeys for too much longer."  Ken Morgan, "Turkey Hunting, A One Man Game


Quote from: silvestris on May 15, 2022, 12:32:37 AM
I want to get this one straight.  Because some entrepreneur thought that creating a turkey decoy and was successful in making a ton of money as well as convincing newbies that they could not be successful as turkey hunters without staking a flock of decoys out in front of him, then a hunter from  a state that allows rifles must give up his chosen firearm because he may shoot the decoyer.  I have another take.  Just outlaw decoys and hunt the bird with all of his senses in play.  Just remember that we are talking about girls and what the sight of the right girl would do to our senses.   After all, Turkey hunting is about sex from the turkey's point of view.  Learn how to call.  The simple fact of possessing a caller doesn't make the possessor a proficient turkey caller or turkey hunter.  Be realistic in your calling and you won't need a crutch.
I don't hunt decoys but that doesn't alter the fact that the hunting landscape has changed and that many people do. There are plenty of decoys on the market that I'd presume to be strutters and live birds at 200yds first glance through a rifle scope. As far as me, I hunt with a call. I hunt with a shotgun. I kill birds 40 and under. If your argument is that the decoy is the "crutch," what's the rifle? If I hunted with a rifle I wouldn't need to call at all. I'd hunt large fields and shoot birds from the tree line.

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Quote from: ChesterCopperpot on May 15, 2022, 12:49:24 AM
I don't hunt decoys but that doesn't alter the fact that the hunting landscape has changed and that many people do. There are plenty of decoys on the market that I'd presume to be strutters and live birds at 200yds first glance through a rifle scope. As far as me, I hunt with a call. I hunt with a shotgun. I kill birds 40 and under. If your argument is that the decoy is the "crutch," what's the rifle? If I hunted with a rifle I wouldn't need to call at all. I'd hunt large fields and shoot birds from the tree line.

In takes discipline to to decline a shot at a bird that you have failed to earn; I consider an earned bird no farther than 35 yards. The states I hunt don't allow rifles, so I use a shotgun.  If I could use a rifle, I would continue earning my turkeys at the earned range, 35 yards and in.  It is all about character and discipline.
"[T]he changing environment will someday be totally and irrevocably unsuitable for the wild turkey.  Unless mankind precedes the birds in extinction, we probably will not be hunting turkeys for too much longer."  Ken Morgan, "Turkey Hunting, A One Man Game


Quote from: silvestris on May 15, 2022, 12:32:37 AM
I want to get this one straight.  Because some entrepreneur thought that creating a turkey decoy and was successful in making a ton of money as well as convincing newbies that they could not be successful as turkey hunters without staking a flock of decoys out in front of him, then a hunter from  a state that allows rifles must give up his chosen firearm because he may shoot the decoyer.  I have another take.  Just outlaw decoys and hunt the bird with all of his senses in play.  Just remember that we are talking about girls and what the sight of the right girl would do to our senses.   After all, Turkey hunting is about sex from the turkey's point of view.  Learn how to call.  The simple fact of possessing a caller doesn't make the possessor a proficient turkey caller or turkey hunter.  Be realistic in your calling and you won't need a crutch.
That's not even close to getting this one straight? No one has even been killed with a decoy, the bullet from the rifle did in this case. That's such twisted logic, we all know you don't like decoys but to say they should be outlawed because of this tragedy is beyond STUPID.


Quote from: silvestris on May 15, 2022, 02:02:50 AM
In takes discipline to to decline a shot at a bird that you have failed to earn; I consider an earned bird no farther than 35 yards. The states I hunt don't allow rifles, so I use a shotgun.  If I could use a rifle, I would continue earning my turkeys at the earned range, 35 yards and in.  It is all about character and discipline.
If the goal was to get the bird 35yds and under a rifle would be a horrible choice as far as the firearm to take. The sole purpose and advantage of turkey hunting with a rifle is and has always been extended ranges.

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