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The TSS flutter?

Started by bwhana, May 05, 2022, 03:32:06 PM

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Wondering if this is just me, or if others have had the same experience since moving to TSS.  ALL of the birds I've taken since the switch have gone down immediately and barely flutter their wings for a few seconds, if at all.  ALL the birds I took with lead and hevi in the past would go down, but then start flapping wings and flopping around, which always lead to chasing them down before they went off the side of the mountain.


I found it to be 6 of one, half a dozen of the other.
I had some pile up right there on the spot from a TSS Facial and have had some run off (not far mind ya) but I didn't have to run after them.


Same here, about 50/50.   Had one face plant Friday and a Flopper Sunday.   Both about 25 yards.
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Tail Feathers

I've noticed a lot more "no-flop" birds with TSS too.  My theory is that if you take the brain stem out they don't flop.  With the denser patterns TSS provides I think we may be hitting that more often.  Just a theory tho. 
Love to hunt the King of Spring!

Greg Massey

I just like seeing the flop, it's just part of turkey hunting... I find it gratifying.. I'm just old school.... regardless of the shells ..


Ha!! So it's not just me then.  Definite difference that i noticed immediately after I switched.   Instant DRT, I'm not sure when/if I've had any actually flop around that I took with TSS.  No more steppind on heads or tackling and holding down for 5 minutes.  I don't like flop at all.  In WV, one flop can send him over a ridge that you may have to go 100yds to retrieve him.  Same thing in the black hills, shot one on face of a cliff and watched him flop end over end for well over 200yds. 


Maybe a little less flop?  Not definite, did shoot first one with TSS 7.5 for legal reasons, looked like he was hit by lightning!

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I haven't noticed any less flopping with tss verses lead. Some years my turkeys seem to flop all over the place , this year being one of them . Some years , I can't get em to flop. I tend to be more of a neck shooter ....a lot of folks I know went from shooting lead and having never patterned their gun to shooting tss and like wow that's amazing. I had an excellent patterning shotgun prior to tss, and I stomped em dead at varying distances .
"For thy name's sake, O LORD, pardon mine iniquity; for it is great."


My experience with the 20 gauge... went from #6 LBXR to #9 Federal TSS.  With the Longbeards, almost every bird would flop to some extent.  Think I've shot 10 or 11 since switching to the TSS and remember maybe 1 or 2 flopping?  Only paced off one bird at 39 yards, most of my shots are in the 22 to 35 yard range.  All shots with the Longbeard were 35 and under.  My 2 cents.


Its been about 50/50, I like'em flopping personally.  Had one flop like crazy this past Saturday, it was nostalgic.  Wings beating my legs to death with my boot on his head.

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Had one that went down hard and didn't flop at 37 paces earlier this season...with (gasp) LEAD 6s. It's your imagination. They all react a little different regardless of shot. But they are all dead just the same


I haven't noticed much difference. Some drop, some flop with either load. I think it just all depends where the pellets hit the bird.


I had one, with 20 gauge HW#7 shot at 20 steps or less that went down hard.  Then started hopping.  Like all over the place.  No wing flutter, just both backs legs kicking at the same time.  Hopped like 5 times, neck down - obviously dead.  I called it the "hibbidity dibbity".   

Son shot his first bird at 26 steps with 20 g #6 lead.  Flopped over on his back and did two slow leg kicks in the air and never moved again.
Psalms 118v24: This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

WV Flopper

 Been shooting TSS for a few years, haven't seen a difference.


I've killed somewhere between 40-50 with it in the last several seasons.  I'm saying definitely less flop. Not always, however the percentage for me is probably 75% or more of the birds I kill simply fold up and make a few twitches and then done.
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One of my personal current interests is nest predators and how a majority of hunters, where legal bait to the extent of chumming coons.  However once they get the predators concentrated they don't control them.