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Tennessee Public land

Started by Mikehunter, March 13, 2022, 04:34:12 PM

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Hello all, Myself and a couple friends are heading to Tennessee for the opener. We are coming from New York and are looking to camp out in tents on public then hunt. We were thinking Cherokee national, possibly near a lake so we can use kayaks and get away from the pressure. Has anyone ever camped out here? Or does anyone have a better option? Just looking for some info so we have a good trip, thanks in advance!



Brother I understand your intent but do you realize what you're asking? You're brand new, and want someone to let you know where they hunt?
We just did a whole thread on this exact type thing. Social media laziness or something. Where's a good spot where you hunt? See what I'm saying. And no don't tell me. No one is against you but many of these guys, myself included are from an era no one told you anything. The guys here give willingly save where they hunt. I can't seem to move the tread I'm referring to here but I hope you understand

Greg Massey

St. Augustine Strutter

Try this spot out. Loaded with turkeys.  Definitely bring the kayaks.

31.65053, -73.85646

Spitten and drummen



I am simply asking if anyone has camped out there before, not looking for GPS locations. I know how to find birds and was just looking for some insight. Thanks though.


Has anyone camped for turkeys, sure all the time. Sometimes I don't even mess with a tent and just stay in the back of the truck it's more mobile, less set up, and I don't have to worry about theft. I'd imagine camping works the same everywhere

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<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="l4hWuQU"><a href="//imgur.com/l4hWuQU"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


Alright, my "no" may have come off as harsh. I understand how hard it is to go into a new state completely blind and how little information is available for stuff like this. I may regret this in the morning but I've had a few drinks so here you go. I'm usually one that keeps my mouth shut on places but I should also get better about keeping my mouth shut on threads like this. I lucked into a piece of public that for some reason I never saw another truck on (yes it was open to everyone). I heard several and killed one the first morning then moved along.

The onX link wouldn't work so I had to find a way to go through tinyurl.



I'm in NJ (used to live in tennessee) and just fyi-the reason you're getting a hard time is because you have 5 posts. Honestly I do best when I just show up and wing it


If you're tent camping in Cherokee, I hope you enjoy getting ransacked by bears. Place is infested with them.

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Quote from: turkeyfool on March 13, 2022, 09:51:39 PM
I'm in NJ (used to live in tennessee) and just fyi-the reason you're getting a hard time is because you have 5 posts. Honestly I do best when I just show up and wing it

The 5 post thing is a big issue. The man says he can find birds so he's insinuating he's experienced. Never came here to hang though. No one knows him, hasn't contributed. But something is wanted so the question is posed with nothing offered. Not one guy here wants anything but they aren't stupid. Reminds me of sites guys only come to sell something. One sided and makes you question intent.


Quote from: Fdept56 on March 13, 2022, 09:44:35 PM
Alright, my "no" may have come off as harsh. I understand how hard it is to go into a new state completely blind and how little information is available for stuff like this. I may regret this in the morning but I've had a few drinks so here you go. I'm usually one that keeps my mouth shut on places but I should also get better about keeping my mouth shut on threads like this. I lucked into a piece of public that for some reason I never saw another truck on (yes it was open to everyone). I heard several and killed one the first morning then moved along.

The onX link wouldn't work so I had to find a way to go through tinyurl.

Great advice here. I'd recommend the same.


best place to hunt in Tennessee is Cades cove.....