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What is the creepiest/spooking thing you came across in the turkey woods...

Started by Sanders153, March 10, 2022, 09:49:54 PM

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Sioux county, Nebraska.

Parked in the dark on the municipal road and, flashlight in hand, walked a sandy two-track 1/2 mile down through a series of really narrow, deep ravines and road banks.  It was the third, and last, day between the two horrific blizzards of April, 2013.   Hunted til about 9:00 when I froze out and had to go back to the truck to warm up.  There was 15-20 inches of snow everywhere except on the two-track which had been plowed by a grader the morning before.  As I walked back up the two-track, something caught my eye that hadn't been there on my way in.

That's a Gerber Gator for scale.  And, yes.............that's a cat track. 

Very few things.......maybe nothing else I've ever run across whole turkey hunting........gives me the craps like THOSE things.   :help:

PA elitist since 1979

The good Lord ain't made a gobbler I can't kill.  I just gotta be there at the right time.....  on the day he wants to die.


I hesitate to say it because some will think I am crazy but I had a mt lion sneak up behind me once. That was was more erie than anything I have felt. I have found moonshine stills and been within a few yards of black bears several times. Nothing came close to that. 2 coyotes fighting 50 yards in front of me in the dark had my attention but still didn't really put the fear into me.

Good-Looking and Platinum member of the Elitist Club


Quote from: FLGobstopper on March 11, 2022, 09:27:59 AM
Quote from: guesswho on March 11, 2022, 08:36:21 AM
A human leg
Man you can't write something like that and not share more details!
I was turkey hunting in Laurens county Georgia.  Was messing with a gobbler and finally made the decision to let him walk off then reposition.   While I had been messing with that gobbler I saw what looked like the base of a deer antler sticking up.  I thought once I kill this gobbler or he walks off I'll ease over there and pick it up.  After he was a safe distance away I went to pick it up.   What I thought was the base of the antler was actually the hip joint.   Earlier a quarter mile away I found a moonshine still.  You could tell it had been used a few months prior.  I'm not sure if it was related to the leg I found or not.  The Sheriffs came out and investigated the area and hauled off the leg in the back of their car.  I lived in Florida at the time and had to leave the next morning.  I never received a call back.  After a couple weeks I was back up that way turkey hunting.  On the way to camp I stopped at the Sheriffs office in Dublin to get an update.  After several minutes a Cop came out and told me upon further investigation they had determined that it was a deer leg.  I said allrighty then and left.  I figured it was something I wanted no part of.  Here is a picture of the deer leg.
If I'm not back in five minutes, wait longer!
BodonkaDeke Prostaff
MoHo's Prostaff
Do unto others before others do unto you
Official Member Of The Unofficial Firedup Turkey
Calls Prostaff


guess, as a veterinarian who has repaired more than a few deer leg fractures (local wildlife rehab brought them to me and I would try to repair them at no charge) I have a fairly good knowledge of deer anatomy and while I cannot with 100% certainty tell you what that was, I can definitely confirm what you already know.  That ain't no deer leg.

One of my favorite pant soiling stories was my son and I were sitting in our boat on an oxbow of the Mississippi waiting for daylight. We had found some birds there the day before and it was public, so we got there real early on a full moon night. We had our lights off in the woods and I was just sipping coffee, with my gun laid across my lap, unloaded.  I hard a rush of wind and looked up to see an owl fixing to light on the tree stump that was actually my head.  My son let out a yelp and I came up with the gun to swing it at him. I felt the brush of wing on my hand as I warded him off. Scared the heck out of all three of us.  I have seen some serious talon injuries from folks that tangled with owls and hawks.  Would not have been fun. 

I got a little spooked one day in the river swamp when a bird made a sound like I had never heard.  Very eerie sounding.  No birds gobbled that morning and I tried all morning to get closer, but it stayed just out of visual.  Buddy had heard it the same week and I hunted that stretch of swamp another 10 years and never heard it again.  Would love to know what it was. 

I heard a panther scream in 1972 while camping in a screened room with my folks.  I was 10 and it spooked the every loving snot out of me and my brother.  Sounded like a woman getting murdered.  It was on the Weeki Wachee River. I know the year it happened because we watched the Munich Olympics and all that happened on a TV while camping that week. 
Psalms 118v24: This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.


Quote from: gergg on March 11, 2022, 11:21:12 AM
One dark morning in the swamps of South Florida (public land), I was tucked into a large "bush" waiting on daylight near a turkey I had roosted the evening before. It was very quiet, I heard something walking towards me from behind, it was now just breaking light, the "creature" sounded very close and I was sure I could hear it pressing into the bush I was against.....I then heard breathing, and it was getting louder, I could hear the brush moving behind my head, I quickly turned around and inches from my face was a horse head, this horse must have smelled me with all my DEET on....It bolted when I turned and I almost fainted....lol....scared the crap out of me for a second or two. Not 30 minutes after that encounter, a guy shot the gobbler I was set on right off the limb, he was as proud as can be too......crazy morning


i hate horses. i probably would've shot the damn thing

in my days of chasing trophy trout, i was sitting in my truck at like 4AM in june. so foggy you couldn't see 30 feet.  my window is down as i smoke a camel. i look left as i flick an ash out the window and there's a frickin' horse head coming into the cab.  i scream and suddenly there's 3 horses surrounding me.  i blasted music, i honked the horn, i eased the truck forward. nothing would make them move.

after 10 mintues i'm losing patience. i need to get on the stream. suddenly one of the horses plants his maw onto my hood and bites.  when they moved on i got out and saw a 2 inch long bite mark right down to metal.  suddenly a dually comes flying by and i'm flailing my arms to stop them. they fly past and i see their taillights veer sharply left and then right

i caught a 23" brown about an hour later


Quote from: guesswho on March 11, 2022, 07:52:03 PM
Quote from: FLGobstopper on March 11, 2022, 09:27:59 AM
Quote from: guesswho on March 11, 2022, 08:36:21 AM
A human leg
Man you can't write something like that and not share more details!
I was turkey hunting in Laurens county Georgia.  Was messing with a gobbler and finally made the decision to let him walk off then reposition.   While I had been messing with that gobbler I saw what looked like the base of a deer antler sticking up.  I thought once I kill this gobbler or he walks off I'll ease over there and pick it up.  After he was a safe distance away I went to pick it up.   What I thought was the base of the antler was actually the hip joint.   Earlier a quarter mile away I found a moonshine still.  You could tell it had been used a few months prior.  I'm not sure if it was related to the leg I found or not.  The Sheriffs came out and investigated the area and hauled off the leg in the back of their car.  I lived in Florida at the time and had to leave the next morning.  I never received a call back.  After a couple weeks I was back up that way turkey hunting.  On the way to camp I stopped at the Sheriffs office in Dublin to get an update.  After several minutes a Cop came out and told me upon further investigation they had determined that it was a deer leg.  I said allrighty then and left.  I figured it was something I wanted no part of.  Here is a picture of the deer leg.

Wow, guess those boys meant it when they said they would not tolerate any one messing with their still - guess that included humans with "deer legs." You were wise to drop that when you did, that was some bad business going on up on those ridges.
"I said to the Lord, "You are my Master! Everything good thing I have comes from You." (Psalm 16:2)

Romans 6:23, Romans 10:13

Howie g

Several years back myself and buddy where way back in ozarks listening to several gobblers sounding off . While deciding which direction to go we suddenly hear the prettiest sounding female voice I've ever heard singing amazing grace !
She sang the whole song .  It echoed up that valley like it was coming from every direction.  We couldn't believe what we where hearing .  All the gobbling stopped and even the song birds shut up while she sang . But once she stopped , the gobbling started back along with the song birds etc . It was pretty cool experience, but also a lil spooky due to the fact that there isn't a home within miles .
Later that day I found a old fallen down church in a small pasture up that valley .  Never heard her again .


Going into the woods pitch black on a fall hunt one year and someone had dumped some deer carcasses. Didnt think much of it just commented to my friend how stupid it was to dump them where they were. Made it 60yrds or so away and stopped to rest before continuing up a very steep incline that was the best approach to a group of birds we saw roost the evening before. Sitting in the dark with no lights we begin to hear movement in the deep leaves coming towards us, I had forgotten my light in the truck and had not chambered a round as of yet. Both of these things occured to me quickly. What followed was and I hope will always be the scariest thing to ever happen in the woods. A group of coyotes began fighting in the darkness moving closer and farther multiple times. Growling snarling yapping and snapping jaws in the pitch black. We backed in against a downed log and chambered a round in each of our guns. They eventually moved away in the dark still, but we watched carefully until it was light enough to see and missed the fly down.

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Had a sugar glider fly within about 4 inches of my face while bow hunting. Startled me to death. Scariest thing that happened to me is getting attacked by dogs while squirrel hunting when I was a kid.

bear hunter

Walked up on a very large woman with her pants down pooping miles deep in a wilderness area.


Oh yeah I forgot about this one. I shot a gobbler and went out to get it him and when I was walking back to my tree I found a gravestone probably 10-15 feet right behind the tree I was on. It was for a young girl who had died 101 years to the exact day I was there. That kind freaked me out a little bit. Story below if you're interested.

5 or 6 years ago I was hunting a WMA in my neighboring state to the north and as usual struggling a bit. Finally one the 3rd morning I get on a couple good gobbling birds off the edge of this old road. They were in a mature, but relatively open pine stand that had been burned recently and the road ran across the top of this little hill that rolled off into a creek bottom in front of me, the food plot a couple hundred yards to my front left and a thick 6-8yr old stand of planted pines behind me. I had walked this road many times before this day, but this was the first time I had ever seen this particular block get burned. Everything was obviously much more open and from the old road behind me you could now see pretty well, but there was still a lot of remnants of the head high brush paralleled the road all the way over to the short pine stand.

On this morning I heard birds roosted and gobbling in another large creek bottom 400-500 yards away, but I was pretty sure they were going work their way up out of the bottom up into the burn and towards the food plot. So, I picked this spot to set up and hope to call them up to me or catch them working up the old road bed. Sun was at my back, I had some remnants of some thicker burned brush around and behind me and I could see and shoot well out to 40 yds if they came up and crested the slow rolling hill.

Because all the turkeys had already flown down I didn't rush my setup but I made a quick decision and got set as quick as possible just in case a silent bird came sneaking through that burn and would likely pick me off and possibly any other prospects nearby. So, I didn't notice then what I had walked by probably 20-30 times before without ever having an idea it was their due to thick impenetrable brush that had previously occupied this area.

On this day, for once it seemed everything went absolutely according to plan. after a long back and forth with a few gobbling birds I took a beautiful strutter at 28 yds as he came slipping up the old road looking for love. April 3, that day was a beautiful cloudless, cool and crisp morning in the southern woods and as I walked back to my tree I felt a great sense of peace and thankfulness for the Lord, His creation and the entire experience I was so fortunate to have that morning.

It was on that short walk that I finally noticed something sticking up out to the charred ground and remaining brush right behind where I had been sitting just a few moments prior. It looked like an old survey post at first but as I got closer I realized it was broken and the part of it that had broken off was laying on the ground beside it. As I got within 2-3 feet I could see others sticking up in various positions and shapes. Then it hit me, I was standing in the middle of an old burial site.

I stooped down to look at the broken stone and I wiped away some of the dirt and debris on the remaining standing stone. On it was the name of young girl not even a teenager who passed on April 3, 1916. It took me a moment and finally looked at my phone to realize what day it was, April 3, 2017. I went from stone to stone (8 - 10 maybe) reading the names and the inscriptions describing their lives. It appears most all were family members and several past within a short time frame. It was an odd and surreal experience and I felt a both a sense of intrigue about the way of life, the family and land they once occupied and sorrow for the young girl and what appeared to be at least 1 or possibly 2 of her siblings who passed within a very short time.


Quote from: FLGobstopper on March 12, 2022, 12:58:23 AM
I stooped down to look at the broken stone and I wiped away some of the dirt and debris on the remaining standing stone. On it was the name of young girl not even a teenager who passed on April 3, 1916. It took me a moment and finally looked at my phone to realize what day it was, April 3, 2017. I went from stone to stone (8 - 10 maybe) reading the names and the inscriptions describing their lives. It appears most all were family members and several past within a short time frame. It was an odd and surreal experience and I felt a both a sense of intrigue about the way of life, the family and land they once occupied and sorrow for the young girl and what appeared to be at least 1 or possibly 2 of her siblings who passed within a very short time.
Really makes you wonder what caused that considering the Spanish Flu didn't reach the United States until 1918.


Found a meth lab once. Found a prosthetic leg hanging in a tree.
One night we were bowfishing and found a mannequin floating in a log jam.


I hunt a WMA with an active cattle farm on part of it. The one side I like to hunt has an upper field and a lower field.

One spring morning, I walked down the tractor path to the lower field due to hearing gobblers the day before on one of the hill sides down there. Upon walking out that afternoon, there were tracts, in my boot prints, from an unknown animal coming down towards where I was. Possibly a bobcat maybe even a coyote. Kind of creepy not knowing if what ever it was, was following me or not.

Second story ... bow hunting during the fall. On this same WMA you have to cross a field from the parking lot, to get to a gate that leads to the paths for the upper or lower fields. This particular day, a lot of the cows and calves were in the field between the parking area and the gate. Long story short, I had several p!ssed off mamas staring me down, bluff charging me and trying to circle around behind me when I was crossing the field that morning. A lot of hollering and waving my bow trying to get across a 300 yard field. To make matters worse, the gate was open and all the cows and calves went towards the upper field where I was going to hunt that day. BTW cows will stare at you in a tree stand, if they are in the vicinity and see you.

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