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Should New Jersey Set A Max Spring Gobbler Limit?!

Started by quavers59, July 24, 2021, 03:55:10 PM

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If New Jersey wasn't on the map now it probably will be.  This thread almost seems hypocritical.  Not being negative towards anyone on here because I know there are good intentions involved, but many are scouring these threads and learning more about NJ with every post. 


Quote from: Shiloh on July 27, 2021, 08:34:58 AM
If New Jersey wasn't on the map now it probably will be.  This thread almost seems hypocritical.  Not being negative towards anyone on here because I know there are good intentions involved, but many are scouring these threads and learning more about NJ with every post.

I agree that these kinds of threads draw attention to states that might otherwise get less scrutiny in the turkey hunting world.  It is the old "double-edged sword" situation,...a potential management problem that possibly should be addressed gets tossed around on the internet and the next thing you know more folks have that state in mind for a turkey hunting trip. 

The social media problem we have raises its ugly head again,....even when the intentions are good....   :icon_thumright: :)

...And, then again, some of us pointing that out keeps the topic in the headlines!  ...What to do?....  ;D

Tail Feathers

I had heard about the NJ turkey system several years ago.  Sounds like a guy really on the birds could kill a whole slew of 'em each spring. 
I would agree, they should have a max limit of birds.  For the good of turkey hunting in NJ.
Love to hunt the King of Spring!


good luck, Jersey numbers peaked years ago, the state still will sell you permits, but you better have private land to fill the tags.
Print by Madison Cline, on Flickr


Quote from: JeffC on July 27, 2021, 12:19:02 PM
good luck, Jersey numbers peaked years ago, the state still will sell you permits, but you better have private land to fill the tags.

They need to go back and read what I posted. They want to stop hunting all together here. Closing WMA's is a big thing here and there will be more. People don't come to New Jersey, they run from it. Buy them tags up and  You'll have a slew of tags to make a beautiful soup.
"If You Call Them,They Will Come."


   I hope New Jersey officials at least partly follow what has just happened  in Ohio as most hêre are ?ware.
   3 Gobblers as a Max Spring Cap Limit .


When all is said and done, all states should be basing their bag limits on turkey population trends, and especially as to how those correlate to hunter numbers and pressure put on the resource.

Having higher bag limits in a situation where the turkey population is steady or increasing, and where the resource is under-hunted is one thing. Having multiple-gobbler bag limits in a situation where the resource is declining and hunting pressure is excessive is entirely another. I don't have a clue how New Jersey fits into that picture, but it sounds to me like it is perhaps moving from the former more towards the latter. 

There are no doubt places where both of those conditions exist.  However, I believe the situation of an under-hunted resource is becoming less and less prevalent.  Regardless, in any case it should be intuitive to understand that we cannot continue to let ever-increasing hunter numbers kill excessive numbers of a continuingly-decreasing resource.  That should be quite clear to everybody.


Quote from: GobbleNut on August 07, 2021, 09:25:25 AM
When all is said and done, all states should be basing their bag limits on turkey population trends, and especially as to how those correlate to hunter numbers and pressure put on the resource.

Having higher bag limits in a situation where the turkey population is steady or increasing, and where the resource is under-hunted is one thing. Having multiple-gobbler bag limits in a situation where the resource is declining and hunting pressure is excessive is entirely another. I don't have a clue how New Jersey fits into that picture, but it sounds to me like it has perhaps moving from the former more towards the latter. 

There are no doubt places where both of those conditions exist.  However, I believe the situation of an under-hunted resource is becoming less and less prevalent.  Regardless, in any case it should be intuitive to understand that we cannot continue to let ever-increasing hunter numbers kill excessive numbers of a continuingly-decreasing resource.  That should be quite clear to everybody.

As a fellow New Jerseyan, you nailed it perfectly. Our Turkey hunting at least in the Northern/ Mid part of the state is in decline for sure. Lower bag limits should be considered. Great thread


Fellow NJ hunter myself, here's my 2 cents: no one mentioned the benefit of the current system at limiting the amount of hunters hunting a specific week in a specific zone. Sure you can buy all the OTC permits you want but typically they are only available in the zones with limited public access and limited to no turkey population.

I agree the northern part of the state is in trouble and has been for awhile now, I've hunted it my whole life and its very hard to consistently be on turkeys. Knowing this I have a moral thing in my mind if I or someone I know harvests a bird from an area (public or private) I won't go back there that spring even if I can get an OTC permit for that zone.

With that being said I wouldn't be opposed to a 3 bird per turkey season limit or even a 2 bird per season limit per hunter. But thats not really the root cause of the issue. Its the out of whack predator prey balance and sub-prime turkey habitat. Much of the public land isn't right for turkeys. It amazes me any turkeys survive at all with all the coyotes, opossums, foxes, hawks, etc. up in north jersey.


Quote from: bobcat19 on August 08, 2021, 10:16:57 AM
Fellow NJ hunter myself, here's my 2 cents: no one mentioned the benefit of the current system at limiting the amount of hunters hunting a specific week in a specific zone. Sure you can buy all the OTC permits you want but typically they are only available in the zones with limited public access and limited to no turkey population.

I agree the northern part of the state is in trouble and has been for awhile now, I've hunted it my whole life and its very hard to consistently be on turkeys. Knowing this I have a moral thing in my mind if I or someone I know harvests a bird from an area (public or private) I won't go back there that spring even if I can get an OTC permit for that zone.

With that being said I wouldn't be opposed to a 3 bird per turkey season limit or even a 2 bird per season limit per hunter. But thats not really the root cause of the issue. Its the out of whack predator prey balance and sub-prime turkey habitat. Much of the public land isn't right for turkeys. It amazes me any turkeys survive at all with all the coyotes, opossums, foxes, hawks, etc. up in north jersey.

Well said, great facts....it's really a combination of things.......


   Also looking forward to the New Jersey Fall Turkey Season. 1 Jake or Gobbler is quite enough if,I am Lucky.
   Kee- Kee- Run-- BOOM!


   Just read your reply here bobcat19.
   Part of the Problem  with North New Jersey is the obvious  lack of Funds to improve WMAs. Wanaque Wildlife Management  Area is no more and instead that area has been added on Ironworks  State Park.
      Nothing but Black Bears in that area now. Hardly any Deer and No Turkeys. I have the 1992 - Guide To New Jersey's WMA's. Check below.
    Upland Game-  Certain Area are being managed for Upland game species. Not anymore..   Wish,I knew where all that money coming in goes.
   A few years back- the Turkey Check Stations in New Jersey were discontinued.  Personally, I think this was a big mistake. If a Man kills 5 or 6 Gobblers- he may forget to report online #s 4 + 5. Or just choose not to. I miss talking with other Spring Turkey Hunters down at Tackle + Field in Wanaque,NJ.
   I Guess NJ  Fish ,Game,+ Wildlife is short on Money..


   Time for me next week to get my New Jersey Non Resident  Hunting License.  $135.50. Time also to get my Butt into Scouting out the Mountains. Hoping that the Turkey Population  has improved  some over last Spring.
  So Many Black Bears now and not many Turkeys.


Quote from: GobbleNut on July 25, 2021, 02:39:33 PM
Quote from: quavers59 on July 25, 2021, 02:20:04 PM
No Sir Gobblenut- 1 Spring Gobbler is permitted each day. However if that Hunter is succesful on a Monday- that hunter can purchase another turkey permit over the counter " if" more Turkey permits are still available for that " Zone". And this can continue on and on.
  And you can Buy a permit for another Zone as well.
    So yeah- if a hunter is Greedy and has the time and the money- that Spring Hunter can easily buy 15 or more Turkey permits.
  "The System needs to change pronto".

Sounds like it.  How do the rest of your fellow NJ turkey hunters feel about this?  If your opinion is universal among your fellow hunters, the way to affect change is to organize and lobby your DNR to get it done.  (This is one arena where the NWTF clout is a benefit.  If you have a state NWTF chapter, you should contact the leadership and find out where they stand, and if they agree with you, petition the DNR to get things changed)

GobbleNut many of the NJ hunters feel the same. There are guys retired, laid off, contractors that take a month of mornings off as their guys work that kill over a dozen birds a year. I know a fella kills near 20 a year. The money these guys spend trumps wildlife management
The state had asked for suggestions to update the game code. One thing I recommended was this very thing. I think that number might be good. Heck if it went to 2 I couldn't care less but I actually mentioned in my email 3 birds.
Not only is the state screwed up there, I'm deviating but we have no deer bag limits in some spots. It's unlimited does, some places you can kill 2 before you even call in to report, than you're free that second to kill 2 more, and so on and so on.
The baiting is ridiculous. Guys bait deer year round, not to hunt cause anyone baits doesn't hunt anyhow but they use those areas to keep birds nearby. They also bait just for turkey with the premise it's for deer. All nonsense and one reason I primarily stay in NY. Thankfully I'm only 4 houses away from it.
The numbers are really bad around here now. There's one good thing to that though. It's been super rough and that makes pressure disappear as guys won't stick with it. You'll still have the everyday high number guys that will take up what they can as long as allowed.

Ol timer

NO ABSOLUTELY NOT!! When you let your state or states take way your game limits you'll never get them back, here in NJ they took our Black Bear season away why because we let it happen in many ways.
If you want to take less animals hunting it starts with us the hunters we are the only ones that can control the limits of our wildlife's future. Asking a state to take away something is just plane stupid. If you don't like what limits are set at, don't pull the trigger on what ever steps out in front of you or by less permits. I'd rather see NJ change the shell size from #7 being the smallest to #9 and the use of a 410 these laws we can certainly change and get on board with other states already using such laws.