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Shoot a double if it ended your season?

Started by mcw3734, June 07, 2021, 11:01:44 PM

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Just the one, after losing hunting for 17 years every day I can be out there means more to me than it used to. I could care less about bragging rights. I let these guys pass on the last day of the season, to young, not a spur on a one of them. There was one more to the right as well.
Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength. Arnold Schwarzenegger

John Koenig:
"It's better to live as your own man, than as a fool in someone else's dream."

Howie g


Shoot one and get to spend more time in the woods.
Deer see you and think you are a stump. The Old Gobbler sees a stump and thinks it is YOU!


I finished my 24th season on May 30th, and in those 24 seasons I have not shot a double.  I would shoot the double and not think twice about it.
Between owning a 168yr old home and a 3yr old running around, I have more important things to do than intentionally prolonging my season.
That's just where I am at in the current stage of my life.  That way of thinking may change later on down the road.


shoot one and keep hunting

did just that last month. had 2 tags for our 4th season. called 2 in. shot one.  carried bird up the hill and continued hunting out the ridge. called 2 more in. shot one.  i'll leave that property alone next year


Many times in my past, I have let gobblers walk and not pulled the trigger because of the uncertainty of killing more than one.  I would rather not shoot than risk killing multiple birds at one time, much less intentionally pull the trigger twice.  Heck, a few years ago in Texas, I am pretty sure I could have killed my limit of four gobblers with one shot if I had pulled the trigger!  As it was, they never separated so that I could be assured of only shooting one of them, so I let all of them walk.  I can't even begin to count the number of times I could have killed two (or more) gobblers with one shot. 

To summarize my personal position on this matter, I firmly believe that the regulation in every state should be that only one gobbler can be shot a day.  One gobbler shot at a time is "turkey hunting".  Any more than that is just "turkey killing",...and there is no longer room for that kind of attitude under the conditions most of us hunt under nowadays. 

My apologies in advance if this offends anybody,...but that's just the view from here....  :icon_thumright:


That situation one, normal situation I am likely traveling to hunt elsewhere, so if that double sends me off to another place I probably double.

I have never doubled with a shotgun, only the bow.


Shoot only one.....why deprive myself of another hunt?

I fly/drive to other states just to hunt turkeys? Am I going to shoot two at once? That doesn't make any sense.

There's nothing to brag about shooting two at the same time. I'd take no pride in that.
Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend. ...


I shot two in the same day once but it was a situation where I was traveling to a couple more states. However, with the OPs scenario I'd have to go with "B".


Just 1 ,here in NC it's one a day 2 for the season. If I was in a state that it was legal , I

definitely would.


I would shoot one bird and live to hunt another day. I wait to long for it to get here and have no desire to end it fast. Live to enjoy each day in the woods and playing with all my turkey hunting toys.


B...I have done both in the past and the thrill of the hunt, the competition/challenge of trying to beat him at his game, is much more satisfying than Bang and Done!


In your hypothetical just one, everytime. but it's not an option in my home state so I have no proof.

On a trip since many of my out of state ventures are a mere 3 days I'd double if allowable.

I've only hunted 1 state where I was legal and when the opportunity was there I never thought of it because of years of 1 and done for the day.

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I should have said depending upon the situation . I guess.

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B, all day every day.  I won't even double with another hunter.  I don't fault anyone who does so, but it's against how I was raised.  One hunt, one bird period.  No exceptions for me.  But if it makes you happy then more power to you.
If I'm not back in five minutes, wait longer!
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