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OT__________Unknown Shoulder Injury

Started by gatrapper, May 24, 2011, 08:15:17 PM

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I'll try the icing.  Been doing some light stretching before the workout. 

There are some other routes I have heard about to fix my shoulder, but they involve needles and some magical stuff Roger Clemens knows about lol. 
"Champions don't make excuses, they make plays." - Richard Seymour.


Do you feel pain only when doing certain exercises like bench, or does the pain seem to persists throughout your workout routine when doing any lift that is associated with shoulder flexion?


You need to find another doctor.  You need to quit worrying about going up in lifting and worry about finding out what is wrong before you blow something up.  Seems I remember you being fairly young.  It doesn't get better as you get older.  I'm sure Guesswho is looking forward to the surgery he is about to undergo.  He may be looking forward to the results of the correction, but I would guess that prevention would have been anyone's preference.  You don't lift your way out of neck or back problems.  What you can do is lift your way into permanent, life altering problems that have you picking up a disability check because you can't do much of anything else.  Find a doctor that can figure out what is wrong before you need to find a pain management quack that is good at getting you hooked on pain meds.


You might be right about a slight tear in the teres minor. The teres minor and infraspinatus are 2 of the 4 muscles that make up the rotator cuff. Those 2 muscles do external rotation of the shoulder. Most tears of these muscles occur where they attach to the humerus which is near the anterior part of the shoulder and typically will cause pain there when used. Good luck finding out your problem,

RIP Marvin Robbins



Quote from: hobbes on May 25, 2011, 12:34:36 AM
I'm sure Guesswho isn't looking forward to the surgery he is about to undergo.  He may be looking forward to the results of the correction, but I would guess that prevention would have been anyone's preference.  You don't lift your way out of neck or back problems.  What you can do is lift your way into permanent, life altering problems
Listen to Hobbes.  I'm living proof of what working threw the pain will get you.  I'm 50 years old and have been lifting heavy, and very active in sports since I was a teenager.  I've had surgery on both shoulders, again on the left one coming on 6/13, both elbows, left one twice, both hands, right knee and have been told I'm heading for knee replacements and neck surgery.  If I had it to do over again I would lift but it would be much lighter.

Find out the root cause of your ailment, and have it fixed.  If that means switching doctors then switch, and stay away from the Clemens enhancer.  Think about your future also.  It was nice to be able to bench 400 at 200 lbs natural in my prime.   But now I would trade a 250 max for no surgeries and less joint issues.
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That was supposed to say "Guesswho isn't looking forward".  Sorry about that.

My dad had both knees replaced several years ago.  Wow...........I try to take it easy on my knees for fear of his issues being hereditary and needing that myself.  It was worth it to him, but it wasn't much fun for him.


If I'm not back in five minutes, wait longer!
BodonkaDeke Prostaff
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Here are some of the things I think off with your limited description:

Cervical - not as likely due to the MRI, nerve tests.  I would think these would have picked something up if it involved damage to the nerves or impeding the neural pathway.  I would request copy of the MRI's and nerve tests for your own records.  I've had physicians tell people they were fine and find out on a report there was minimal compression to a nerve root that would correlate to he person's symptoms.

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome - this could cause the brachial plexus to become entraped in the chest area from the pectoralis minor/1st rib/clavicle.  Some postural componenets, muscular imbalances could be a contributing factor.  I think a clue would be that with performing the chest press your symptoms seem to get worse.

T4 Syndrome - Irritation at the thoracic vertebra 4 can cause a referral pattern all over the place.  This is located in between your shoulder blades on the spine.

Muscular trigger point to infraspinatus/teres minor - this could cause referral down the arm.  Sometimes a deep tissue massage can work that trigger point or balled up muscle out.  However, if something else is the primary cause of this you may be just addressing the secondary factor of shoulder blade pain.

Probably the things that throw your clinicians off are the lack of feeling and movement which to me would indicate some type of nerve issue.  Also, that it occurs in both arms.  However, you have clear MRI and nerve tests.  Remember, not every test is 100% though.


Now I have full feeling and full movement.  Arm feels good all the time.  Only time I run into problems is when doing any pressing movement.  I will have my left arm just losing its ability to push and I will get some soreness.   Other than that there aren't really any problems.  
"Champions don't make excuses, they make plays." - Richard Seymour.


i wake up with a different ache every day.lifting will do that to you.how old are ya?i wish i could go on the dl like most of these mlb players for having a "tweeked something".


22, going to the doc today @ 2:15 so maybe he'll come up with something new to try lol
"Champions don't make excuses, they make plays." - Richard Seymour.


i have pain similar to yours and the cyoropractor has helped me some..... and ice


it sounds like a muscle/nerve issue.  Find yourself a good rolfer in your area and go.  NOTE... it's painfull, but man does it help.  I always feel wonderful after an appointment.


Seeing a new sports medicine specialist Thursday.
"Champions don't make excuses, they make plays." - Richard Seymour.


I have Bursitis in my right shoulder after a partial tear in the ratator cuff from a Jeep Wreck, after it healed up it starts recurring every spring when I start patterning my pumps, I shot my 835 this year and it felt like it kicked all the way through my shoulder, I usauly have to get a cortizone shot every 1 to 2 years and I'm good to go,Mine acts up in the mornings and when I try to lift something heavy overhead, I went to Tennessee Orthopedic in Nashville and He give me my first shot and within * couple of hours I could tell a difference.