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Public land hunting, Filming & Social Media, Old School Traditional Hunting

Started by ddturkeyhunter, February 18, 2020, 02:19:05 PM

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Just wanted to start a new topic so people didn't feel bad about hi- jacking the old topics. And I wanted to comment on a few past topic but normally just sit back and read and learned. Thats what a good Social Media forum like Old Gobbler dose bring people with  similar interest together, to share view points and ideas. So the reader can read the topic and take what he wants from it and learn from it. So sorry for the bad grammer, run on sentences an paragraphs and everything; I had a poor education. But faults in some areas gives strengths in others.
In one of the past topics Nathan Wiles commented on something that Cove ( I believe is one of the many people that films turkey hunts and uploads them to YouTube) had said. The two of them were discussing filming turkey hunts on public land and Cove said he is very careful not to give out the locations of where the hunt are at. His filming is all about promoting new hunting  areas, and if you don't someday you will be "Waking up to realize its to late to do such things is unacceptable". And Nathan added "Don't wait another minute Tomorrow is not promised nor guaranteed". It was that kind of thinking that started my out state turkey hunting. At age 45 my wife developed cancer, and seven year later she past away. But in that seven year time we did a lot more things then we would have done other wise. But it was during that time my wife told me I should go to Florida turkey hunting, something I had dreamed about. That is where I learned the power of Social media back in 2008 reading things on WMA in florida. Even by that time people in Florida were learning not to give out certain names of WMA. But I zeroed in on a certain WMA and went back a number of years and read all I wanted, once on the internet it is there forever. So if you want to help someone out with information, send it to them in a PM.
Social Media along with YouTube will be there forever, along with any information said on it. There were alot of names of people names mentioned filming turkey hunts in a past topic. The only one that I have watch a bunch of, but not all of them, is the Pinhoti Project, because of time. But the ones I have seen, there was no clues given out that I picked out where he was hunting at, other then the state. And believe me I was watching, I just retired and hope to do more out state hunting and looking for starting points. Daves hunting was different from how I had learned how to hunt, hunting with no decoy. I am a first generation turkey hunter for my family, and only started in 2002 in Central MN. We only had five days to hunt back then and that was by drawing lottery, and we got license every two or three years. So on the off years we drove ten hours to SD Black Hills to hunt.
This is my side of the story of the Old school Traditional hunting way. I already told you I am first generation turkey hunter, so no dad no grandparents to pass any knowledge down. My only teaching was from what I read and the major one the MN DNR mandatory turkey clinic at that time to buy license. And they showed and promoted turkey decoys, to me I didnt think anything of it, people use decoys for ducks, what the difference. So 90 percent of the time I have had some kind of hen decoy out in the past while hunting In the begining when I had and used the old cheep foam decoys. There was many many time when the Toms just walked right past the decoy and came to me the caller anyway. It wasn't untill I got the DSD decoys is where I could tell decoys made a difference. So yes I can see where it can be said a decoy is a crutch to bring them in the last ten yards. Being it was something everyone in my area was doing, because that is how we were explaned how to hunt them,I thought nothing of it. For some of the other crutches including inclosed blinds, yes I use when raining or if I plan on being in one spot all day, especially with kids. Other wise i would prefer having my back against a tree so I can see and hear so much better. As far as for reaping, and how exciting it may be to see if that tom turkey can get close enought to you to wing slap you. I feel No matter where your hunting and how safe you THINK you are it is still very dangerous. And someone is going to be killed someday because of it, and then the antis can use that information to say turkey hunting is so dangerous.
If it wasn't for the Traditional hunting topic and the Pinhoti Project showing there way of trying to harvest a turkey, I may have always carried a decoy around with me most of the time. But being retired now and I will have more time to hunt, I will try hunting with out a decoy more often.
Thats what this place is all about, people shairing there ideas and way of doing things when legal. So a person can take a new idea and add it to his own style of hunting, to make it better or safer for their enjoyment.


Sorry to hear about your wife. :'(
Congrats on your retirement. I hope you get to spend more time in the turkey woods now. As you know there are some purists that criticize those who don't hunt exactly the way they do. Personally, I ignore them. As long as a particular method is legal, and it makes you happy, I say go for it!!
You noted correctly that the Internet is here to stay, along with the good and bad of it when it pertains to turkey hunting. Spot on accurate!! :icon_thumright:
Best of luck this spring.  :fud: :turkey: :turkey: :turkey:

King Cobra

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and bringing light to the fact that some people are born into a certain style of turkey hunting. I hope that forums like this make people aware of different styles and the realization that some are more challenging than others. Thank goodness there is a style for everyone whether you be the young, old, or handicaped.

Its funny that you mentioned the Pinhoti Project, I recently viewed a few of his videos on YouTube and totally enjoyed them. Traditional Turkey Hunting brought to the next level, with a camera. I have great respect for him and his respect for the Noble Bird he is hunting. His passion shines through as he reflects on the hunt and the mental battle that incurred between him and the bird.

I'm not sure what his goals were but The Pinhoti Project in my opinion was a great success.
Thanks to all who share this great passion and the wealth of knowledge you bring to this board.


DDTH it was joint problems and replacement that prompted me to have an appreciation for the time I get to spend in the woods. Not being able to cover ground like I used too really slowed me down so I could appreciate things more. I've not gone out of SC yet but every year I hunt new ground here, mountains, rolling hills, sand hills, Coastal, and swamps. Each area offers a unique challenge, each uncommonly beautiful in its own way. As long the Lord allows there to be another sunrise I'll hope to hear a turkey gobble in the predawn light, everything is just extra.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk


Its too bad that sometimes it take an accident, or old age or some othere tragedy to slow us down to enjoy the simple things in life. Having different areas with mountains, hills, and costal swamps is like going to different states to hunt. Seeing the different critters and trees and vegetation the turkey live in is something. But now when I hear that gobble I know he's getting close.