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This should fire all of us up. Got it in am email and wanted to share

Started by Basser69, May 19, 2011, 11:28:25 AM

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by  Illegal Immigrants

I cross river,

poor and broke,

Take bus, 

see employment folk.

Nice man

treat me good in there,

Say I need

go see Welfare.

Welfare say,

'You come no more,

We send cash

right to your door.'

Welfare checks,

they  make you wealthy,


it keep you healthy!

By and by,

Got plenty money,

Thanks to you, TAXPAYER dummy.

Write to friends

in motherland,

Tell them

'come, fast as you can'

They come in buses

and chevy trucks,

I buy big house

with welfare bucks.

They come here,

we live together,

More welfare checks,

it gets better!

Fourteen families,

they moving in,

But neighbor's patience

wearing thin.

Finally, white guy

moves away,

. .

I buy his house,

and then I say,

'Find more aliens

for house to rent.'

In my yard

I put a tent.

Send for family

they just trash,


But they, too,

draw welfare cash!

Everything is

very good,

Soon we own

whole neighborhood..

We have hobby

it called breeding,

Welfare pay

for baby feeding.

Kids need dentist?

Wife need pills?

We get free!

We got no bills!


He pay all year,

To keep welfare

running here.

We think    America

darn good place!

Too darn good

for white man race.

If they no like us,

they can go,

Got lots of room

in   Mexico


It just makes me sick how true that poem is. As a country are we so worried about hurting someone's feelings that we allow them to walk all over us? I am flat sick of non-taxpayers getting government benefits. I tell you guys what I think. If the government can't learn to spend tax dollars sensibly then I think that the citizens should stop paying taxes. I personaly think that I can do a better job of spending my money than they can. Imagine the power the people would have back if 1,000,000 taxpayers banned together and said enough is enough. :chucknorris:
Jakes are like scotch. They are not worth a darn until they age.


www.harvestmoonmalamutes.com      GIANT Alaskan Malamutes


May I assume you're not here to inquire about the alcohol or the tobacco?
If attacked by a mob of clowns, go for the juggler.

Uncle Bucky

Sad to say being a Christian and all , but a couple Apache helicopters and some infrared scopes,  don't shoot them, just scare the living daylights out of them

Bush's biggest fault in my opinion, not sealing that border after 9/11 and never opening it again, no one would have argued. 

Something if very fishy with ALL in DC, the fence was approved adn paid for and still not finished ?????? 

when almost 85% of Americans want it resolved, why hasn't something been done ?   


"Was that a gobble?":gobble:


Makes me sick for 2 REASONS:, i worked all my life, now have no job, no insurance, cant get prescriptions, gonna lose home in a cpl months, have asked the government for any help at all, there is no help for me cause I worked all my life is my answer  and the other thing is, this poem is about how it is working out for them!! That really grinds my bones!! Were being infiltrated with Mexicans now due to the drilling for gas out of the shale, I felt it a must to go out and buy an impressive cap that says "US Border Patrol", they dont like that.