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Repeat of last spring?

Started by Farmboy27, April 13, 2016, 08:21:22 PM

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Things are shaping up to be a repeat of last spring for me when I hunted 6 days before I heard a gobble. I ended up killing that first bird I heard, a nice 3 year old, and then didn't hear another gobble all spring. This year I heard several birds during a warm spell in the beginning of March and haven't heard a bird since. My hot spots all seem to be going dry and between working a full time job and farming I don't really have time to travel to find other spots. Maybe golf doesn't sound like that bad of a hobby after all!  LOL!!!

Spitten and drummen

I feel you. I had a awsome gobbling first week and a half. Killed a nice 2 year old. Since I let one get away because I couldn't tell if it was a jake or Longboards. When he walked off I saw the beard swinging and no good shot. He slipped in quiet. I also missed one at 35 after working him for over 3 hours. I used 2 of my 3 weeks of vacation and haven't found a gobbling bird in the last 15 hunts. It ain't over till it's over though. I'm usually tagged out or lacking one bird this late in season. I will hunt until season ends. After all it will be a whole year before we do battle again.


I feel your pain. Two years ago I missed a bird the first day of season. Only other bird I got to work got screwed up by other hunters. Skunked for the first time in a long time. Last year I called in a bird for my boy and then only had five days to be in the woods for myself. Didn't pull the trigger till the last day. All it takes is one gobble to totally turn the day around though. Keep after them fellows!

Good-Looking and Platinum member of the Elitist Club


My season didn't start yet. I'm talking pre season scouting. But with youth starting a week from Saturday and regular season 2 weeks from Saturday, things aren't looking good. Every year (until last year) I'd have at least 6-7 birds located before season. Last year, none. So far this year, none. Well, I guess there's always trout fishing!  Lol!

Greg Massey

I heard in the first 3 days of our opener 7 different birds last 10 hunts nothing...just seeing several jakes and hens everyday...saw one other gobbler Tuesday week ago came into the field silent and keep on going I got him to gobble 3 time as he left the field and into the woods..


Farming and turkey hunting are a tough mix.  My brother farmed with my grandfather for years and was always in trouble during turkey season.  I did it  a couple years and we'd trade off hunting days and cover for the other.  Most guys don't like the rain, but those were the days we could hunt.

My brother now works selling seed and chemical for an ag company and had almost no time to hunt during the spring.  I want him to come to MT or meet me in NE but there is no way for him to take that much time off in April and May.

Good luck finding a bird.

Spitten and drummen

As bad as it is we all have a sad season here and there. That's turkey hunting. Your right happy. It only takes a minute for things to turn around.  Gotta keep faith and hope your there when it does.


Just keep on pushing it will pay off. If you get discouraged just remember a day in the woods is better than a day at work. The times when you don't hear or see anything make the times you do that much more special. After a while you are super pumped just to hear a gobble or even see a hen. But when it all comes together their isn't much else that can match that feeling and thats what keeps me going.


Happily my season so far has been the exact opposite of last season. It was my worst season in 20 years. I was lucky to get the 1 gobbler I did. I've gotten 3 gobblers so far this season, and have 2 or 3 more hunting trips left to go.


I've gone years at a time without killing a print gobbler. Generally killed a bird in the fall but I did have a 3 year stretch with nothing at all. It happens. We just plug along until it improves. Good luck to all.


I sure hope not, I've never seen a season like we had here last year. Are you seeing birds and they're shut mouthed, or are they not there?

Fields and woods that have held birds here for as long as I can remember were basically empty last spring. I've seen a few birds around, but so far the fields are still empty here around home and there should have been birds in them before now. I saw a couple hens with poults this past fall so I had high hopes, but so far here around home at least, It's not looking too promising.

I've got a buddy that's been watching a few gobblers on his property and he invited me over to hunt whenever I want and I may have to take him up on it. Good luck with em. :icon_thumright:


Call 'em close, It's the most fun you'll ever have doing the right thing.