Hey Savduck, Here's my 2 cents. I dont have any exp. with the red dot or that style site but I do have exp. with their scopes. A buddy of mine bought a Smith&Wesson 45 cal rifle and the guy at the shop through in a NC Star 3x9x40 scope with the deal, well we got the gun to his house and got set-up to site it in the rest of the way( it was bore sited at the shop) after the 3rd shot the inside recticle turned and was moving around inside. We called the dealer back and he said he'd replace it, well after another couple hours we were ready to shoot it a 2nd time and this time it took 7 shots to do the same thing. The guy at the shop wouldnt replace it the second time. He said " Their not very good scopes" but he did give him the credit towards another brand scope. So good luck with them, I'd beware!