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Polished Barrel Success Or Failure

Started by Otdrzman, February 13, 2014, 02:30:06 PM

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I'm thinking about polishing the barrel on my 835. Has there ever been a topic or poll taken on OG asking if folks have had any change in pattern after polishing their barrel? Good, bad or no change at all. Just curious. Thanks


I polished the barrel on my 835 a few years ago and it made an noticeable improvement!!!
"Freedom Has Never Been Free"


Great! I was talking with a friend the other day and he had heard that it can also make the pattern worse. Not really wanting that.

Deputy 14


I used JB's non embedding bore cleaner..... followed by JB's bore brightner.  I also used cotton patches and DID NOT use a scotchbrite pad (some use the scotchbrite).  I wrapped the cotton swatches around a brass bore brush and went at it.
"Freedom Has Never Been Free"


Well, I'll tell ya what I did w/ my 870. I took a wood dowel rod a lil longer than my barrel, and cut notches around one end bout 2-1/2" up it, leaving the "tag" sticking out from the rod like lil  barbs. Next, I'll wrap 4/0 or xxxx steel wool around the barb end of dowel til it has to be lightly forced into the receiver end of barrel ( after the barrel has been taken off the gun of course). Next, drench the barrel and the steel wool w/ wd-40. Chuck the rod end opposite steel wool end into drill. Turn the rod w/ the drill up n down the entire length of barrel. ( use an old imp cyl or old mod choke while doing this, not a good choke) making ABSOLUTELY SURE the barrel and steel wool stay drenched w/ wd-40 and that you keep the motion going up n down the bore. DO NOT KEEP IT STILL AT ALL!!!! Make about 15 passes ( one pass is from one end to the other and back).  Spraying wd down in the barrel every 2 passes from the end you are working , holding the barrel vertical so it flows down thru steel wool into bore while drillin it. When you have made the 15 passes, take rod out and use a boresnake or rod n patches to clean the barrel til it is clean and dry. The bore should shine like a mirror when you hold it up to the sky or light and look thru it.

  Of course, some folks may not like this approach, so use your own judgement on whether or not to do it like this. But, it worked for me...  btw, use med or high speed on the drill.
Don't Tread On Me


Thanks for the input fellas. I ordered the stuff (j-b cleaner and polish, kroil) a couple days ago that is suggested in the sticky on barrel polishing. I take it that you went with the cotton patches for a less aggressive approach? Hooks, did you notice a difference in your pattern after the polish? Thanks


Don't Tread On Me


I always polish my shotgun barrels as soon as I get them home when I buy a new one. I also do a lot of deep clean/polish jobs for other local turkey and water fowl hunters. Every gun has had a noticeable change in its patterning, and that change was always positive.


In my 835's I use a 20ga brush with a piece of green scotchbrite cut and wrapped around it.  Wet it and the bore good with kroil and smear JB onto the pad throughly.  I have the ends of the barrel taped with painters tape to prevent getting slury on the camo finish and mount it in a gun vice with the muzzel a bit lower than the chamber so excess slury runs out the end.  I also put an unported choke in that I dont use.  Dont polish your good turkey choke.  I have a spent shell that I drilled the primer out of so a cleaning rod will stick thru it and some of the plastic trimmed off.  This goes in the chamber and guides the rod keeping it from slapping against the edge of the chamber.  I use an electric drill to spin the rod and keep it moving back and forth.  First time I used many patches and about 30 minutes of polishing, now I do it once per year for about 10 minutes.  I have marks on the cleaning rod so I dont push it out of the choke or pull it back into the chamber and I try not to spend too much time in the port area.  On a gas gun I would also be careful of the gas port area.  Durring the season I use a 10ga bore snake after every shot.

Now I didnt take an unpolished barrel and shoot it then polish and shoot again on the same day, but it did make a difference in my patterns.  Based on previous records and patterning paper I have saved it appears to give me 20-25 more shot in a 40 yard 10 inch circle.


Thanks for the positive feedback. I'm gonna give it a whirl when i get my barrel back. Sent it off to have the forcing cone lengthened and polished. From what I understand that can improve your pattern as well along with reducing some felt recoil. Anyone ever had success with the forcing cone work?


The 835 practically has no forcing cone in it because it is overbored.  The bore is already increased reducing any choking of shot into the bore from the shell.  Basically what they are going to do is polish out any tool marks left in the first few inches of the bore.  I would expect minimal if any improvement.
