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Friday Devotional 11/15/2013 "Word Choice"

Started by BOFF, November 14, 2013, 07:24:29 PM

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This devotion was sent from one of my brothers in Christ this morning, as it was quit fitting for some issues we have been praying about.

I have no idea where it came from or who to give credit to, but to whoever wrote it, "Thank You!!"

Word Choice

Proverbs 15:1–15

Recommended Reading: Psalm 34:13–14; James 3:1–12

The ability to master our mouths, watch our words and tame our tongues demonstrates a level of spiritual and emotional maturity. The opposite is true as well. An inability to control our speech shows immaturity, and it can inflict great harm on our relationships.

Solomon addresses the importance of controlling our words by contrasting positive and negative speech. In each case, the effects end up as opposites: peacefulness or wrath, knowledge or folly, healing or a crushed spirit. In other words, when we fail to control our tongue, we don't just fail to give, or be, a blessing. We also cause a wound that can rupture a relationship.

Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, author of Words That Hurt, Words That Heal, states that he asks audiences whether they can go 24 hours without saying any unkind words about or to anyone. Invariably, a few people answer "yes," but most call out "no!" He responds, "Those who can't answer 'yes' have a serious problem. If you can't go 24 hours without drinking liquor, you're addicted to alcohol. If you can't last 24 hours without smoking, you're addicted to nicotine. And if you can't make it 24 hours without saying unkind words about others, you've lost control of your tongue."

How can you tell whether your tongue is under control? You won't say anything about an individual that you can't say directly to that person. You resist the urge to exaggerate. You consciously examine your thoughts and remove gossip and rumors from your conversations. You keep in confidence a personal matter that someone else shares with you. Further, you learn to speak positive words. Appropriate words communicate affirmation, comfort and healing.

When was the last time you said something to another person that you instantly regretted? Maybe it was something intended as a joke that was instead taken as an offense, or perhaps it was a sharp word spoken in anger that you wish you could have taken back. Think of a specific situation, and then challenge yourself to rectify the hurt. While you may not be able to take back the words themselves, you can humbly submit yourself to that person and begin to rebuild the relationship.

To Take Away

·  Do you think most men struggle with controlling their words? Why or why not?

·  How would others evaluate your speech? Would they say that your words more frequently heal or wound?

·  What steps can you take to gain tighter control over your tongue?

Heavenly Father,

How gracious is Your love for us. Thank You for Your salvation through Your son Jesus, and the power of Your healing love and Word. May Your Word be what is within our hearts, and may it be what we spew from our lips, and shown in our examples, as Your children.

Forgive us of speaking without thinking, and voicing what we know not, of the full truths, as we know half truths are dangerous and misleading. Help us to see the whole truths, and be guarded in what we hear.

May Your Holy Spirit lead, guide, and direct each of us as to Your will for our lives. May we be aware of the opportunities we have to serve You, and love others in Your name.

It is in the protective name of Jesus, we ask and claim these things, Amen!!

God Bless,
David B.


Wow David!!! Whoever that was hit the nail on the head and me right between the eyes
Pray as if everything depends on God, work like everything depends on you
