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SE Arkansas scouting report
SE Arkansas scouting report
Started by Gawhitaker, March 30, 2013, 11:28:43 AM
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Posts: 1,341
Location: S.E. Arkansas
SE Arkansas scouting report
March 30, 2013, 11:28:43 AM
This am heard a good un rattling the pine ridges, did hear another one gobble one time, the vocal bird did get closed mouth after flying down. with season opening on the 20th the timing may be good this year. After 5 quiet days in mississippi i was tickled to hear one. Good luck to everyone
Posts: 1,341
Location: S.E. Arkansas
Re: SE Arkansas scouting report
April 02, 2013, 01:19:58 PM
SundAy after sunrise services heard one gobble twice while i was by the shop. Then read the rules, sorry Shannon. April1st, 47 deg, barometric pressure 30..3 and holding steady, no wind but fog had the visibility down to 1/2 mile. Didn't jear anything until 7:40, listened to him gobble a couple times then moved, crow call got responses from two at next stop, moved on three stops later found another one fired up, listened for about 6 gobbles. Went back to the two earlier and listened to them on the ground just tearing it up for about 10 minutes. Heased to another patch of woods, just hanging and listening, around 8:30 heard on on the move, left at 9:10 and he was still hammering. Sure hate season is 3 weeks off.
The Boss Gobbler
Posts: 724
Location: Conway, AR
SE Arkansas scouting report
April 02, 2013, 01:22:35 PM
Man....thanks for the report. 20th is sooooooo far off!!
Posts: 1,341
Location: S.E. Arkansas
Re: SE Arkansas scouting report
April 07, 2013, 09:11:04 PM
Yes. the 20th is to far off, woul sure likes to have been after them the last few weekends..5/6 temp 47, bar pres 30.10 steady, winds SE 4 mph, few clouds. Heard two about a mile apart that were getting it on while on the limb, both hushed after flydown, friend that joins us heard one gobble twice on us. 5/7 56 deg, bar pres 29.9 n rising. Wind calm. Clear skies. Went to another place, could hear 5 from one spot, over 100 gobbles total, three went quiet after flydown. Two were still hammering well after flydown.
Posts: 1,341
Location: S.E. Arkansas
Re: SE Arkansas scouting report
April 12, 2013, 06:42:47 AM
April 9th. 72 deg, bar press 29.88 falling. Made the third stop on my 6 stop round, heard one gobble right on the side of the gravel, gobbled three time then pitched the road 80 yards away at 6:35, stretched hoth wings, piddled around then stretched his fan, piddled some more, gobbled twice then eased back into the woods. Other than some hens cutting up that was it
Posts: 1,341
Location: S.E. Arkansas
Re: SE Arkansas scouting report
April 12, 2013, 01:21:28 PM
April 12th. 43 deg. 97% humidity, west wind 4 mph, bar pres 29.91 Rising. 1 gobbling every 5 seconds, good bird. Continued on my round, did get one to answer a crow call 3 times, went back to the loudmouth, he was still getting it when i left. Youth hunt opens tomorrow. We'll b looking for loudmouth :/)
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SE Arkansas scouting report
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