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2011 Contest Rules

Started by bird, February 07, 2011, 05:12:41 PM

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Quote from: OldHen on February 06, 2011, 11:09:47 AM
OK Guys this is the rules thread !!

This is a frienly contest as in no prizes are to be awarded to keep things legit , no wagering either please .Do dot send me Pm's about special requests-there are 2 options this year -and it was allready decided by democratic process vote, so lip service about it.The debate and and vote process is long gone over, and popular vote is being observed

The 1st  requirement to be qualified to play you must have and own a scale ,this is a friendly contest , but a contest like any other , so measurements need to be taken ....so get a scale,  they are cheap to get and available everywhere  . All gobblers are to be measured on a NWTF formula ,this is the most widely accepted and standardized method of measuring gobblers,we will provide a link with a scoring formula to help--- the top scoring 75% of the gobblers from each team count, there is a maximum of one BEST gobbler per team mate to be submitted for this , you can upgrade your 1 gobbler if you kill a better one during the season--you team captain will be in charge of that --so choose your team captain wisely

The second requirement is you must have  a post count of at least 50 posts , if you don't ....start posting , it doesn't take long.....if you register to the contest and you fall short of 35 posts by the time the selection process is completed , your registration will be void-- there is a loophole to to this , If  pm me if you request a exemption to the 35 rule and I will review it and see  what I can do ,There are alot of serious turkey hunters out there , some don't post that much, you will be required to be a long standing member that visits the site frequently or look like you are going to be one.....

You can only register yourself, don't go posting  that billy is on your squad, billy must register to the registration thread himself and if he wants to be on your squad he has to name your squad by name, lets say its {squad X} he will post Yes , Billybob and I want to be Squad X if he is the 7th person to apply for that squad he will be going on the random draw , so make sure you have all your squad members accounted for BEFORE the registration to avoid any drama

Later on in the registration process I will group together squads with other random draw contestants /squads and you will on yourself select a team captain and a permanent team name , make sure you select a team captain very carefully they have to be a good record keeper -- the team captain will be in charge of keeping all records,making sure the gobblers get measured correctly with proper pictures  . It is the duty of the team member/captain to insure your gobbler gets scored on a timely manner  

2 options ...

option 1) Simply post a YES to this thread and you are in , I will randomly place you on a team with some like minded turkey hunters  from across the country  

option  2)   You have the option of  pre-selectiong you and some of yourself to be on a squad with some of your friends , 6 man squad max--no exceptions ! you can only register yourself and when you do you must preselect a squads name --i don't want to see any BS like I'm on the team with john --have a squad name ready and post it as so, so I can figure out what is going on , don't be  the 7th guy to be on the squad cause he will be the first guy to be on a random draw

Please try and keep team banners to a maximum reasonable size to cut back on excessive scrolling

Quote from: OldHen on February 06, 2011, 11:06:13 AM
clarification --- All multi- bearded gobblers must have a clear picture from the base/chest of the gobbler showing that the gobbler is a true multi - bearded gobbler

Allright guys !!!Here it is!!!!! Okay this is a all in good fun contest, there will be no prizes , to keep things friendly and sporting--but it is a contest so it is understood that  you will need some kind of  scale to play- I provided some good examples of how to score , and submit pictures to make this a smooth process-also multi beard turkeys must have pictures of the root of the beard where it is splitting -- please keep in mind that the top scorring teams at the end of the game will have their measurments verified for accuracy, so be honest in scorring-- have picture of you ,your screen name and measurements clearly printed on sheet of paper -- when the individual team areas are made after the team selection process is completed , submit it in the proper area with the score, and your team captain will take care of the rest , if you shoot better gobbler, repeat the process and your captain will upgrade the team score and keep a weekly running tally for all the other teams to keep track of who is winning

The link to the Gobblermatic scoring page .....http://oldgobbler.com/checkstation.htm It is the obligation of each contestant to score and submit their own gobblers and have that score posted allong with your gobblers pictures to make the contest run smoothly, your own individual team captains will assist you in this process if you need help, the team captains will follow up to make sure this process runs smoothly and will post a weekly tally of the combined teams score , replacing a team members best scorring gobbler when needed--There is a maximum of 1 best scorring gobbler per that team member .When the team selection process is over the top 75% best gobblers 1 per member max, will be the ones scorred