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gobbling with mouth call

Started by Oconeeguy, May 08, 2012, 07:30:00 AM

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Last year, I saw a video about gobbling with a mouth call , as a last resort to get a bird to come in closer. I practiced and got where i could generate a fairly realistic gobble. I have tried it now 3 times (private land), and each time i called in hens, but no gobblers. They came in slowly and quietly about 15-20 minutes after my last gobble. Maybe one day, there will be a gobbler in tow.


Good luck, I've been practicing this too but haven't dared try it in the woods yet. it sounds like you must be on the right track if the hens bought into it though.  :icon_thumright:


Killed the biggest gobbler I've ever seen this year gobbling on a mouth call.

RIP Marvin Robbins



I used it as well this year after a few years of trying to get it down, Joe was nice enough to help with his youtube videos and his mouth calls and amplifier.

Used it a few times and had some good results and some were just ignored.. working on getting it louder

gobbled a bird in for a youth hunter that he missed, and it worked really well at getting jakes fired up for entertainment purposes.

be safe though  :gobble: :gobble: :gobble:
<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="l4hWuQU"><a href="//imgur.com/l4hWuQU"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

lonnie sneed jr.

My dad and I both have used it several times in years past, and have had good luck with it. We have also used it to locate gobblers. It is a very good call at times.

:OGturkeyhead: :OGturkeyhead: