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...New avenue for A+J Calls?...

Started by NCBigShot, February 18, 2012, 09:40:28 PM

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..Received this wonderful scratch box from my friend Andy Smith of A+J Calls...

...Been chatting back and forth with Andy for a while and he expressed interest in making a scratcher.. We talked woods and finish... Not sure how constructive my input was, but he made an awesome sounding call out of walnut and sycamore!

..I also commend him on his unique striker design. I really like the concave ends that prevent finger slip when running the call... To further insure that the striker won't get lost in the leaves, it's tethered to the call with a cord.

Thanks for the great call buddy!.. I've got room in my vest for this one this spring.

When the Dogwood is white, the time is right...


Man that thing is nice. A scratcher is tough to beat if you know how to run one. I like the finger hold on the striker too.

Georgia Boy


Andy does make a nice scratch box. I know I will be using mine this year.


Quote from: MarkJM on February 18, 2012, 11:06:10 PM
Andy does make a nice scratch box. I know I will be using mine this year.

...would love to see yours Mark.. :z-guntootsmiley:
When the Dogwood is white, the time is right...


About anything Andy does with wood works out very well--nice scratcher indeed :icon_thumright:

Big Timber

Very nice. Andy made me a pot call that I have killed several Gobblers with so far, All Turkey!!!




When the Dogwood is white, the time is right...


I bet it will sing. Congrats and kill a biggun with it.
Blessed are the peacemakers for they are the children of God.

Turkey Trot

Quote from: savduck on February 18, 2012, 10:17:40 PM
Man that thing is nice. A scratcher is tough to beat if you know how to run one. I like the finger hold on the striker too.


Have you purchased any calls from Russell Beard of Buford (Beard Hunters)?  I like Russell and his calls.  This year, he has a scratchbox, and he can flat out make it sing.

Joe of Motherlode posted pictures of one in one of these forums that he picked up in Nashville.
Until The Turkeys Have Their Historians, Tales Of The Hunt Shall Always Glorify The Hunter