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Tribute to Remi

Started by hobbes, January 24, 2012, 07:20:56 PM

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I posted on here a week or so ago that our dog Remi had been killed by a car.  I know many of you know the feeling because I've seen you post it here, but his death was quite devastating.  He could frustrate the heck out of me when he decided to do something that I didn't care for, like eat a roll of toilet paper or beg me to let him out at 2 AM, but you couldn't keep from loving him. 

I was the guilty party that let him out on the evening of the 11th before going to bed.  My son Isaac was the best about taking him out on a leash so he couldnt' get to the road, but late at night I'd occasionally let him run behind the house and he 'd quickly come back ready to pile into the bed with the boys.  On this night however he apparently ran for and crossed the road.  When I yelled for him he didnt' come and I went back in frustrated and told my wife that I should let him sleep in the cold.  It hadn't been 2 minutes since I said it when I heard a car on the road hit something.  I ran out the door to my truck and drove down the hill to the road.

I won't go into all the details, but it appeared that he had been killed immediately.  However, I had to bring him home and deal with his final involuntary gasps for life and listen to his heart quit and keep the crying  kids away and explain to them how I had messed up.  It was a foolish mistake on my part and I'm still kicking myself over it.

Needless to say it was a sleepless night and we are all still missing him 2 weeks later terribly.  Burrying him wasn't much easier the next evening than picking him up the night before.  I dont' know how a man could ever deal with the loss of a child because the dog darn near killed me.

We went through this 4 yrs ago with another lab that died due to swallowing a ball, but Remi had became much more a part of our family.

A family couldn't ask for a better dog than Remi.  Here are some memorable photos of Remi

Remi - April 2008 to January 11, 2012


Awesome pictures. I know how hard it is on your family. May she rest in peace.
May I assume you're not here to inquire about the alcohol or the tobacco?
If attacked by a mob of clowns, go for the juggler.


He sure was a handsome fellow.   I know he's running with some fine dogs now.  R.I.P Remi.
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 :cross2:   Prayers for y'all.
If you must smoke, please use BLACKPOWDER!


Beautiful pup, all dogs got heaven my man, he'll be waiting on you brother.


Great pics of the family, dog and area!!


He sure was pretty. Lost a few good ones to the highway myself.


Great tribute.Its funny how we let a butt sniffing,leg humpen,hard chargen never quite animal tug at our hearts. Go get another one and start it all over again. :icon_thumright:


so sorry for your and your family`s loss.


Well hell, it's been forever since I came around here and I come back to bad news.

Hobbes - very very sorry to hear this news, I can remember all the pup pics you posted over on Colorado Waterfowl when Remi was just a pup and watching how much fun you guys had with him; you have my deepest sympathy, as does your family - what  a very very tough thing for all of you to have to go through.

Don't beat up on yourself too bad, when the Lord needs a new huntin' dog he's gonna pick a good one, and Remi will be waiting on the other side of the rainbow bridge for you.

If Isaac and your daughter are having a tough time dealing with it there are a lot of pet loss grief resources out there for them - use 'em for sure.  God knows when the time comes for my 11 year old female to go home it's gonna rip my soul out and I'll need every one of 'em.

God speed Remi - may the grass always tickle your tummy and the sun shine warmly on your back.


I understand the pain that you and your family feel. A pet becomes a part of a the family.  We had to have our American Eskimo (Casper) put down after having him for 14 years.  I didn't have the heart to take him to the Vet to have it done.  I had my Son-in-Law do it.   My heart go out to and your family for your loss.


We had two dogs we had raised from newborns die about a month apart and it was heart wrenching to say the least. They start out as pets and always become family. I know that nothing I say will make it better just know that we are here standing beside you lending our support.


Beautiful Lab. I have a chocolate Lab named Jed, I love that dog to death. I will be  devistated when his time comes. My heart goes out to you and your family. Our Dogs are family too!!

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