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Very Close Call With a Copperhead.

Started by Kylongspur88, October 09, 2011, 12:09:35 AM

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This morning I made the trek up the mountain to bow hunt. I got out of the stand at about 10:45 and started to walk out after pulling a camera. My path out is not clear by any means. One of the obstacles I have to get through is a blow down from this summer. There's not really any good way to get around it. As I was stepping over the trunk I started to place my right hand on a leafy branch to push it aside. As I lowered my hand someone in the back of my mind said "don't." At that moment I looked down and there where I was about to place my hand was the biggest copperhead I have ever seen sitting on the branch perfectly camouflaged by the dead leaves. The lord had my back this morning. I put a hollow point behind its head. When I stretched it out on a log to take pictures with my phone it was a good 10 inches longer than my 27 inch arrow and fat too. A bite would have been bad, but for me it would be devastating. Being in my last year of law school I do almost 100% of my work on the computer. Take my tests on the computer. Write notes then type them up. A bite to my right hand would put me out of commission. My prayer this morning to keep my family, friends and myself safe and healthy was answered. I wish I could post pictures from my phone. The guys around here say it's one of the biggest they have seen. Be safe, God bless.

stone road turkey calls

Wow! that's scary, glad you did not get bitten. i got bit by a diamond back about 20 years ago, it hit my boot and did not go through, almost had a heart attack. remember if it doesent have shoulders kill it.
Stone Road Turkey Calls / Gary Taylor
2013 Norseman 3rd place pot call
2013 Grand national 6th place pot call
2014 Midwest 3rd place pot call
2015 Midwest 5th place HM Tube call


Glad your ok.  I'll tell you what a copperhead can still put a big hurtin on anyone.  Death is very rare from a copperhead bite, but they need to be taken seriously just like any poisonous snake. 


thanks to God for keeping you safe!!!!
that was way to close
Good things come to those who wait


Thank God you didn't get bit. The question is How long did it take to clean yourself ? I hate snakes and would like to see them ALL on the indangered list. In my opinion the only good snake is a DEAD one.
Hate them SOB's!


That's way to close of a call. Thank the good Lord that your 6th sense was working. Glad to hear that it all worked out well. (Except for the snake).
May I assume you're not here to inquire about the alcohol or the tobacco?
If attacked by a mob of clowns, go for the juggler.


kill em all is all I can say! Glad you were not hit by him


Glad your ok. I hate copperheads. Darn things are near impossible to see until your on top of them.

Turkey Trot

Quote from: Kylongspur88 on October 09, 2011, 12:09:35 AMBeing in my last year of law school I do almost 100% of my work on the computer. Take my tests on the computer. Write notes then type them up. A bite to my right hand would put me out of commission. My prayer this morning to keep my family, friends and myself safe and healthy was answered. I wish I could post pictures from my phone. The guys around here say it's one of the biggest they have seen. Be safe, God bless.

Those copperheads have been making a nuisance of themselves here in GA lately, there has been a number of bites in the burbs and country.



Where are you in law school  UK?  

Do you have a job lined up for graduation?  It is a tough time to be coming out of any school program, including law school.
Until The Turkeys Have Their Historians, Tales Of The Hunt Shall Always Glorify The Hunter

turkey slayer

Those snakes blend in too well. glad all is well!


Where are you in law school  UK?  

Do you have a job lined up for graduation?  It is a tough time to be coming out of any school program, including law school.
In school at ASL in Virginia. I don't have a job lined up yet, but I am shaking a lot of hands and trying to make contacts. There are people I have interned with that would let me work under them till something permanent opened if it came to that. I talked to a friend of a friend the other day who is partner at a huge firm located in 3 cities, and he told me they weren't even hiring, and the only recent hires they have taken in the past few years have been lateral hires with at least 5 plus years of experience. With the way the job market is now for people graduating law school I may end up using a law degree for something other than practicing law. The good thing about a law degree is that it is versatile. Tough times and a lot of student loans put the pressure on, but I have faith it will work out. Oh well I showed the pictures to some guys at church this morning and everyone agrees I did the county a favor by killin that sucker.

Tail Feathers

You're going to be a lawyer?

That's why he didnt' bite you, professional courtesy. :TooFunny:

Just kidding, glad you listened to your gut. :icon_thumright:
Love to hunt the King of Spring!


If you must smoke, please use BLACKPOWDER!