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Where are the turkeys? Where are the fish?

Started by ChesterCopperpot, February 24, 2021, 12:26:25 PM

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I can't for the life of me figure out why people get onto forums, name a spot, then ask if anyone's hunted, and where the birds are. The, "Where were you hunting?" "Where'd you kill that?" "Where were you fishing?" "Where's the crappie bite?" type questions drive me stark raving mad. The game IS the fun part. The ever-changing mystery of it all, THAT's what keeps me going back, keeps me scouting, keeps me up at night. If you want somebody to hand you a bird, go to the butcher. If you want to hunt, put in the work.

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Than they complain about guys racing em to their spots. Pretty ignorant if you ask me. A great idea would be to say how great an area was and than hunt another all alone! Now that's a good idea

Howie g

Had the same problem back in the day . Where all the women at ?
  Like I was going to tell them ?!?!...


4 or 5 years ago, my buddy and his 8yr old son were fishing with me.  We had our 3 man limit of walleyes and were at the cleaning dock.  There was an a guy that had just launched that saw our fish and was hinting around to where we had caught them.  My buddy and I were ignoring him.  On his 2nd attempt, my buddy's son pointed across the lake to a point and said, "over on that point".  Too be young and innocent.....LOL.  We had to play bumper boats with the guy the next few days but luckily he never figured out the "spot on the spot" so it worked out.

I never understood all the asking, myself....are you wanting me to lie to ya?!?!  :)


Every place that I hunt, every Spring, is just terrible.  No birds at all.  Every single spot sucks.  Trust me, you guys don't want to waste your time hunting any of those spots!   :funnyturkey:

Greg Massey

I will say this, i do ask my rural mail carrier, what turkeys she has been seeing delivering the mail. She is pretty much on those country road ever day but one. Y"all are looking at this all wrong tell them yes, you know were that road forks and goes over that ridge and you know that lake on the other side of the road, you send them away from you and were the turkeys don't exist and to lake or river the fish aren't biting..LOL.. Remember the A, B, C, for turkey hunting always have a plan same with fishing.


Brian Fahs


Quote from: Brian Fahs on February 24, 2021, 04:41:43 PM
Notellum creek is my go to spot.
I've only ever hunted the lower end of Notellum Creek down there around Kissmyarse Falls.

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Quote from: ChesterCopperpot on February 24, 2021, 05:04:27 PM
Quote from: Brian Fahs on February 24, 2021, 04:41:43 PM
Notellum creek is my go to spot.
I've only ever hunted the lower end of Notellum Creek down there around Kissmyarse Falls.

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I've been there once or twice!! ;D


Quote from: Haypatch on February 24, 2021, 05:41:55 PM
Quote from: ChesterCopperpot on February 24, 2021, 05:04:27 PM
Quote from: Brian Fahs on February 24, 2021, 04:41:43 PM
Notellum creek is my go to spot.
I've only ever hunted the lower end of Notellum Creek down there around Kissmyarse Falls.

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I've been there once or twice!! ;D
You boys gonna have to get out of my spot

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My grandpa was a bit of a show off with his catch and kills which I now would find irritating, but as a kid, I thought he was funny. His fish were always caught by the mouth and the deer were shot behind the shoulder. It's a wonder he lived to be 88, but he kept his honey holes very close to the vest in an in your face manner. I just lie.


 I learned long ago you never share this information with anyone. Especially friends or family! Including your preacher or other church goers.
  One year when I was in my late teens my preacher wanted to go turkey hunting with me. He suggested we go to one of my spots on public ground. I was still fairly green to killing turkeys but knew where they were and how to call them in. It was the last few details on closing the deal that I hadn't figured out, perhaps the easiest part?! But he supposedly was experienced. So we go one morning in one of my good spots and birds were on fire, hammering from all around us. We take off to the closest one and move in on him and he eventually goes quiet. So we wait a while then start walking again just covering ground. Not long and another bird fires up. Answers our calls and actually starts moving closer. So we move up the hill torwards him only getting about halfway up when I could tell we had a problem. Way up on over that big stripper dump was a drop off into a big pit that ran forever long to our left and to our right. The gobbler was on the other side of it on a small rise in a little clearing surrounded by briars. So I tell preacher this and he argues with me. He actually laughed at me and told me I didn't know what I was talking about. He insisted we push forward up this big hill and get in tight on him.lol Finally we end up arguing over the situation and he gets pretty red in the face and I'm just basically laughing over the whole ordeal.
   The bird is now travelling left and right gobbling his head off. Why? Because he's at the edge of the water and can't come any farther and he's insisting we pitch off the hill and come to him like his hens normally would do.lol So two hours later we finally get to the top of the hill after setting up on this bird multiple times per his request. I was just letting him run the show at this point. Finally the bird is moving farther away. So I tell preacher to come on lets go to the edge and take a look off the hill. The look on his face was priceless!! He really didn't know what to say, especially since the gobbler was still gobbling here and there while we stood there looking down.
   I won't keep on about this hunt but we actually relocated on this bird like I'd suggested previously and almost killed him. It was very up close and exciting but here's the thing. This guy had never set foot in this territory and had no clue about the lay of the land or what the turkeys do here. I grew up hunting these places! Yet he knew it all!!
  I saved the best part for last.lol He was aggrevated that we didn't kill the gobbler. He said it should have been a slam dunk. I just told him it happens and these old birds are slick from being pressured so much. His answer to me was that in his opinion it was my calling. He told me I needed to practice calling a lot more and that next time I don't need to call that he'd do all the calling. He said he's sure my calling is what made the bird go silent on us.lol
   Anyway he asked me to go back in the morning. Like a dummy I said sure. But hey it was my preacher right? He said he'd pick me up at the same time. I agreed. The next morning rolled around and I was ready and waiting. I gave him til it started cracking light and I thought well he must not be going after all so I'm going myself. I head out just knowing its going to be a good day!! So I top a hill and am almost to my spot noticing no other hunters being around and am really excited now! Come around the bend where I'm going to park and take a guess whose truck is parked there at the same spot? Preacher man's.lol Yep he put it to me for sure. I called him out on it to. And let everyone at church know what he done to me as well. I was pissed. He called it a misunderstanding. He said he thought I said I couldn't go. Never seen him around there again though. And no he didn't kill the gobbler that morning either. For some reason they didn't gobble that day.


Perhaps we've all learned the hard way. Pretty quick we realize it's in our interest to keep it quiet if we like our spots. Think guys who give exact locations just enjoy hearing themselves speak to speak and have actual limited real experience. They need to talk up like they're giving you a piece of the "expertise" they wish they had. How else could you explain it? I just think inexperience or trying to make themselves something they're not. Not one decent guy is gonna invite everyone to his area. Just doesn't make sense


I have a very simple philosophy on spots. If you ask me where I killed my turkey and I don't know you, I will very simply, but kindly tell you, "I do not share my information with people I don't know. I hope that doesn't offend you but I have regretted it far too many times and I wish you luck. You'll just need to get out and scout." some huff and puff, but many accept it and don't ask anymore questions. It's just the way it is. Locals or if it's someone I kind of know I will either tell them on our own land or private( they know it's posted) or simply say, "state land" with no location. I don't lie, I just am not real open.

A couple years ago I went on a Walleye Charter on lake Erie and when we hit the docks two men were going to every boat and quizzing them on where and how they caught fish. Our captain told us to keep our mouths shut and soon as they walked up he very rudely told them I ain't telling you a damn thing, except there aren't any biting off this dock, get your  out on the lake and fish. We all laughed and gave him a big tip. we book with him on a regular bases now.