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I still laugh about it

Started by FullChoke, February 14, 2021, 12:02:59 PM

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A couple of years ago. I was working the NWTF booth at our local Sports Convention here in Jackson. We were selling chances on a shotgun to be given away at the end of the event and I was grabbing folks attention as they walked past the booth. I would call them over and start by asking them if they had ever hunted turkeys before. Usually around 2/3 of them would say that they had not but wanted to try one day. I would give my pitch for the chance on the gun, then ask them about calling turkeys. I told them that if you did it right you could use just about anything to make a hen yelp. I always had some NWTF promotional handouts laying on the table in front of me. I would pick up a brochure, bend it into a flattened U shape, take a pencil laying there and stroke the pencil cross the edge of the brochure, trying to find that sweet spot. I would finally get everything lined up just right and rip off a beautiful set of sweet yelps right there in front of their eyes. Many just stood there with an amazed look on their faces and then I would hit them up to buy the chance on the gun. This went on all afternoon. After one visitor had left, our Regional Director who had been standing by, watching this whole thing take place, came over and picked up the brochure and pencil,  tried a few times to get sound out of it and then wanted me to show him how I had done that. I took the pieces, bent them as I always had, held them up high and did a series of yelps, clucks and kee kees. He took the pieces off and sat down, trying to replicate the turkey sounds I had made, but without the one item I had been using all along, a diaphragm call that I kept in my mouth. One of the other guys there in the booth saw that he still didn't understand what I had done and looked at me with a stunned wide-eyed look. I never told the RD how I had pulled it off.

I still laugh about that one.

Remember to have your NWTF brochure and a pencil in your vest this season.

Cheers  ;D


Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.





That's to funny Norman, was ole Joe working with you then?



The addiction will cost you time and money and alienate those close to you. I can give you the names of a dozen addicts — myself included — whose wives begin to get their hackles up a week before turkey season starts and stay mad until a week after it closes.

—Charlie Elliott


LOL I have a "same" story and just as fun!

So I'm working a Grant County Outdoor Sports Alliance "Outdoor Skills Day" hosted at a local college. So we have a number of old school calls, decoys and turkey paraphernalia. Well one of these piece is as "old turkey tote" a guy made with a piece or rope and a cut off old broom handle.

So in having fun with this as some are walking through the displays and looking at calls and such on the table, a guy asks what is this? As one of the others goes to tell him, I cut him off and say it's an old style turkey call, both these guys look at me questioning my sanity. I grab the tote and pull the rope through to the know at the end, then wet my fingers. Now here is where I start to explain how the "Friction" of the call works, as I pull the rope through the handle I make it Yelp, pull it back and Yelp again. So the guy picks it up and tries it, gets nothing and tries again and nothing... I looking at the guy and say it just takes some skill, by now the other guy working there with me is giving me a look like what just happened. I do this off and on with people as they ask about it. One good one was with a husband, wife and daughter. The young lady picks it up looking at it and I ask have you ever called turkeys, she gives me a nope and I show her how this call works, mom is standing there and ask her if she has, and I hand her the call and explain how it works. She can't get a sound out of it, I hand it back to the daughter and have her try it, and low and behold it Yelps, I have her do it again and then hand it back to mom, about this time husband is standing behind them giving me the chuckle. As this goes on through the day the Dean of the College is making rounds through the event and the guy that is working there with me calls him over and shows him this call, yes he is a turkey hunter and the guy knows him and knows this, guy hands me the call and tell me to show him how it work, as you can can guess he can't figure it out. My last show for him I hold the "call" don't pull the rope and it still yelps, as I tip my head up and keep yelping at him he just looking at me and saying good one you got me LOL.

Guess we all like to have a little fun :)