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The spiritual side of hunting

Started by coyotetrpr, April 24, 2011, 12:44:05 PM

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I will be honest and tell you all that I do not attend church on anywhere near a regular basis because it seems to me that all the churches that I have been to only care about money. This being said, my wife and I attended the most invigorating sunrise service that I have ever been to. To hear the birds gobble the way that they did and the song birds chirp with the rising sun should,(in my opinion), erase any doubt that a greater god has created something wonderful for mankind to enjoy if we just let ourselves embrace nature. If you have read the post "Missouri week 1 continued (my poor wife) then you know how this morning ended. I do feel that there is more to hunting than just the harvest of game and feel very blessed to have been able to spend this time with my wife in the true lords church.
Jakes are like scotch. They are not worth a darn until they age.


Quote from: coyotetrpr on April 24, 2011, 12:44:05 PM
I will be honest and tell you all that I do not attend church on anywhere near a regular basis because it seems to me that all the churches that I have been to only care about money. This being said, my wife and I attended the most invigorating sunrise service that I have ever been to. To hear the birds gobble the way that they did and the song birds chirp with the rising sun should,(in my opinion), erase any doubt that a greater god has created something wonderful for mankind to enjoy if we just let ourselves embrace nature. If you have read the post "Missouri week 1 continued (my poor wife) then you know how this morning ended. I do feel that there is more to hunting than just the harvest of game and feel very blessed to have been able to spend this time with my wife in the true lords church.

I am glad you had a Blessed morning in Gods great outdoors.

I hope you dont stop your endeavors into a local church,not all of them are solely focused on money, I agree this can happen but I would encourage you to keep giving (church) the organization of People that makes up Gods church a chance, while I have seen many wonders in nature just as you have described I have never seen anything so wonderful as a person submitting his life to My Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in his church. There are wonders waiting inside the doors as well as in the outdoors.

In His service


I totally agree that a morning in the turkey woods can only leave you doubtless to the awesomeness of God.  There is no doubt he created this Earth for us to enjoy.  I leave every hunt feeling more blessed to experienced another great outing.

I would also encourage you to endeavor to find a church that you can call home.  I know there are many messed up churches out there, some that take more from you than you'll ever get back ( and not just money).  There are also countless churches that are striving to do their best to preach the Gospel to everyone they can.  A few years ago my wife and I tried to help get a small church going in a small town.  I can tell you I learned just how much work goes into keeping a church going.  I also learned just how important money and attendance really are to keeping up a church.  The job is much tougher than you will ever think.


I'd rather be in the woods thinking about God... Than be in church thinking about being in the woods.... That being said: I was brought up strict Roman Catholic, all boys catholic high school and the like. Now a days, I don't believe everything the catholic faith has to offer. I found a way of worship I do is in the woods, and at times I take the bible out of my backpack. I find more peace with myself doing it this way. I believe it's all up to the individual themselves.  Happy Easter...Bill
I'd rather be in the woods thinking about God, than be in church thinking about being in the woods...


I agree everytime i step foot in the woods i thank the lord for letting me do it.I find peace in the woods.And when i do kill something, when i retrieve it i thank the lord for letting me do so.Nothing agaist going to church at all and i agree there are some fine churchs out there i go to one every once in a while and its a little country church,so to speak(thats the ones i like).I feel you dont have to go to church to worship the lord,you can do it in the woods or anywhere.Some churches are good though.Just my 2 cents.


Let me just chime in for just a second about attending church,
To attend church or not to attend church is not the question that i would ask you,
Lots of people get really disappointed about church because they expect something completely different, like we are perfect because we attend church. IF you are looking for the church and all the members to be perfect, you will be greatly disappointed. Please don`t even look at me to be perfect
There is only one that is perfect, That is Jesus Christ, Attending church is very important to the beliver,but it`s not the most important thing.
So my question to you is the same question that Jesus asked, " Who do you say I am"?  If you don`t know that's fine, but I would ask that you find a bible and you read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, 4 simple books, and before everytime you start to read just ask that God would reveal himself to you, Having that personal relationship with Jesus Christ is the most important thing, Then you will understand why attending church is important to us


Well  no one commented back to even say that   I`m  just plain lunatic


I do attend church regularly, but that suffers in the Spring. You are not crazy rev, there is much to be gained from meeting and worshiping with other imperfect believers.

That being said, every time I hear a bird gobble i think God created that bird to help me. After a bout with a responsive gobbler, whether or not I kill him, I am a better husband, father, and citizen. It is therapy i can't find anywhere else.


Being out there is simply amazing isn't it?   I can't think of anywhere I'd rather be most days.  I thank God all the time for his creation and the chance I have to enjoy it!

At work I run around like a chicken w/my head cut off, trying to take care of business.  In the woods I try to slow down and savor it as much as I can.   I even enjoy those noisy wrens that rat on us.  Even had one on my boot last year giving me heck.  LOL       What can capture your thoughts like a glowing sunrise or sunset and the sound of the earth waking up to a new day?

As the others mentioned, keep on lookin' for a church as well.  Paul even mentioned (new testament) not to give up meeting together, like some have done....   There is good in it for sure. 

If you must smoke, please use BLACKPOWDER!


i used to attend church ALL the time, several times a week....after a few years of that i got burned out...it seemed as though all i did and all i had to offer was never enough...eventually i realized that i can get closer to God in the woods and that's how it's been for years...granted there are times that i miss the fellowship but can do without the hypocrisy...maybe one day i'll change my mind but til then the woods will be my church.

Ky strutt n bust n

i attend church on sunday mornings. unless im spending it in the gods great country. like my little profile statement says, heaven on earth is gods country in western kentucky. i love to be in the worlds. god has blessed me with getting to enjoy his creations, as he put us all on earth to accomplish many goals and my many goals have been accomplished through his creation. i am a huge hunting fool, i am a college kid who don't spend every weekend at parties, or doing illegal stuff, but instead god has blessed me with the great outdoors. and as long as im living and kicking i will always enjoy this country and this land!


This is my opinion. As for offering and tithing, give what you can when you can, you cannot short change God, cause he knows what you can give and when you can give it. As for the hypocrites, that is not for me to judge they are gonna get that later. I will not allow attitudes of others prevent me from being in the Lord's house and fellowship with great people. Please find you a Church that you are comfortable with, you will not be sorry. There is a church congregation that needs you.

Good luck and God Bless
Blessed are the peacemakers for they are the children of God.