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Depressed turkey hunter

Started by saverx, April 25, 2017, 10:04:46 PM

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Quote from: ncwoodsman on April 26, 2017, 08:29:49 AM
I  tagged out as well in NC in a couple of days so I feel your pain. Find a buddy who hasn't taken there birds and tag along with them if possible. It can be just as fun and exciting and you aren't focused on shooting so much so you get to enjoy the show and the beautiful woods God created a few more days.
this is how I cope. its easy to find someone with unused tags that would love to use one. by doing this you get to hunt the whole season.

Dr Juice

Make a drink. Kick back and relax; and then reminisce.


Last year I was done 11 days in, my earliest.  But I still hunted hard afterwards, just had no gun.  Still enjoyed the whole season.

For me, turkey season being done means redfish and trout season begins.  I do that all the way until fall when early duck starts, then I go to Canada for a duck hunt in late October, but the redfish usually heat up then too.  After I get home, it is just a few weeks until duck. Then it ends and the reds and trout are stacked in the rivers.  Then Spring turkey is back! 

My seasonal calender is not Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall.  It is duck, redfish, turkey, redfish, duck. 
Psalms 118v24: This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Ross R

I was tagged out by 3/10.... I just haven't got another chance to make it back out with friends because of family obligations. It is killing me.

Cut N Run

Great thread.

I've got 9 days of season and one tag left.  My trouble is that my work schedule is already overloaded and my customers keep complaining about how long it will be before I can get to them.  That said, I'm taking next Friday off to turkey hunt (& they can kiss my @$$). Turkey hunting keeps me sane, because if I don't get to go, I'll have a bad attitude until next turkey season.  I am available to work for them 47 & 1/2 weeks of the year.  I hate having my turkey season hijacked because of somebody else's lack of planning.  If I ever collected on all the favors I'm owed, I'd likely get to hunt every day of every turkey season for the rest of my life without any interference from work.

My ace in the hole spot has been affected by the property next door being clear cut last Fall.  The lack of woods cover has altered the turkey's travel route and behavior.   No place is automatic for killing turkeys, but this spot was as close as it any I've ever seen.  They're still acting henned up around here and this week's heavy rains (7+ inches in 36 hours) may have destroyed some nests, which should force some hens to re-nest.

I look forward to the the next chance I get to go turkey hunting...always.  This is a great support group of addicts to lean on who share the affliction. Thanks everybody!

Luck counts, good or bad.

Tail Feathers

I'm tagged out. :(
My grandson's still have tags tho, and they aren't old enough to go without me! :z-guntootsmiley:
Love to hunt the King of Spring!