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Canary Vs Padauk

Started by TKE921, April 16, 2017, 02:03:42 PM

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I have never ran a call in either Canary or Padauk.  Assuming the same surface, soundboard, and striker what difference in sound could be expected between these two woods?


Woods change sound. Even the same wood can sound dif but not usually too much


If your speaking aluminum (Hanks in particular) pick which one suits your eye, not ear. In hand the canarywood does give a higher front end, but it's apples and oranges. At 50 yards in the woods to my ear they sound darn near identical. I carry the padauk just because I like the "hair" of a deeper rollover the padauk gives, and also it just suits my eye. Gave the canarywood to my dad, and both have put birds in the dirt.
2016-2017-2018-2019 four time Old Gobbler Contest Champions
