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fastfire adjustment

Started by paladin, February 09, 2011, 06:14:43 PM

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I am shooting 6" high at 40 yards.
How much do I turn that screw to put it dead on?
half turn? quarter turn?
"have gun-will travel"


I'm assuming you are using some cheap loads.  I'd start with a 1/8 rotation and see what that gets you.  If you still have the sight adjustment disk then you can slide that on the screwdriver for a more accurate adjustment.  Personally I throw it in the trash and just take an uneducated guess.  Less is more most of the time.  After 1 or 2 adjustments you'll have a feel for how much to turn it to get it where you want it.  

Just make sure you get those lock screws on the back loosened about 1/2 turn before you make any adjustments.  You will need to tighten them back up before firing another shot.  

An alternate way of doing it is to fire a shot on target.  Set your gun on your rest with your dot centered on the middle of your target (not the center of the pattern).  Then adjust your dot until it is centered on the middle of your pattern.  Again, your gun must not move once you start moving the dot.  The nice thing about this is that the adjustments are smooth and easy to turn so just setting your gun on any rest should prevent the gun from moving.  Once you loosen the lock screws you won't be torquing anything with much pressure at all.  Then tighten your lock screws and you're done.  Fire for effect and you should be good to go.  


I got lucky. It was on right to left.
It was way high and I made one adjustment.
I am shooting very expensive shells now so I was wanting to make as few adjustments as possible.
I am on the paper, just need a final adjustment.
"have gun-will travel"


I have discovered(by reading the instuctions) that there are 60 MOA in a turn of the screw.
1 MOA is 1 inch at 100 yards. I need 6" at 40. 12 MOA would be 6" at 50 yards.
"have gun-will travel"


I understand that method but have never tried it. I am afaid I will move the gun.
I shoot measure and move after the doing the math. These dont have clicks but I did find out how to use the wheel.
My math says 12 moa at 50 yards and 18 moa at 37.5 yards. I moved 15 moa.
"have gun-will travel"