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Giving Turkey Calls Away.... WE JUST CANT DO IT!

Started by markjm15, May 12, 2016, 03:51:47 PM

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Awesome remarks buster!!! I am starting to see a few think they are the bomb because the calls they have acquired. Heck, anyone can get on a list and eventually get what they want. Too many utilize their inventory as they should be able to price down others and their products. Some of the nerve but then again I am in a profession where people try to always negotiate. Seriously, we should look out for those up and comers because who knows maybe those calls will be worth double of what you actually paid for it. They are trying and many of them work numerous jobs. Supply and demand is a major problem in this issue. Just my thoughts or better yet the way I see it!!


I could see talking down the price of a car, used tools, yard sale stuff...ect. But geez just give a guy what he is asking for the call or whatever he makes and sells. A lot of guys that sell calls don't do it for their primary job. They know how to do it, love doing it, and would love to supply other people with calls. But it cost us money, so in turn we have to charge for our calls. It just puts a bad taste in my mouth when people see your calls, want one, and then try to talk you down in price. And I've heard the old "sell your calls for $5 it'll really get your name out there" bid. I'm not trying to make myself a millionaire off of turkey calls. I love making them, other people want them, nothing in this world is free. That's just how it is! If I could I would make them free for everybody out there but i just can't! Lol okay second rant done.
Mueller Custom Calls

-Mark Mueller


Never asked for a free one nor would I. Won't lie though, when someone has a used call offered in the classifieds, I do try to get the best deal possible. I'm always a bit Leary about buying used calls being unaware of the history. Did they drop it and knock the sound board loose? Are they getting rid of it because it just sounds dead? I mean, the list goes on but human nature is to negotiate. If both parties reach a reasonable term and both are satisfied, I see no harm in that. However, taking a mans passion and trying to degrade it to nothing, I just can't get into it. As I've stated several times on here already, my partner and I started a business last summer. We do pool and spa maintenance and repair. If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me to open or close their pool for free just so they could tell someone what a great job we've done, I could retire already. We're already way cheaper than any of our competition and that's going to have to change soon to make it profitable enough to stay afloat. I've gotten to the point that I tell them I'll open the pool for free but the charge is $65/hour. It works out to more in the end. They get the point kind of quick. Also, they ask for free chemicals. I love that. I tell them the chemicals are free but the containers are super expensive.

Old Gobbler

Good post , glad you made it because I've had a few things on my mind

About 7-8 years ago when we started OG , there were throngs of so called " prostaffers" or wannabe prostaffers , Internet turkey hunting heroes.....they would systematically solicit callmakers for free calls ,the typical song and dance is they would promise to kill lots of turkeys and promote the calls in that manner . Many of these folks caused so much drama it wasn't even funny , they relentlessly plug calls on any thread where someone asked a simple question , also thread bumping their call makers posts to the top , and knocking others down , this caused infighting with callmakers at the time - some actually treated the callmakers ( and me ) poorly and used them for everything they could get and then moved onto another and repeated the same process .....a popular tactic is when the so called prostaffer finally got the boot , he would run around and cause even more trouble for the call maker , dragging his name down ......in the short of a long story.....don't mess with Internet hero prostaffers , if you do I suggest it's one with real world credentials like major accredited call comp ribbons , and years and years of hunting turkeys

Be very wary of Internet prostaffers they are like Gremlins , once they get a taist  of the good life of free stuff , they get addicted to it , the stature of being a "expert " online and want to maintain that fake online persona ....this not only includes turkey calls , but choke tubes and amunition .....A another ( thrown off/run off  )notorious pro staffer ( choke tubes) that bounced about and was famous for product bashing , bashing me .....bashing other companies .....bashing outdoor editors etc....relentlessly had about 10,000 posts everywhere and was the uttermost authority on turkey guns and anything to do with chokes , he was a black ops seal team 6 keyboard commando , at last count I believe he had 6 or 7 turkeys killed to his credit you see on the Internet ......everyone is a expert legend ......I've had people argue with members on the forum that shooting turkeys on the limb was legitimate ....I've had people argue and or subversively promote with the forum members (OPENLY !!!) that shooting turkeys at 100 , 90 , 83 yards whatever was acceptable ...... I throw their sorry pot shooting azzes off , they run over somewhere else and complain like a b#tch as girl ......sneak back in running the same game 4 years latter ...I throw them back off ..... But anyways ..... You can't make everyone happy , might as well make the real turkey hunters happy  :wave:

But anyways Back to selling calls , take good pictures and make good videos of running them those will move more calls than any , Internet prostaff seal team ninja , and won't cause you or anyone else any trouble

:wave:  OG .....DRAMA FREE .....



well well well here we are with a post that makes sense.....so many call makers and so many grave diggers looking for hand outs and freebies galore! been there done that  and like so many other call makers who are making calls because we love the challenge and the craft, we have been subjected to numerous fraudulent offers of "hey let me try this for ya" or " i can get you tons of sales" or the biggy..."don't you think your prices are a tad too high?"  :blob10: :blob10: I sympathize with any new call maker who is trying to improve his product and has suddenly tons of friends coming out of the woodworks asking for free calls....if i had a nickel for every free call i was suckered into giving away.... :z-guntootsmiley: my retirement would be spent on the beach in Monaco instead of my workshop....do I mind giving calls away to folks i know and just like to help out every so often, of course not...because i enjoy a helping hand myself every once in a while, but...... to discredit a man's passionate affair with call making...by simply implying he should give away his time and materials...is plum wrong. And to have someone say "cut your prices so you can get your name out there"...HAHAHA...I sold so many 10 dollar calls over the years it ain't funny, and you know what it go "out there" was my neck around a noose....it takes years and quality to get your name out there, and if you aren't looking for a NAME because you are just enjoying making calls, the best thing to do is to just keep making 'em selling 'em and giving 'em to friends and family .....and let the rest of the world  of grub hungry loafers move on....to the next sucker...and to all those ( pro-staffers)
been there too....they are trouble with a Capital T I am still waiting on hearing from one.....who is on TV a lot nowadays....guess my freebies just aren't worth the effort to return a call....
my new email is paw.paw.jack@sbcglobal.net

stone road turkey calls

Stone Road Turkey Calls / Gary Taylor
2013 Norseman 3rd place pot call
2013 Grand national 6th place pot call
2014 Midwest 3rd place pot call
2015 Midwest 5th place HM Tube call


I've been reading this and have been interested in what each of you have said.  Not much to add other than this.  I love to give calls away.  At the onset of this topic I began to ask myself if I agreed with the OP.  I can give calls away because I want to.  I make a fair number a year and have never really tried to sell them.  I make them because it is a joy to do.  I work a 40 hour a week job for the Ag. Research Service and I pastor a small church.  Always something or someone pulling me in a different direction.  I can turn in the lathe or sit down and checker a box or whatever and the world kind of melts away for a while.  Never did it for money or notoriety, I just love to build calls.  That being said, when I give a call away it is on my terms.  A grown man who has the means to go hunting has the means to buy a call if he wants it.  Someone just getting started is a bit of a different story and I like to help that kind of person.  Just last week an 8 year old girl from church asked if I would build her a call.  Just as fast as I got the chance I turned her a Purple Heart slate and was tickled to do it.  (Ironically her mother hasn't been real happy about it.  Evidently she has been calling turkeys everyday in the house)  I guess my point is we all make calls for different reasons and we all get to decide what is tolerable for us.  I won't make a blanket statement about giving stuff away because every day is a new day and I may just act differently tomorrow.  But for today, I love to give them away on my terms.   

Sent from my SM-G930R7 using Tapatalk


Boys, do what I've done the last few years. When someone asks for you to give them a free call, ask for their name a phone number. If they asks you why you need that? Tell them it's so I can give you a Free Call!

I've delt with so many free call askings over the my history of call building that I couldn't begin to count how many promises people try to feed you to get one. I only make free ones for the people I hunt with or a family member that hunts with us. You even have to watch some of the family members, they ask for a call to give to their best friend for a birthday present, and then tell you they had great success using your call and would like 4 more to give to their friends. I say sorry, but if their friends want one, I do sell them. If you have to give them something just to be a big shot or to gain their friendship, they aren't worth have as a friend anyway!
Wisconsin Turkey and Turkey Hunting Pro-Staff


Quote from: WillowRidgeCalls on May 23, 2016, 10:11:14 PM
Boys, do what I've done the last few years. When someone asks for you to give them a free call, ask for their name a phone number. If they asks you why you need that? Tell them it's so I can give you a Free Call!



Wow thanks for the responses everyone! I guess what sparked the thread was when I got asked to make a couple of calls (which johndoe needed by the weekend) for a big shot that was coming into a fellas work. This guy makes in the $150,000 range salary a year and was asking for freebies because he could "get my name out there". I love giving people calls who are just getting started or close friends and family or just a little bit less fortunate than others.. This guy brags about how many hunts he goes on all over the country every year. If he can spend that kind of money on hunting he can surely afford to drop some $$ on a couple custom turned calls.

Mueller Custom Calls

-Mark Mueller