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Saw something new this morning

Started by SinGin, April 18, 2016, 07:03:44 PM

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You can believe this or not, if I had not been there I do not think I would.

In December 2 years ago I was quail hunting with two birddogs, both were wearing Sonic beeper collars.  These are very loud low tone collars that beep every 7 seconds and then every second when the dog points.  I kept hearing a noise at a distance, I could not recognize the noise but at first I thought it was someone working a gravel road about 3/4 miles away with a blade.  Dogs went over a rise in the cutover next to some very large pines that go down to a creek and then came back to heal.  My dogs will NEVER heal when hunting.  They insisted on staying with me as I went across the rise.

By now the collars have switched to point mode and both are beeping every second, did I mention they are very loud.  when I topped the rise the noise was coming from inside the large pines.  When I got about 100 yards away I could recognize some individual turkey sounds.  There were two distinct group of long beards that were in some kind of major fight and all were calling at the same time.  Birds were strutting, no gobbling but a lot of purring and clucking.  A turkey would fight with one for a few seconds then blow up and fight with a different bird.  I counted 23 long beards and I am sure there were more.  These turkeys let me walk close enough to them with two bird dogs at heal with beepers going off that I could have shot one of several.  I could not have shot each of them because they were spread out over a little less than an acre and I was carrying my 16 gauge open choke bird gun with 7 1/2 shot.  It is a double barrel and I know I could have killed one and would bet that I could have killed two.  The turkeys that were closest to me flushed and lit again about 40 yards away, then the battle continued at a leisurely pace through the woods with groups of birds flushing to fly a short distance then others flying to them and fighting. They broke into two separate groups as they left but both groups continued to fight but not so aggressively as they had been originally.  An old man stood with two bird dogs at heal with beeper collars blasting and watched them for about 3 minutes as they left.  The dogs were not the same the rest of the day.

Now the part that is really hard to believe.  The first day of the following spring season I went to that cutover sure that I would hear turkeys in all directions and did not hear a peep. 


I've seen birds fight a few times. A few years ago I saw a gang of jakes about kill a gobbler. 5 of them wore this gobbler out. It was brutal.

Cut N Run

I saw a pair fight like there was no tomorrow about 15 years ago.  It was shockingly loud and they didn't seem to care what was in their way.  They scrambled up and thumped the crap out of each other.  it was really impressive how after each other they were.

Another day 6 years ago I was hunting at my old lease in the first week of the season and heard gobblers in the distance at dawn, but nothing once they flew down.  I saw some hens cross the ridge and move down the draw about 60 yards off in the direction of the gobbling. All was quiet for the next couple hours, so I decided to move to higher ground. I checked around to see if anything was close before I stood up and right when I did, I heard fighting turkeys less than 100 yards from me.  I started purring on my slate and a group of 4 hens and 2 gobblers moved in range. Only one of the gobblers left with the hens.

Luck counts, good or bad.


Have only seen it once in almost 30 years of hunting them, a great experience . they were really going at it, jumping up spurring , one would go rolling and come right back for more!
Have heard it some more times, but only saw it once. Hoping again, soon.


I've never seen two gobblers really go at it but one deer season I had a group of turkeys and a few sandhill cranes feeding out in front of me when a gobbler and a crane started fighting. That gobbler was serious with them spurs,  it got pretty violent for a minute till the cranes left.
Genesis 1:26
   Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground."