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Need advice helping old men fullfill bucket list-- i.e. Rios and Merriams

Started by Larry Mac, March 31, 2011, 03:53:17 PM

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Larry Mac

One of the old men is me and my bucket list is to get  a springtime slam next Spring.  I retire after 37 years of teaching and coaching in high school in June, and while still healthy and upright I would love to accomplish that goal. But as a retired schoolteacher with  minimum funding I need the most economical way to get a Rio and Merriam. I have heard  about self hunts in S. Dakota which sound  interesting.But I have not  etched any plans in stone just yet.
I would appreciate any ideas and feel free to PM me if you'd rather not broadcast your advice out in public.  I should be able to reciprocate  in 2013 with an Osceola Hunt if that interests you. But right now I am just feeling out different ways to accomplish this.  Thanks, Larry


Your best bet for a "cheap" merriams that is almost guaranteed is to apply with the Indian Reservations in South Dakota (I think).  Do a little research and find the ones with the best reviews.

For a Rio, there isn't much public land in Tx but you can go on some day hunts that usually run around $100/day or so.  You can also hunt public land in Central to West Kansas or in parts of Nebraska.

Congrats on the retirement and good luck in your quest
People who don't get it, don't get that they don't get it.


Larry, if you are in FRS, and Rick Scott's proposed pension "reform" (bend over and grab your ankles) goes thru on July 1st, as he wants it to, then you may wish to retire on May 31st. That puts you out in the required month ahead of the July 1st changes.
I'll send you a PM with some Rio & Merriam affordable hunts.


I'd look at NW Nebraska or SD for Merriams.  There is no guarantee that your bird will be solid white, but it is possible. 

I'd go with western KS or OK for a Rio.  I haven't hunted there, but the opportunities look pretty good to me.

I hunt public land, so I expect competition, but thats about as cheap as you'll get.


I might be able to help you with a Rio. If you are interested send me a PM.

RIP Marvin Robbins




You have a rare bartering tool to help you with this quest - you have access to private land in Florida with Osceolas on it.  I would sugest that you use that to your advantage  and trade for a nice hunt.  There are plenty who would swap for that.

Larry Mac

Yesy I hope that helps--but I will only be able to  reciprocate in  2013 as I hope to be busy next year :you_rock: