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Started by tha bugman, January 24, 2016, 05:48:26 AM

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tha bugman

I have a shotgun I got in 2013 new.  It performed flawlessly in all conditions duck dove pheasant targets.  Flawless until last year...on a duck hunt it started hanging if I loaded 3 shells.  If I loaded 2 it would work.  Anyway took it to my gunsmith who cleaned it and said that he had fixed it (great guy so I'm not slamming him). But I did take it out for the first time yesterday and lo and behold first shot it shoots and hangs up....now I don't trust it don't want it in my collection I want it gone.  However, I don't want to give it away....but I'm honest enough I'm not going to sell my problem to someone else without telling them what's going on.  How should I handle this? 

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what kind of gun is it


i would first check the spring in the magazine,if it has gotten weak it may be causing this,also clean the magazine tube out if your gunsmith didnt.i would also try some hotter shells and see if works with those.if these things fail i probably would want to get rid of it also.i would be honest with whoever is interested and let them know like you said,and try to agree on a price thats fair. but first i would try to fix it,something is causing this and more than likely it can be fixed,you could also contact the manufacturer and see what they say,it may be something simple and you dont want to take a loss and find out its something simple.try to get to the bottom of it before you decide to sell.


Agreed with above. It is most likely the magazine spring, or the tube could be dirty causing the spring to hang up at some point. I would first try replacing that.  If it fixes your issue find another gun smith as well.
"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."--Thomas Jefferson


I had the same problem with my 1187. took it to gunsmith. He torn it down and cleaned it and now works like new...