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how would a person turey hunt out of a treestand

Started by WV TURKEY THUG, May 15, 2013, 06:26:27 PM

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Its suppose to rain tommorow and I'm going to try a get my brother his first gobbler or anything with a beard besides a person lol.
How would a person do this I got a decoy feeding hen should I just call like normal? Its in a place that I've seen turkeys and heard turkeys before I've been hearing a goodbit In this area. I've really never even thought about how to do this. Its the last week of season hear and I ain't missing a day unless something very very serious happens plus id like to get my brother into turkey hunting.

West Augusta

Thug, what part of Almost Heaven you from?  Marion County here.
Not sure that I would go for a tree stand.  I would just hunt as you would normally.  If you want to get your brother hooked, there is nothing like a longbeard gobbling in his face at 20 yards.  If that doesn't get him hooked nothing will.
Sounds like you have a good area.  Good luck.

I'll be out tomorrow also.  Trying to tag out.
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Wetzel county. Ill probably will hunt the same unless someone has a good stratagie for hunting out of treestand .I wish my ground blind didn't break. Its a pretty good holler I've heard as many as 8 turkeys at one time this year there before season though.

West Augusta

Well neighbor, if you got 8 gobblers there, you have an excellent holler. :TooFunny:
If you need help, I can be there in a few minutes.   :TooFunny:
Good luck to you and your brother.  Hope ya double tomorrow.
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West Augusta

Get you some good rain gear.  I've taken my best gobblers during and just after a rainstorm.  Don't let the rain stop you.
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Yea it ain't to bad of a holler one of my honey holes I got 6 honey holes 95% of the time there will be one gobbling in one of these holes everyday I went this year I heard atleast 1. besides 1 day but I saw turkey on that day.. I started scouting mid march. But I just can't connect with them very often I got one this year it had 5 other gobblers with it. Bit good luck to u also. Don't kill them all lol.

West Augusta

This has been a very strange year for turkey hunting for me.  I do have one here already and one in Oklahoma.  I'd still like to tag out.  I have a couple located but nothing like you. Trying the Witches Grave tomorrow.
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And it has been a very odd season. And if the most of the hens are suppose to be on the nest when season begins as wvdnr says they are. then there must be a lot of hens around if there still breeding. Wv doesn't no what there talking about half of the time. Seems every turkey I try to call in has ahen roosted with him. I was trying to work a single Jake a couple.days ago because I just so happen. To be 70 yds away from him when it turned daylight. and he had even had a hen with him. Watched them both fly down and down into the holler they went. Seems most of the birds this year in my area are going and staying in the bottoms I think there up to no good lol. But it also seems like every time I hunt the bottoms there on top. I'm having the worst luck. Well not the worst but u no what I mean lol.

West Augusta

The Witches Grave is a locally know area between Mannington and Fairview. The hollow where I hunt is where a so called witch was killed.  There is still a hex sign in the rafters of the barn where she was killed.  Her body was taken further up the hollow and buried un an unmarked grave. 

The lady that owns the hollow now was a friend of my Grandmothers and my mother.  She hates deer and lets me hunt there.
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West Augusta

The bird that I am after roosts over the creek channel in a very thick part of the hollow.  It is very hard to get him out of there.  He is also still with the hens.  I watched a hen lead him up the hill to the Mountain Laurel thicket.  He never gobbled once and she only yelped twice with a half flydown cackle coming off of the roost.  This is where I killed my best bird a few years ago.
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Did u make it out this morning. I didn't looked like some had a strobe light infront of my window when I woke up this morning its was lightning bad. So I said the heck with that I'm going back to bed . Then I woke up around 9 30 sun was a shining shoulda went then but I decided to do some work around the house. But for the next two days I'm going out no matter what I will wait in the truck tillthe lightning quits if I have to. I should no where every turkey is when it quits lol.

WV Ridge Reaper

I heard one bird this am about 3 times.The wind was blowing hard here


Never tried it myself, but I have heard from trusted sources that they will fly up to get a look at you. I did manage, in both cases, to convince the teller to stay on the ground from then on.