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Florida / GA hunters - Post results and findings.

Started by FL-Boss, March 23, 2013, 09:07:56 PM

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Florida / GA Hunters – what are you seeing out there?  Report your results so far. Please post your location, results, what the birds are doing, etc.  All my hunting is right on the FLA/GA state line in the north central Florida.

Here is my season so far.
Opening weekend – perfect in every way... dream morning. Weather was great.. a little on the cool side for this time of year here...but better than hot. Bugs haven't been bad at all yet.    Birds gobbling from pre dawn until about an hour after. Large groups of hens chasing the dominate toms.  I killed a nice bird on Sat opening morning... shot and missed the next day on a bigger one. 

Last week -  got to hunt Thurs and Friday.  Didn't hear any gobbling Friday morning.  But the weather wasn't the best... lots of wind....  I did see some turkeys crossing roads ,etc.  Had some hens around my blind in the PM hunts.  Hens see to moving on and doing their own thing now..  Didn't see any groups of birds this week like opening weekend.


My opening day experience was just like yours. Early gobbling and hens running around crazy. I got a bird. Its been raining off and on all morning today. Probably try again this evening. I'm in SE GA.
Harper Johnson


Hunted Chiefland FL area last weekend and killed a great 4yr old around 615pm opening day,  came in alone spit drum one time. We killed 5 birds in 3 days we were early IMO yet, did see some larger groups of birds strutter's and subordinates. Decent gobbling on the roost a little late morning and very little in the afternoons.

Hooks Custom Calls Prostaff member

NWTF Diamond life member, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Life Member, NWTF Nationals Hunting Call Competition Judge, Hooks custom calls striker builder, WI, MN & IA State Friction Calling Champion.


Last weekend I hunted in Polk COuty Florida, and the birds were real tight lipped.  Opening morning the 16th, I only heard two birds.  I ended up getting lucky shooting a nice Tom that afternoon. 

This weekend I hunted Jasper County, GA.  Yesterday morning I heard 7 birds. I was playing guide for acouple of guys who had never shot a bird.  We got set up on the closet birds, and just as soon as we got settled we started hearing hens, and they sounded like they were right there with the Toms.  ANyway long story short they flew down got right with the toms and that was it.  Later in the morning we managed to get another bird to gobble, but he was pretty far off and nothing came of it.
This morning it was adown pour at first light so I slept in, and went out when the rain slowed down, and hunted from 9AM until 2:30PM, and didn't hear a peep after covering a lot of ground.  I'll be back after them Friday.     


Very little gobbling on my properties. We did manage to kill one Saturday but he only gobbled 5 times maybe. Jakes were fired up strutting and gobbling Saturday afternoon. Also watched 3 strutters late Saturday with hens. Nothing I threw at them made them want to participate   


I'm in eastern, central FLA. Turks have been strutting and gobbling for a couple of months now, and are still following the ladies. Just finished a 3 day hunt on public land. Birds gobbled every day, and saw lots of strutters, and even watched a tom breed a hen. Its perfect!! :icon_thumright:


Started hunting this afternoon...will be hunting until Friday AM. Didn't hear anything this afternoon.. but rarely ever do in afternoon hunts around here.  Did have a hen walk by the blind.

The AM is when it gobbling happens. Opening weekend was real strong.. seems to have gotten quiet since. I will have an update on North Central Fla tomorrow. Been real cold... frost again tonight.


Birds gobbling real good before sunrise while they are in the tree.  Once they hit the ground they get quiet and assemble with hens.  Although I did have one bird gobble a few times until 8am or so.. but in that case I was just hunting on a small piece of property and couldn't go after him on the other property.


Central Florida birds are gobbling good until about 9:30 about the same in Ocala and its dry,there are water holes that have never been dry that are dry now

Old Gobbler

Polk County Gobblers on fire right now , hitting on all 8 cylinders -  gobbling hundreds of times strutting , fighting - running around  - the whole nine yards -
:wave:  OG .....DRAMA FREE .....



Didn't hear a peep this morning until after 8am.  At about 8, it was like a light switch was turned on... had 2 gobbling their heads off for about 30 min ... then went silent.   This is just the opposite of what has been happening... in the past few weeks they have been gobbling hard on the roost , very little after fly down.

Had one about 100 yards away.. but couldn't get him in closer.  Back at it on Friday when all this rain is done.


Anyone hunting near Butler (Taylor County) Georigia? If so hows the bird activity? I'm gonna be going the last week and would like to know if they're still active.

If you want to walk the heavenly streets of gold, you gotta know the password, "Roll, tide, roll!"
                                                        -Bear Bryant


I've been on 3, 3 day hunts on public land in Putnam and Jasper Counties, GA. Great gobbling every time. Found 2 groups of 6 toms, in 2 different, locations opening weekend. Couldn't close the deal then but came back next week and killed one tom from each group, Mar. 29 & 30.  I took my girlfriend the next week. Had many loud gobblers everyday and got to work birds in close a couple of times, though no kills. One morning, my girlfriend slept in, and I counted 8 different birds gobbling at various distances around my position.

Heading to the North GA mountains tomorrow evening to hunt 3 more days on public land there. It should be about the best time to go up there. Weather looks perfect so far. Hoping to call in her first bird ever. This is my 24th year turkey hunting, and it's been one of the most excited seasons ever--although I probably say that every year. I could tell stories on and on, but this is just about gobbles, so I'll go shut mouthed now.