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Traveling Turkey Hunters

Started by TRKYHTR, January 23, 2013, 07:49:40 PM

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Any of you traveling turkey hunter check airline tickets lately? They are outrageous. Almost double the normal. Anybody know why this is?

RIP Marvin Robbins



Not sure if I got lucky or not, just booked a flight for mid April to Colorado and it was one of the cheapest I've got in a few years.


Friend just booked Phx to Denver for 138 RT.


I haven't started checking yet but I don't like the sound of that. . . .


Been watching prices for a few weeks and they went up $30 today.  Hopefully they go back down....


Was going to take a hunt down in Texas this year for the first time, but the price of an air ticket made me decide to put it off for another year or maybe forever if the price remains so dang blasted high! From where I live in northern MN. its a 22 hour or so drive to Texas, and at my age I'm not going to do that trip in a stright drive. So, 4 days of driving to do a 3 or 4 day hunt just isn't worth it to me anymore.
Going to do a hunt in northern MO. this year instead. I can drive there in a little over 8 hours or so.


I heard the airlines were raising rates after the first of the year but I did not hear why.  I booked my trip to Nashville and paid $480 round trip for two prior to Jan 1.  Just this week I booked a trip to Orlando for my Osceola hunt and it was over $1000 for two so I used up most of my air miles instead.  I know one thing that hurts us "Traveling Turkey Hunters" is the Spring Break college kids the airline like to raise rates during spring break.  Sign up for Southwest specials email alert sometimes you can get a good deal but be quick to get them the deals go fast.