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All AR Style Rifles Have Been Pulled From The Shelves !!

Started by vaturkey, December 18, 2012, 09:26:06 PM

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Quote from: longspur on December 21, 2012, 08:05:18 AM
The second amendment was not put there to make sure we have sporting guns. It was put there to make sure we have weapons to protect ourself. An 1100 won't do you much good aganst a gang with AKs. Reason don't fit in anywhere. Thats why we're in this mess. Last time I looked, cocane was aganst the law. How much do you want? Nobody at that school had a weapon to protect themselves. That was the problem. But we're supposed to be good little liberals and vote for some more gun laws. Evil is here,always has been and always will be. We should be able to protect ourselves aganst it. What is a criminal anyway? Somebody who don't care what the law is. Sorry about the rant. Maybe turkey season will be here soon.

Also very good points.


Sorry for all the quotes. I was late to this party lol. Lightsout has once again impressed me with his wisdom and the way he backed up his claim.

These ar's are no more or less dangerous than any other weapon. Ever hear of an accidental shooting that involved more than one shot? Me neither. The bottom line is bad guys will get what they want!!! The good guys will be lucky to defend themselves with slingshots if democratic liberal liars and sheep have there way. My xd9 has 16 rounds in it ready to protect my family if need be. Do you think they wont try to take that also? I can buzz lead out of it pretty darn quick too.

I bought a colt 6920 for coyote hunting, plinking, and defense. I'm hoping my oldest boy (9yo) takes his first deer with it during youth season. Also they are lego guns. Tons of configurations and possibility's as far as accessorizing and building the exact gun you want. No other gun out there lends itself to this. None. 

This ban isn't at all about gun control. It's about control.


Do you honestly think they would stop at ARs given the chance. Say they ban ARs and try to get folks to turn them in (fat chance). Then some guy goes into a school with a 870 loaded full of OO buck. The 870s will be the next thing they will be after. Soon you will be hunting with single shots, sling shots, and bows. Glad I bought my AR before the rush. Getting ready to put some pmags on gunbroker. Can't believe what people are paying for them.


Quote from: Oconeeguy on December 20, 2012, 06:27:13 PM
Personally, I don't want or NEED an assault rifle, and I won't miss those particular style of guns if they are outlawed. Two friends have them and i have had fun target shooting them before. You never saw firearms like these when i was growing up in the 60s and 70s. Friends, relatives and I read outdoor magazines, hunted and shot at targets (mostly paper targets, bottles, phone books, milk jugs with water, etc.), but I never knew anyone that had an assault rifle. So they are a fairly recent addition to the firearms that are available.

So why do we NEED them anyway? Why do we need access to any darn thing that goes BANG? I have always thought that fishing with a hand grenade or RPG might be fun and productive, and it would certainly be great for "self defense", but do i have a legal right to have one, and more importantly, should I?  NO

I have hunted since I got a BB gun at age 5 (over 50 yrs ago) and will continue to as long as i can.

I'm much like you. I don't own a .223 of any style. I actually owned a Colt AR-15 for a while in the 80's, but never even shot it. However, there is danger in your thinking. A couple of adages come to mind. One is "divide and conquer" and the other is the quote about "hang together, or we must certainly hang separately". If we don't ALL support the rights of others to own and shoot whatever type of firearm they choose to own, the anti's will simply chip away bit by bit. I think hunting turkeys with a crossbow or muzzleloading shotgun would likely be challenging, but I don't particularly want to be forced to use them exclusively. First, assault type rifles, next it will be all semi-auto's (remember, to an anti, automatic is automatic), then shoot, why would anyone have a need for a handgun? You can't go deer hunting with a snubnose .38 anyway. Right?

CT Spur Collector

Sorry Oconeeguy, the last time I looked, it was STILL the "Bill of Rights not the bill of needs". 
CT Spur Collector: Life Endowment Member, NRA!

CT Spur Collector

I always like to listen closely when this crap takes place. The gun grabbers always say " were not interested in taking or restricting your hunting rifles and shotguns".  I always say "right, NOT YET".

It's coming. Get prepared.


Let's just remember. In the next few weeks we will start to get some type idea what will happen to our rights.
And since the forum covers every state, we will need to keep track of every Senator and Congressman or Congresswoman  that votes against the 2A and make sure this vote puts them out of a lifelong job.
I have always voted straight party and this is  the first time I thinking of splitting my vote.
Call or email them to let them know.
This my friend will be the start, they must remember that they work for US and that we don't work for them
If we let Government get to big, there will be no stopping them, on anything


IMO Lapierre is making the wrong argument with the idea of armed guards in every school. With school budget cuts in alot of districts I don`t think his case is going to get alot of traction. Here`s an idea why don`t we train some of the school administration; who would be interested; on handgun safety. Give them a permit to carry in the school. This may curb the idea in some persons mind to trying something stupid.



Quote from: lmbhngr on December 23, 2012, 05:59:28 PM
IMO Lapierre is making the wrong argument with the idea of armed guards in every school. With school budget cuts in alot of districts I don`t think his case is going to get alot of traction. Here`s an idea why don`t we train some of the school administration; who would be interested; on handgun safety. Give them a permit to carry in the school. This may curb the idea in some persons mind to trying something stupid.
Clinton said that in the 90s and was called a genius,but the NRA says it and they are the devil, hmm.Ya know if this Gov.would quit sending our tax money to places that hate us,maybe we could afford armed security,after all they always say"its for the children".