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Should Christians Support Obama?

Started by redarrow, May 09, 2012, 02:26:28 PM

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Only those who claim to be Christians and are blind to all that Obama does would vote for him.

A person who truly is a Christian.........I honestly don't see how one could vote for him.


To each their own.  Every voter must view the facts for themselves, not believe what the media tells you or vote for who your pastor/sports star/movie star/etc tells you to, and then vote their conscience.

I've pretty much given up on both political parties.  I want the gov't out of my personal life to the greatest extent possible and neither party is going to get that done.

I probably should have gotten a few more turkey hunting related posts in here before jumping onto a political topic.  ;D


Amen to every word of that! We all know how we got here and we know exactly what we must do to return this great nation to it's Godly heritage. We must learn to stand on our knees before standing in line to vote. "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV)" this is our number one neglect. We as a society seem to be more interested in being heard among men/media than connecting with the true answer to today's issues. This is our chance to redeem this nation through the power of a sovereign God. Let's seize the opportunity and reclaim what Satan stole from us.


Quote from: gatrkyhntr70 on May 09, 2012, 08:44:20 PM
Answer is NO! How can any reasonable thinking person support this guy??
:z-winnersmiley: :agreed:


I'll save you the long answer and simply say NO!!!
NWTF Booth 1623
One of my personal current interests is nest predators and how a majority of hunters, where legal bait to the extent of chumming coons.  However once they get the predators concentrated they don't control them.


Pray for---Yes!  Support---Yes but only when he makes Godly decisions!  That is why we need to vote!  If any elected official isn't following what this Great Nation was founded on, God (In God We Trust,  One Nation under God) then we should vote them out of office.  Hate the Sin but Love the Sinner!  We need Godly Men and Woman in Public Office and it's our duty as Christians to see that this happens (1 Samuel 12:23-25)


   My first thoughts are to post something sarcastic or witty, but the state of our country has gone beyond the point where that is even an option anymore for me.  I don't know if it is age, life experiences or just  recognizing that this is not the America I grew up in. 
    I have really had to look deeper at why I believe what I believe to get beyond the point of sarcasm and wit, as that has often been my response in the past.  Each day seems to bring new evidences that the climate of this nation has turned away from seeking God to please self.  The roots of this problem go back to the earliest days of history when satan wanted to be "like" God, or equal to God.  It seems our government, R's and D's alike have sold their "convictions" to the highest bidder -  the ones who would grant them the most financial gain and the most power. 
   I honestly feel like I am grieving the loss of a nation.  I remember going to ballgames as a kid (KC Royals) and standing in awe as the National Anthem played, the flag waved in the breeze, the ball players to the man stood with his hat over his heart intent on the flag, mouth moving to the words of the anthem.  I stood with chill bumps and a kind of reverence.  At this same time, the Vietnam war was drawing to a close.  I remember bits and pieces of news reports around the time of the fall of Saigon.  I remember going to Boy Scout meetings, Vacation Bible School and Elementary School.  They had something in common... each one began with everyone in attendance placing their hand over their heart and saying the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States.  I remember the fascination I had with my grandpa's marksman medal, which I am proud to own now.  I read and re-read the descending tags noting his qualifications with rifle, machine gun, pistol, bazooka... I remember admiring the purple heart and bronze star awarded posthumously to my uncle who was killed at the age of 18 in Korea, burned alive in a hut while giving aid to the occupants of the hut.  I never got to meet him, but I doubt he would recognize this nation that he gave his life for. 
   I am sickened to go  to a high-school ball game where, out of fear of legal action, they no longer pray for the safety of the players before the game.  I am sickened by turning on the television to find sitcoms that degrade the sanctity of marriage and make a joke of traditional family values and glorify lifestyles that go directly against the teachings of the Bible and decency as a whole.  I am amazed by online responses to news articles from politics to science that mock God and refer to the Bible as a "fairy tale".  Anger boils inside me as I read such responses, then I picture Jesus weeping over those "posters" just as He did over Jerusalem, a society that on one hand longed for a Messiah, but couldn't recognize Him as He stood before them. 
   I'm afraid that we have reached a tipping point in our nation.  Part of me wants to say that the results of the election in November will be the nudge that pushes us one way or the other.  In reality, that nudge needs to begin now.  There is no time left for people who truly love this country to just complain.  If you don't agree with decisions or policies, by all means, contact your elected representatives and voice your concerns.  Real HOPE and CHANGE, though, will only come by a II Chronicles 7:14 approach:

2 Chronicles 7:14

New International Version (NIV)

14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Lights Out custom calls - what they're dying to hear!


Quote from: lightsoutcalls on May 10, 2012, 10:26:05 AM
   My first thoughts are to post something sarcastic or witty, but the state of our country has gone beyond the point where that is even an option anymore for me.  I don't know if it is age, life experiences or just  recognizing that this is not the America I grew up in. 
    I have really had to look deeper at why I believe what I believe to get beyond the point of sarcasm and wit, as that has often been my response in the past.  Each day seems to bring new evidences that the climate of this nation has turned away from seeking God to please self.  The roots of this problem go back to the earliest days of history when satan wanted to be "like" God, or equal to God.  It seems our government, R's and D's alike have sold their "convictions" to the highest bidder -  the ones who would grant them the most financial gain and the most power. 
   I honestly feel like I am grieving the loss of a nation.  I remember going to ballgames as a kid (KC Royals) and standing in awe as the National Anthem played, the flag waved in the breeze, the ball players to the man stood with his hat over his heart intent on the flag, mouth moving to the words of the anthem.  I stood with chill bumps and a kind of reverence.  At this same time, the Vietnam war was drawing to a close.  I remember bits and pieces of news reports around the time of the fall of Saigon.  I remember going to Boy Scout meetings, Vacation Bible School and Elementary School.  They had something in common... each one began with everyone in attendance placing their hand over their heart and saying the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States.  I remember the fascination I had with my grandpa's marksman medal, which I am proud to own now.  I read and re-read the descending tags noting his qualifications with rifle, machine gun, pistol, bazooka... I remember admiring the purple heart and bronze star awarded posthumously to my uncle who was killed at the age of 18 in Korea, burned alive in a hut while giving aid to the occupants of the hut.  I never got to meet him, but I doubt he would recognize this nation that he gave his life for. 
   I am sickened to go  to a high-school ball game where, out of fear of legal action, they no longer pray for the safety of the players before the game.  I am sickened by turning on the television to find sitcoms that degrade the sanctity of marriage and make a joke of traditional family values and glorify lifestyles that go directly against the teachings of the Bible and decency as a whole.  I am amazed by online responses to news articles from politics to science that mock God and refer to the Bible as a "fairy tale".  Anger boils inside me as I read such responses, then I picture Jesus weeping over those "posters" just as He did over Jerusalem, a society that on one hand longed for a Messiah, but couldn't recognize Him as He stood before them. 
   I'm afraid that we have reached a tipping point in our nation.  Part of me wants to say that the results of the election in November will be the nudge that pushes us one way or the other.  In reality, that nudge needs to begin now.  There is no time left for people who truly love this country to just complain.  If you don't agree with decisions or policies, by all means, contact your elected representatives and voice your concerns.  Real HOPE and CHANGE, though, will only come by a II Chronicles 7:14 approach:

2 Chronicles 7:14

New International Version (NIV)

14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Well said  :agreed:  :jesus-cross:

lonnie sneed jr.


:help: :agreed: :mycross: :bible: :cross2: :jesus-cross: :smiley-patriotic-flagwaver-an   



Quote from: lightsoutcalls on May 10, 2012, 10:26:05 AM
   My first thoughts are to post something sarcastic or witty, but the state of our country has gone beyond the point where that is even an option anymore for me.  I don't know if it is age, life experiences or just  recognizing that this is not the America I grew up in. 
    I have really had to look deeper at why I believe what I believe to get beyond the point of sarcasm and wit, as that has often been my response in the past.  Each day seems to bring new evidences that the climate of this nation has turned away from seeking God to please self.  The roots of this problem go back to the earliest days of history when satan wanted to be "like" God, or equal to God.  It seems our government, R's and D's alike have sold their "convictions" to the highest bidder -  the ones who would grant them the most financial gain and the most power. 
   I honestly feel like I am grieving the loss of a nation.  I remember going to ballgames as a kid (KC Royals) and standing in awe as the National Anthem played, the flag waved in the breeze, the ball players to the man stood with his hat over his heart intent on the flag, mouth moving to the words of the anthem.  I stood with chill bumps and a kind of reverence.  At this same time, the Vietnam war was drawing to a close.  I remember bits and pieces of news reports around the time of the fall of Saigon.  I remember going to Boy Scout meetings, Vacation Bible School and Elementary School.  They had something in common... each one began with everyone in attendance placing their hand over their heart and saying the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States.  I remember the fascination I had with my grandpa's marksman medal, which I am proud to own now.  I read and re-read the descending tags noting his qualifications with rifle, machine gun, pistol, bazooka... I remember admiring the purple heart and bronze star awarded posthumously to my uncle who was killed at the age of 18 in Korea, burned alive in a hut while giving aid to the occupants of the hut.  I never got to meet him, but I doubt he would recognize this nation that he gave his life for. 
   I am sickened to go  to a high-school ball game where, out of fear of legal action, they no longer pray for the safety of the players before the game.  I am sickened by turning on the television to find sitcoms that degrade the sanctity of marriage and make a joke of traditional family values and glorify lifestyles that go directly against the teachings of the Bible and decency as a whole.  I am amazed by online responses to news articles from politics to science that mock God and refer to the Bible as a "fairy tale".  Anger boils inside me as I read such responses, then I picture Jesus weeping over those "posters" just as He did over Jerusalem, a society that on one hand longed for a Messiah, but couldn't recognize Him as He stood before them. 
   I'm afraid that we have reached a tipping point in our nation.  Part of me wants to say that the results of the election in November will be the nudge that pushes us one way or the other.  In reality, that nudge needs to begin now.  There is no time left for people who truly love this country to just complain.  If you don't agree with decisions or policies, by all means, contact your elected representatives and voice your concerns.  Real HOPE and CHANGE, though, will only come by a II Chronicles 7:14 approach:

2 Chronicles 7:14

New International Version (NIV)

14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

I couldn't of said it better myself.  May GOD save us from ourselves.


Oh boy, this one is near and dear to my heart.  I apologize ahead of time for this spew of thoughts...

I agree with the general consensus here that the country has certainly drifted from the original Christian principles that our forefathers instilled.  Nobody wants to bring up the importance of religion in this country anymore.  Not in schools, not at work, and not even on hunting forums.  
Sadly, I don't think Christians showing up at the voting booths in November will make the difference we all need to take this country back.  It may be too far gone – there's a lot of stupidity out there that can't be fixed.  I'm not saying we should bend over or anything, but I work in an inner city and I see a lot "Obama 2012" bumper stickers.  These are people, sadly a good chunk of the U.S. if you look around, that are barely making a life for themselves by mooching off the government.  They're happy, though.  Every day, I drive by streets full of houses with porches full of people drinking and relaxing in the mid afternoon sun.  They aren't at work, though there are companies hiring and they could get jobs.  Fifteen years ago, those same streets were nice and the homes were respectable.  Now, the front yard lawns are up to their asses, the bills are overdue, the kids are malnourished, the cars are all on blocks, but by-God everyone around there has managed to get their iphones, 40's, and designer shoes.  I don't get it.  

I had an experience about two months ago that broke my heart.  I have a two year old son and we were grocery shopping in Wal-Mart (not my first choice).  Well, I'm looking at the lady in front of me, who has five kids climbing all over the place.  She has the conveyor full of name brand junk food.  She's very obese and her kids don't look all that healthy either.  I then look at my cart and see that every item that my wife has picked out is the generic store brand items and has some sort of nutritional value.  I shrug it off until I notice that the lady pays for all hers with some sort of government WIC card.  It hits me that  we have the money to splurge on name brand stuff and junk food, but don't because we remain cognizant of our budget and know that those things aren't necessities.  Well, this lady then proceeds to buy each of her kids a candy bar with cash from her purse through a new and separate transaction.   Apparently, WIC won't cover those.   It broke my heart inside because I had just told my son that he didn't need any candy because we don't need to always spend money on things like that.  We are obviously blessed and have the money for such things, it was just the lesson and it was quite upsetting...

Most of these same people will openly admit that they like the idea of voting for someone with a minority background (black) that can relate to them.  Really?  Barack Hussein went to Columbia and then onto Harvard Law School.  I bet his Ivy-league prep years really mimic their upbringings.  Regardless, it's their right as Americans to vote for whom they wish, but until people actually start to consider a candidate's moral fabric into consideration, this country is going to continue to be led in this direction.  We need all people to be moral again.  People will mimic the actions of their leader, so being a strong non-swaying Christian is important.  Moral people won't take advantage of this country, it's people, it's laws, or it's systems.

Pass it on...


Uncle Bucky

Honestly,  no, as a Christian my duty and loyality lies in Christ and God

I truly believe from his actions and words he is a Muslim

His belief in letting a late term abortion survivor just lay on a table and die is disgusting as a human and against what Jesus preached.

This country was built by the grace of God, we survive and succeed by the grace and glory of God to which we owe.  Hence why we must be the one to protect those on earth that cannot protect themselves.

Obama must go