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The line up

Started by TauntoHawk, March 30, 2012, 11:56:00 AM

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another thread just made me think of this when a guy asked a call maker what's the ONE call he would take into the woods if he could only have one.

So to spin off that question whats your starting line-up?

1 - Pot Call
1 - Mouth Call
2 - Strikers
1 - additional call (box, locator, tube, wingbone)

AND THATS IT.. what are you selections from your stash of calls, the question made me realize that I have 4 brand new pots and 11 stikers just for this year and was really thinking about another. Last year I went so light I didnt even wear a vest probably 10 out of 14 days and I have no idea how im going to narrow down my choices with no field time for any of the new calls yet. I dont even want to talk about my mouth calls some of are still in the packaging.

really interested to hear the answers guys, especially from the call makers and collectors that have basicly a never ending selection of call combonations.
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dirt road ninja

I carry about 9 - 12 mouth calls and usually only end up using 2 or 3. I use the diaphragms the most. On my belt I carry 2 pots 1 aluminum and 1 copper. The aluminum gets used way more than the copper. I keep my crow in my top pocket and it is used pretty often. That's my line up most of the time, it'll change a little every once in awhile.


These are the new calls just from this year.. this is what happens when your season doesn't start til the end of April... you have way too much time after deer season to sit around and think about turkey leading to too many purchases

My line up would be:
Hooks Assassin Aluminum
Executioner II
Neal's Paduk striker and gobblerstoppers Carbon
twisted sister would have to be my additional with the ivory tipped Cocobolo striker
<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="l4hWuQU"><a href="//imgur.com/l4hWuQU"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
