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season structure pro's and con's

Started by VanHelden Game Calls, February 01, 2012, 10:48:11 AM

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VanHelden Game Calls

Recently there has been renewed discussion on a WI site I visit.  The discussion is about the possibility of changing WI spring turkey season to a continues 1 season  / 0 zone structure.  WI now is set up for 5 week seasons and different zones.  You must apply, but with the generous tags recently if you apply for each week you are pretty certain a tag.

This works well to spread out the hunters, and makes for a very enjoyable hunt.  It opens private land up to at least 5 people because of the week seasons.   In fact with the little pressure per week you can hunt 1 bird for a few days without interruption and can "safely" even run and gun.

Cons of the season are vacation schedules because you do not know what week of the 5 week season until about February 1st.  That intern makes it hard for out of State hunters and outfitters.

I am against this 1 season/zone idea. 

I agree we could go otc with the tags, by selling a predetermined amount of tags per season and zone first come first serve starting January 1st. Plenty of tags available so know one would be without, and everyone has a chance to get first week. 

I am against removing periods and zones.  This is what is so nice about WI turkey hunting.  I hear the horrors of other states, the interruptions, shootings, etc.  We have high hunter satisfaction and are leading or close to leading in success rates.

Am I blinded to other benefits of a 1 season structure?  Benefits that outweigh the hunter satisfaction and safety of controlled season structure?


Things happen...bad weather, sickness, emergencies, work problems...all of which could completely wipe out your turkey season if you only have 1 week that you are allowed to hunt.  In GA we have a full open 7 week season and I don't think we would have as many turkey hunters here is each of us only had 1 week to hunt.

VanHelden Game Calls

Correct family issues and weather play a big role.  But  I would think sickness and such would effect very few.  Weather has caused problems. It happened last year, but luckily we have enough tags that many tags were left over to be purchased for later time periods. Those wanting to hunt were able to make arrangements to make it happen.

Concern over hunter participation.  WI has a very strong hunter participation for the spring hunt, I do not see a problem getting hunters.  I do have concerns over an increase of hunters in an uncontrolled season structure, wearing camo, and bringing in game using vocal calls.   WI has a super low accident rate with the current structure.

And do those items trump hunter satisfaction and safety?


Interesting...you have to apply for a seaon AND a zone as a resident??   Never hunted up there so have no clue to your state.  Here we have a total of 4 seasons, one after the other and each is a little bit longer than the previous with exception of the last season, the longest and runs for near 3 weeks.  Residents are allowed two tags, one for the last season and any one of the other three seasons.  Bow hunters get to hunt all four seasons.  No zones for residents...state wide tags.  I think out of staters have to hunt zones though.

I really like the state wide tags...offers up much more opportunity

VanHelden Game Calls

Yes you apply for zones and seasons.  You can pick every season and can add alternate zones.   We have 5 seasons all 7 days long.  Any leftover tags may be purchased at 1 a day until sold out.  I was able to hunt 2 times last year as well as my buddies and we are in the toughest zone for tags.  Tags are available for all who make the effort.

We have a fall season as well that runs over a month and is either sex.  Limited but generous tags there as well.

I am all for increased opportunity and a simplified process. But I think it makes sense to take a balanced approach and not swing from 1 extreme to the other.

OTC, make 2 tags available for each hunter.  Split tags evenly among seasons for each zone.  And you may purchase 1 a day.  This gives a increased  and fair opportunity by eliminating the lottery, increases tag allotment and keeps the safe and controlled hunt. 

WI has kept track of the numbers so figuring out how many tags to sell per zone should be no problem.

Does this make sense?  


Yep..I get it...very generous tag allotment!!  Nice!  Here, if your hunting first season and you don't connect...your done till fourth season with one tag left.  No extra tags if you connect in a season...


its an interesting system, are they the only state to do it that way?

Id be glad to come do a review if someone wants to invite me out next year.. promist to be unbiased  :z-guntootsmiley:
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I wouldn't like it.  Here in WV season opens Monday April 23 and runs 4 full weeks, excluding Sunday.  You have 2 tags that are included in your yearly hunting license.  Tags are state wide use.   Then in the fall you have 1 either sex tag.  Now, some counties don't allow turkey hunting in the fall, but this is the only limitation.  I just don't see where WI season/zone is any safer, and only serves to restrict hunting to those that have more vacation, don't work, or are luckier.  Again, this is all based on your description of the regs.

My biggest beef with not having Sunday hunting.  Many of my friends have to work 5 days a week and just can't take vacation to hunt, so they have 4 days or less to hunt each spring.  Sunday hunting has been voted down on a county by county basis.  I think it should be controlled by the state just as all the other hunting regs are.


I am from Wisconsin and like the way the season structure is now, with zones and season dates.  It allows you to buy more tags if you want for later seasons,  $10 a piece and it allows you to find more hunting places as farmers will ask you what season you have and not allow another hunter that season.  A lot of times its just you and the birds, with that being said I still find em harder then heck to kill. :laugh:  Scoot